Category Archives: Uncategorized

What is Freedom?

Weather in the Tries:

Monday (today) is gonna be a scorcher at something like 103F. The rest of the week will be in the high 80s and low 90s. Doncha wish you lived in Kennewick? Lots of warm, low humidity.

What is Freedom? 


I have been reading Begin Again, James Baldwin’s America and its Urgent Lessons for Our Own by Eddie S. Glaude, Jr. I ‘know’ Professor Glaude from his many appearances on MSNBC, so when his book came up for a vote in my book club for one of our readings, I voted for it. As did everyone else. By 24 Jun 22, I was almost finished and started reading Chapter Seven. By the end of the second paragraph, a quote from Mr. Baldwin, I was struck by the parallels between Amerikkka’s treatment of people of color—black, brown, copper, gold—and her treatment of women. I finished the book, and just can’t get that parallel out of my head bone. Many thanks to the poet Dee Allen for that oh-so-true spelling of Amerikkka.

The part that struck me, reads: “We tolerated bigotry and discrimination…I think there is a kind of smog in the air that’s created by the history of slavery and lynching and segregation, and I don’t think we’re going to get healthy, I don’t think we can be free…until we address this problem. But to get there we’re going to have to be willing to tell the truth.” The italics are mine. The Supreme Court has taken the freedom away from women to have autonomy over their own bodies. If you do not own your body, someone else does. The one is a slave, the other the master.

Justice Thomas wants the Court to look into a few other laws on the books, like same sex marriage, sodomy laws, etc., but I notice one he did not bring up is Loving v. Virginia. I think that one should be looked at next, don’t you? How would he vote on that one? Or would he man up and recuse himself? Or would he realize what a vindictive, little man he is? No. He wouldn’t see that. But that one will stay on the books because it directly affects him.

This most evangelical court wants to go back to the 1950s when Father Knows Best was the law of the land. When women stayed home and raised children and didn’t compete in the workplace at far lower salaries. They want a theocracy, not a democracy. Send them to Iran!

They think they are making points with their god for doing this, and maybe they are, but they are not getting positive points from the vast majority of Americans. The last four justices confirmed to the Court, knowingly lied during their confirmation hearings. And it is all but impossible to get them out of there. They waffled about not being able to discuss possible actions on hypothetical cases, they told Senators who were concerned about Roe v Wade that it was “settled law” and couldn’t be changed. They lied. And they knew they lied. It was settled, the rule of precedent should have been enough, even if they didn’t agree with it, but the first opportunity they had to gut the women of this country, they gleefully did so. And they are sighting in on other things to further eviscerate female anatomy. Excuse me, autonomy.

I’m not sure why they are so afraid of women that they can’t visualize a healthy woman as being a healthy work mate, a healthy partner, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. But they, too, are slaves to a small god who can’t rule his followers on his own but must anoint small men to do his dirty work.

Fortunately, I live in an enlightened state on the west coast, where the governors of California, Oregon, and Washington have pledged to keep Reproductive Freedom and Health between a woman and her doctor. I feel very sorry for my sisters who live under patriarchy in states that do not respect them. These are not pro-lifers who are against abortion. They are pro-birthers, or as I was just informed, they are not pro anything. They are forced-birthers. Once the baby is born, they want nothing to do with it. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Nyet. Non. Not their problem, little mother. S/He’s all yours.

I can’t wait for people to start suing the evangelicals in state and federal government for practicing medicine without a license. 

And what will this ruling do to our military? Women are in combat roles, they must remain combat ready at all times, like the men. Oh, women shouldn’t be in combat roles, should they? Says who? And why? Women can shoot an M16 as well as, and often better than, a man. I know. I had the 2d highest score when my company qualified at the firing range. The top gun, so to speak, was on the rifle team. I was invited to join that august group but declined.

What will it do to our economy? Nothing good, that’s for sure.

Because my boss taught me a long time ago to never bring a problem to her unless I brought at least one possible solution, I bring you two possible solutions, though they may not be easy for some of you. 

1. Remember to vote this November, and vote those who want to make this country a theocracy out. Vote Democrats in (even if you don’t like them) and get Roe v Wade codified into law by Congress. The only people who should make a medical decision about your body are you and your doctor! (Remember, if you don’t want an abortion, no one can force you to have one.) 

2. (swiped from Bette Midler’s twitter feed) “Stop abortion at the source. Vasectomies are reversible. Make every young man have one. / When he’s deemed financially & emotionally fit to be a father it will be reversed. What’s that? Did the idea of regulating a man’s body make you uncomfortable? / Then mind your fucking business.” Doncha just love the Divine Miss M? 

And I leave you with one more quote from Begin Again, “George Santayana, the Spanish-born American philosopher, was right to point out that “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.’ But what he didn’t say is that those who willfully refuse to remember become moral monsters.” (Italics mine)

Freedom is owning your body!

Photos of the Week:

Mama 8 Duck with her new babies. We have three new families. I hope they grow enough to fly south in a few months.
Canada Geese will combine all their babies, and all the mama geese will herd them, and keep them safe. Ducks aren’t so nice. They will attack baby lings who are not theirs.
The babies hardly show up. In the water, they’re easy to see. When still, on land, more difficult.

