Tag Archives: Business Card f/u

Didn’t we vote to stay on one time???

Weather in the Tries:
OMG! We’re only going to have ONE night of 32F temps, and all our daytime highs will be high 50s and even high 60s. Oh, be still my beating heart! Uh, no, don’t be still, but, well, you surely know what I mean, doncha?

Didn’t we vote to stay on one time???
I think we did, unfortunately, we voted to stay on Daylight Savings Time, which means it must be approved by congress, and you know they aren’t going to approve any such thing. According to the medical stuff I’ve read (and understood), we’d be better off if we stayed on Standard time, and THAT doesn’t require congressional approval.

The older I get the grumpier I get in the week following the time shift. So, Auntie Lenora is Aunt Grump this week. Deal with it!

And, I’m late again in posting. Deal with that, too;-) That’s because I spent yesterday afternoon napping with the Big Chihuahua and making and pinning the quilt sandwich of that loooooong and skinny quilt. I am going to start quilting it today, I hope.  

Today I have my “Let’s get to know each other” interview with End of Life WA. Perhaps, with enough coffee, Aunt Grump will take a hike before then. Do ya think?

Business Cards:
Follow up on my cards came, and they were beautiful, except where the “Dea” of Death wasn’t silvered. I randomly checked through all 500 cards, and it was missing on the several I checked. I called Vista and they immediately said they would replace them, and that I could keep the ones I have and use them in the meantime. Nice people to deal with!

Way Back When:
I had a long arm quilting machine. When I sold my house, I had to give it up as it took up too much room. As I recall, there were two rollers in the front, the quilt backing was loaded on one, the quilt top on the other, and the batt was pulled up between them. I had my batt in long tub on the floor, and wouldn’t cut it until the quilting was finished. Everything was rolled onto one roller at the back of the machine. So, I was watching a randomly picked quilting show on YouTube the other day, and the quilter showed how she makes her sandwich. She went to her favorite hardware/lumber store (a quilter’s best friend after the fabric store), bought some pre-finished 1”x2” and taped her fabric for a sandwich to them, rolled them, and voila! Looked like a great idea, so I went to my favorite store, bought an 8’ piece of same, and they were kind enough to cut it for me.

Came home, cut my fabric and batt, got it rolled, and yesterday, I unrolled it in segments, sprayed adhesive on it, pinned it, and rolled the the sandwich into a single roll that will sit in my lap as I run it through the sewing machine. I’ll re-roll it, and repeat until it’s quilted. However, one should NEVER work on a quilt when one is grumpy, so it may take a day or two until I get to it. When you quilt and are grumpy or angry, bad things happen to the quilt and you spend a whole lot of time picking stitches out and do-overs. 

Anyhow, here is a picture of the long skinny quilt on 3 rollers. In this case, the backing is plain muslin, but if it was printed, it would be rolled with the print on the down/outside, and you’d see it on the roll. Note, it is wider than the batt, which is also rolled and flattened, and then the top, which is rolled so the print is on the top as it’s unrolled. For you quilters out there, it is a neat trick, and I wish I could give credit to the quilter who showed it, but it came up randomly and I wasn’t paying attention. Bad me. Truly. I do enjoy giving credit when and where it’s due.

Photo of the Week:
rolled fabric. exciting, huh?

from the desk of the big chihuahua–
i don’t know why my human is so grumpy or sleepy, but i love it when she’s sleepy enough for afternoon snuggles and naps. she gets grumpy now and then, but seldom at me. it is getting warmer outside, the cold will surely be gone soon. then it will nice for longer walks. if you want to go walking, and you come to visit, my human will go with you and take me. walks are fun.

Quote of the Week:

“Dear daylight savings, I asked for more sleep. Not more sun.”


Soundtrack of the Week:

Dune Part Two by Hans Zimmer.
We’re going to the movie this week.