On A Lighter Note

People who worship war gods 

should not whine when they become the target.

Weather in the Tries:

Monday 78, Tues/ Wed 50% rain. It will rain 50% of the day, or there is a 50-50 chance of getting it? The rest of the week will be in the 60s, with the lows in the 50s and 50s. Yippers, methinks Fall has done started to fell.     

On A Lighter Note:

I met with my personal trainer on Wednesday, and Boy Howdy! did he put me through the paces. In fact, we couldn’t finish. Okay, I couldn’t finish! I will have a 4-day workout. Monday, I’ll do what Trainer Daniel taught me. Tuesdays and Thursdays, I’ll take a pool class for those of us who have arthritis, and Saturday, if I’m still alive, will be free swimming. I may also swim after the Thursday class, but after the Tuesday class I go to breakfast! Fruit plate & 2 slices burned toast.

Yes, that’s what she writes on the order. Cookie can’t bring him/herself to actually burn it, but s/he gets it very well toasted—crunchy all the way through. Yummm. I usually eat one slice toast and a tad less than half of the fruit. Then I take all leftovers home and have the rest either for dinner or breakfast the next day. Yummmm 2 times over.

Favorite Son came for a visit and a walk on Thursday. We walked something like 2 miles. Had a great visit and stopped at Popular Donuts at the half-way point. I had coffee and ONE donut hole. He had a soda. Then we walked home. I can’t believe I only had one, but that’s all I ordered. Yes, I am patting myself on my back. At least what I can reach of it.

Saturday, I went to the gym to go swimming. BWAHAHAHAHAHA! It’s been about 30 years since I’ve been swimming. Boy Howdy!!! Am I out of shape! I could remember how to make the strokes, but my body couldn’t remember how it should move. I could move my head and arms, but I couldn’t keep my pelvis and shoulders in correct alignment. I did get two laps in. Somehow. (The pool is 25 meters long, Olympic sized) Helpful Housemate Dan says I should try the Butterfly Stroke. 😉

And Sunday Favorite Offspring and Favorite Grandson, Good Friend, and Auntie Lenora, met for lunch at The Tav in Ellensburg for a grand lunch. I was totally bad—ate two small fried mozzarella string cheese, a fistful (thank goodness I have a small fist) of deep fried green beans, a half a hamburger, half my fries. Brought the other half fries and burger home for lunch the next day.

I’ve also found a way to have ice cream and feel virtuous, not guilty! My morning meds are taken with coffee. My endocrinologist blessed it. But my noon and evening meds (vitamins) have been more forgotten than taken because the larger ones are too uncomfortable to swallow. Hmmm, maybe if my throat was cold??? So, I got a spoonful of ice cream put part in my mouth, added the pill, and swallowed. Finished the ice cream with the other pill. Perfecto Mundo!!! Goallllllllll!!!!! So, I get two spoonsful of ice cream a day. And I’m using the teaspoon not the soupspoon! And I’m finally dropping some weight. Isn’t there a song about a spoonful of ice cream helps the medicine go down…??


We talked about paperwork. Isn’t that exciting? Actually it kinda was. Wills, Advance Directives that outline wishes for EOL care—comfort, pain, etc. Living Will and Healthcare proxy or agent. And a Funeral Agent! Did you know about a funeral agent? I hadn’t. But a funeral agent is a person legally entrusted by the dying person who is responsible for post death logistics.

The funeral agent will be quipped with your dreams. This varies state by state, so put it in your Will! List your wishes for funeral, clothes you will wear, name you will go by, who will be your preferred speaker. That person may or may not be your partner, your parents, your children. 

Then we talked about a Death Plan. Again, most of us had never heard of one, let alone completed one. It’s recommended we fill out four—plan A, B, C, D. A is best case scenario, B is under limiting circumstances, C for traumatic, accidental, and D is for violent post death only. This Death Plan is to communicate your wishes, what you want and your person is trusted to carry your wishes out.

A death plan should be updated every year or so (like on your birthday?) because your situation will change. Kids will grow and go, divorce happens, other people die, your taste in music, speaker, etc. change.   

From Sunday’s Drive:

Favorite Son drove today, so for once I was a passenger and could take photos from the car.

These are the Horse Heaven Hills. There were a couple good-sized fires as you can see in the bottom picture. Hard to believe since the hills are so brown, but they were named for the lush growth of Bunch Grass and Sagebrush on them. The Cayuse would bring their horses over to the hills to eat, get fat, and a glossy coat. Hence the name, Horse Heaven Hills.

From the Paws of the Big Chihuahua:    

My human went away yesterday, and she says I have to go with her tomorrow to get my shampoo and set. I like the people okay, but I don’t like the water. Can’t they use cornstarch or something that isn’t wet to get me clean? Why do humans like water so much? They stand in it, like an indoor rain, and sing because they’re so happy. And they swim in it, too. Humans are really strange. But, as long as my human loves me, I’ll try to keep her warm at night.:-)

“When you surround an army, leave an outlet free.

Do not press a desperate foe too hard.” 
 sun tzu, The Art of War

Or, if you prefer,

always leave your enemy an honorable way out,

for an enemy cornered has nothing to lose.

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