What the World Needs Now…

Oh, this is soooo exciting. Well, to me, at least. I decided to upgrade my free blogsite, and buy a real site, so you have yet one more URL to deal with, but this is it. Honest. Trust me. With many thanks to my friend Barbara, who built the site for me. https://coffeebreakescapes.com is now up and running. She wasn’t able to move the subscriptions from the last blog over to this new URL, so I’d really appreciate you subscribing one more time and following me around on the web. With all the social distancing of the moment, it’s the closest I can get to an in-person hug. And I like hugs. You’ll find this site is new, improved, different, and built by someone who knows what she’s doing—my friend, Barbara. Alas, it’s still the same old me. 

Like my previous blogs, I’ll be discussing a bit of this and a tad of that, and sharing some of my photos, and perchance some of my writings. Now and then something from the news. I’ll keep you up to date on the Podcasts, which I know you’re interested in. I’m hoping to have a Grand Launch Party by the end of the month. You’re all invited. 

Speaking of photos—the blue background visible on a full-screen computer if not your phone, is of the Columbia River taken on one of my walks. The header—flying bird—is a pelican, gliding over the Yakima river where it joins the Columbia. Living on the Columbia I have opportunities to take pictures both from my walks along the river, and from my patio. My apartment looks out on Bateman Island Wildlife Refuge, and earlier this spring, I saw a gossip session out on the flooded sand bar. Photo taken from my patio using a telephoto lens.

Gossip Session
Canada goose, Great Blue Heron, four American White Pelicans
The hump on the pelican indicates it’s breeding season. Both male and female develop them then shed them by the end of the breeding season.

A couple of people have asked why I’m using ‘Auntie’ Lenora in my blog and podcasts. Auntie is a term used to refer to elders by Indigenous cultures (world-wide, actually) whether related or not, and I am after all, part Catawba and African. Though I am an Auntie to several adorable nieces and nephews, now I can be Auntie to you, too, if you’re in the market for a new auntie. Of course, if you don’t want a new auntie, we can be friends. Yes, I’m admitting to being an elder by using the term, but it doesn’t make me feel as old as I probably am and should embrace.

I have spent the last week enjoying an ear worm. (Is that the right phrase? I know it isn’t a Ceti Eel!) At any rate, because of the situation in the outside world, I’ve had a song going through my head, and I don’t mind. Really. In fact, I’m going to share it. It’s from the ‘60s, by Burt Bacharach and there are several recordings of it on YouTube, and I like them all. Here is Jackie DeShannon singing What the World Needs Now Is Love. If you don’t remember it, give a listen. If you’ve never heard it, give a listen. Check out the lyrics and see if you don’t agree with me.

Have a great week. Remember to laugh, sing a little, dance like no one is watching and be sure to stop by again. Same bat time, same bat channel. The coffee will be made, the biscotti are homemade, and we always have time for a short break. Remember to stay safe, stay healthy, and to care for and love one another—because one another is all we’ve really got.

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