Tag Archives: Lucasmas

Yes, I Didn’t See My Shadow

Weather in the Tries:
Cold is relative. When it’s low humidity cold isn’t so bad, when the humidity is high, cold is miserable! This coming week, temps during the day will be high 40s ~ low 50s. The ice is gone from our pond, and the lows at night will be mid to high 30s. No freezing on the agenda. At least not for this week!

Yes, I Didn’t See My Shadow:
Writing this on 2 Feb 24, yes, Groundhog Day, one of the bestest holidays ever! I took the Big Chihuahua for a walk shortly after the sun came up, and I am pleased to say, I did not see my shadow. I did not see the Brave Dog’s shadow. I did not see a shadow at all. Yaaaaayyyyyy. Winter is about over!!

The reason this is a forecast primarily for those in the PNW is because I don’t know how far my forecasting capabilities go. I figure Phil’s is good for the East Coast people, and I’m good for the PNW, possibly all the West Coast. Perhaps the Continental Divide is our dividing line? What do you think? At least Phil and I agree this year. 

Photo of the Week:

Near the summit of the Umtanum Pass. The pass was socked in except for this area. On our way to get Favorite Grandson so we could all spend Lucamas together. That’s our name for celebrating his birthday and our Christmas. It was the first time all of us were able to be together for a few days in a long time. Favorite Daughter really needed to spend time with her Favorite Son. 

from the desk of the brave dog:
my human and i got a real walk in today. it was chilly, but the sun shone down on is and that was good. then my humans left me for a long, long time. i didn’t know if they were ever coming home and my food bowl was empty. they finally came home and fed me then housemate dan took me for a nice walk.

what i really want to tell you is that my human will be the featured poet on tuesday night at the cobalt café. sign up here–https://poetrysuperhighway.com/cobalt/list.html if you want to come. she says it will be fun, but i’ll probably be in the bed keeping it warm for her. that’s one of my jobs. i also keep the humpfulumpuses off the furniture, the hippos out of the parking slots, and the giraffes and the alligators out of our pond. by the time i’m through with all my chores, i’m pretty tuckered and need a nap.

Quote of the Week:

“No day is so bad it can’t be fixed with a nap.” ~ Carrie Snow