What is Freedom? Part 2

Happy National Firecracker Day. Frankly, since the Supreme Court has once again made slavery legal in those States that want it, I’m not in a celebratory mood. Fortunately, Washington, Oregon, and California, as well as about half the other States, are not going along with it.

Weather in the Tries: (It’s ok to drool. Better yet, come visit)

What is Freedom? Part 2

Continuation of the Rant, but somewhat toned down. Maybe.

I’m still mad as hell. Why does a minority of conservative Christians think they get to force everyone to their way of thinking? Why do they think they have the only true way to live? What makes them so sure theirs is the One True god? When they die, I hope they are judged by their god according to the tenets they are trying to cram down the majority’s throat.

Who cares if Jack and Joe want to get married? I don’t. How will their marriage affect yours? It won’t, unless you are currently married to either Jack or Joe, then you might have a dog in that fight. And if Jack and Joe decide they want to adopt or hire a surrogate, good on them. I’ve known a few gay couples who raised great kids who were not gay. And the kids were far happier with two dads or two moms than many I’ve known in a traditional marriage. Especially a marriage where the man of the house thought he was the head of the house in all things and the woman of the house his indentured servant, to be freed on either her or his death. Yes, I’ve known a few like that, especially in the evangelical churches to which I at one time belonged. 

Gayness is a pathology, not a psychology. It is not a choice. It’s hardwired before birth. And if it’s so wrong then why does that evangelical god create them that way? He’s really mucked up, isn’t he, if roughly 10% of his created humans are LGBTQ? Oh. Wait. Humans weren’t created, they evolved. Everyone knows that, don’t they?

As you by now know, I don’t do numbers. But there is an excellent article on the literal cost of overturning Roe v. Wadethat I think you might like to read. Seriously. As the author, Kate Bahn says, “Bodily autonomy interacts with self-determination across society, including the economy.” It’s not a long article. Read it. Think about it.

If you’re of childbearing age, and you think you’re smart enough to know your own body (and if you’re a friend of mine, you are), I think you might want to get yourself a good education and immigrate to some country in Europe, or perchance Canada. Someplace where there is a stable government, with a long shelf-life, and where religion is relegated to that part of society to which it belongs—the church, temple, synagogue, mosque, etc. Take your education someplace where it, and you, will be appreciated.

If you’re in a same sex relationship, consider moving you and your spouse, and children you may have, and do the same thing. You owe this country nothing. They certainly don’t want you here. And with your education and brains, go where you’re wanted and respected. If you work for a large multinational company and you can transfer within your company, by all means consider it.

You don’t know how it hurts me to write what I just wrote. I’m a veteran, I served my country for 9 years 5 months 23 days, and was proud of both my service and my country. Well, most of the time my country. Remember what I said last week about ignorance being a treatable condition? Well, I’m undergoing treatment. It truly is Amerikkka. Please consider my time in service a gift to you and for you. I truly don’t know if I think it’s even worth fighting for at this point. Maybe I’m just old and tired. If I didn’t live on the enlightened west coast, I think I’d try for some other country. Perchance the Netherlands. Maybe even Scotland and go for one of the outer Hebrides.

If you aren’t free to love the person you love, openly and without fear, you aren’t free. If man-made laws forbid you to love someone for any reason, you aren’t free. If marriage means giving yourself completely to the one you love, but only for a certain minority, it’s a poor marriage. Years ago, I was a rape crisis counselor, and in the training we took, we learned some interesting facts. Somehow, I don’t think they’ve changed much, and they certainly put a different light on these new laws. The most cases of incest came from evangelical families where the man was the head of the house. Are you surprised? Think Roman Catholic Church. Think Southern Baptist Church. Nobody can love his little girl like Daddy can.

Photos of the Week:

Mama Two Duck and her babies. They are at least double in size.
They scrabble up the bank fairly quickly, and Mama was right behind.

Books: Remember, if I finish a book, I review and post it to http://lenoragood.blogspot.com and I have four new ones added.

Encore presentation from June 11, 2013

Oh Myyy! (There Goes the Internet) —by George Takei.


244 pages  3605 KB

Footnotes/Endnotes: no

Suitable for eReaders: yes

5 Stars

I bought this book for my Kindle Fire, and ‘saved’ it for a special occasion. That came on the day I spent 10 hours in the hospital while a friend had open heart surgery. I not only enjoyed the book, but, believe me, I needed it! (The surgery was a success, thanks for asking.)

If you’re of an age, and believe me, I am, and faced with the intricacies of Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and the rest of today’s technologies, this is the book to read. No, it isn’t a ‘how to’ book, it’s a great romp through George Takei’s learning and mastering same. He makes it sound so simple, so easy, and at the same time, doesn’t make me feel like I’m such a dunce.

It’s like having Mr. Sulu explain all the electronics on the bridge of the Enterprise in language I can actually understand. (But, in that dreamy bass voice of his, would I even hear the words, or just the music?)

For anyone with a great sense of humor, who loves all the geeky stuff, who loves cats, the internet (ok, and George Takei;-) this is the book for you! A fun read, just what the Doctor ordered! Take with lots of laughs, a few chuckles, and a humongous smile!

My only complaint was the pictures were small, and I couldn’t get them to expand. That’s not Mr. Takei’s fault, that’s Mr. Kindle’s fault. 


I Am Woman

This is Me

It’s OK to Be Takei

Quotes on Being Different from Happier Human

“Normal is not something to aspire to, it’s something to get away from.” – Jodie Foster

“In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.” – Coco Chanel

“It’s really important to share the idea that being different might feel like a problem at the time, but ultimately diversity is a strength!” – Carson Kressley

The Brave Dog says he’s the ONLY Sammy Brave Dog in the whole wide world, and he knows he’s special, and different, because his human tells him so. And he wouldn’t have it any other way—and neither would his human!! And he’s possibly the only reason his human will remain in the States, because just about any country she’d be interested in has a quarantine requirement for pets, as well they should. It’s a choice Sammy’s human does not want to face.

5 thoughts on “What is Freedom? Part 2

  1. Val Owen

    Very well said my friend….. and sadly it is certainly the horridness of our country now…. unbelievable…take care and sending you hugs…val

  2. Mary+Winfield

    Right on, Sister!!! Keep tellin’ it like it is!
    We shall overcome (again, hopefully) tho
    Doubt I will live to see it, The ratio of idiots
    Being what it currently appears to be…

  3. Ed Stover

    Appreciated Rant #2 and I don’t blame you for being bitter, Lenora. I, too, am very concerned. I am also optimistic that in time cooler heads will prevail. There is no way that this misguided decision is going to turn the clock back 50 years. The younger generations coming up aren’t going to stand for it. That doesn’t make the current situation any less a bitter pill to swallow. But I do think in time the extreme right is going to have to back off. Am I naive? Perhaps. Time will tell…

    1. Lenora Good Post author

      Thanks, Ed. The current justices are something else–even praying with people before they hear their arguments. Uh, isn’t there something about separation of church & state?

      Anyhow, next week’s rant is the third and, I hope, final one for a while. I really hate to rant. Much more fun to talk about Mama Two Duck and her two small fry. Uh, ducklings.


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