Books: Remember, if I finish a book, I review and post it to

Begin Again, James Baldwin’s America and its Urgent Lessons for Our Own —by Eddie S. Glaude Jr. I’ve always considered myself fairly well-read. I read a pretty eclectic assortment of books. I don’t much care for straight Romance, Mathematics, Horror, or Spy genres, but I’ve been known to read in each of those now and then. So how did I never read any of James Baldwin’s books? I knew the name, I recognized his photos, but I don’t think I’ve ever read any of his writings. I now have six of his books (audio) on my phone and am on my way to treating my ignorance. (Remember, ignorance is a treatable condition; stupidity is not.) I remember Angela Davis, Stokely Carmichael, Martin Luther King Jr, the Freedom Marches, but not Baldwin.  My ignorance is shameful, but treatable. This book is amazing, and it may be a few days before I get my thoughts in order and the review up, but it will be five stars, so don’t wait for the review to get your hands on a copy. And, if you’re like me, and tend to underline, and or write marginalia, be sure to buy your own copy, and have your pens/highlighters handy. I don’t know why, but Librarians get so fussy when books are returned with notes, underlines, etc. on the pages. I’d find it helpful to know where all the important parts are.


Wade in the Water  

You Gonna Reap Just What You Sow Yes, they are old-time Gospel. What? You ask, am I doing with gospel music? I like some of it. Especially these, with a goodly hint of Blues. Perhaps more than a hint;-).

Quotes on Slavery come from Goodreads:

“Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves.” —Abraham Lincoln

“Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.”—Abraham Lincoln

“Daddy once told me there’s a rage passed down to every black man from his ancestors, born the moment they couldn’t stop the slave masters from hurting their families. Daddy also said there’s nothing more dangerous than when that rage is activated.” ― Angie Thomas, The Hate U Give

And a fourth quote, paraphrased, from General Sun Wu (aka Sunzi, or Sun Tzu), “Always give your enemy an honorable way out, for a woman backed into a corner has nothing to lose.” I do believe I hear the rage a rumbling, do I not???

Sammy Brave Dog says for me to chill, that it won’t be long until I become the Empress of the Universe, and then I can do what I want. Well, that’s not quite true, but close enough, eh? And, little desert dog that he is, he’s loving the warm weather. 

…and that’s the truth!

Weather in the Tries:

Okay, last week someone accused me of jinxing our weather. Actually, it was mostly warm, and considerably warmer than it had been, but if it makes y’all feel better, then, yeah, I guess I jinxed it. And to make up for it, this coming week we’re heading very close to HOT. Y’all see what I mean, Jelly Bean?

…and that’s the truth!

Grab yourself a cuppa or a glassa and read a nice story. A true story, and though it had nothing to do with my moving here, it is one of the reasons this place has such good vibes.

I put in a work order for a grab bar to be placed on the wall between my tub/shower and toilet to give me a secure hold to get into/out of the tub/shower. The Assistant Manager (AM) called me last Tuesday and asked if the Maintenance Guy (MG) could come by on Friday to put the bar in and fix the drawer in the kitchen. I said, “But, of course. If no one is here, he can come on in.) I had every intention of putting a note on the wall where I wanted the grab bar before I left on Friday. On Thursday, I came home, and the grab bar had been placed in a place, and at a level, that it was totally useless for me. It was not where I wanted it. On Friday, I went to the office to explain. I walked in the door and the AM got up from her desk and all but ran to me.

She apologized profusely, but the MG (who is new to the complex) got our apartment (1) mixed up with the neighbor’s apartment (2), and the people in 2 were not happy campers. They stayed home all afternoon waiting while MG was putting their grab bar where they wanted it in my tub/shower.

AM said they had another bar and would come later that afternoon to put it up. I said that was fine, but to do the other one first. The lady in 2 uses a walker, or a wheelchair, and lately I’ve only seen her in the chair. AM then told me that they (the couple in 2) used to live upstairs, and she had surgery and could no longer do the stairs. So, the AM, and the Manager, and the Maintenance Crew and all their significant others and or spouses (is the plural of spouse, spice?) got together one Saturday (a day off for all of them) and moved the couple from their upstairs apartment to a downstairs apartment, lock, stock, and barrel.

And, yes, after twenty plus years in the Aerospace Industry, I still use Acronyms and Abbreviations. Maddening, isn’t it? But at least I know the difference!

Photos of the Week:

Yes, we had a bit of rain this past week. Not really rain rain, as one finds in Florida or New Mexico (and which I miss terribly), still it was enough to pock the water, and keep the dog in.
And I’m working on a new quilt. It will be about 24” x 40” when all sewn together. The title is Slava Ukraini. I’m still deciding on how I want to place the blocks but am thinking seriously of this lay out. Gotta better layout? Please let me know. 

Books: Remember, if I finish a book, I review and post it to

I believe I’ve mentioned before I belong to a book club where we all read the same book, then get together the first Sunday of the month to discuss it. I normally don’t care for those kinds of groups, but this one is a lot of fun. Anyhow, this month’s book is Begin Again: James Baldwin’s America and its Urgent Lessons For Our Own by Eddie S. Glaude Jr. Now, I’ve seen Professor Glaude many times on MSNBC as a contributing pundit. He teaches Black History at Princeton, and I always enjoy his spots when I see them. The book came the other day and I’m probably three fifths of my way through it. It’s fascinating. For all the nonfiction I read, why have I never read James Baldwin? I haven’t a clue. To segue into a slightly different area but still related, I also belong to Chirp. Audio books I can afford. On Sunday, one of the offerings was a book by Baldwin. I ended up ordering six books by him, all audio, for $18.00 and change. I couldn’t buy either ebooks or paper copy books for that.  I am determined to learn to love audiobooks.

I do have a problem with them, I need to give them the same attention I do when reading. I can’t drive and listen, as I get too involved and find my eyes drifting to the radio to ‘see’ what’s next. I also can’t usually do other things while listening for the same reason, though I’m going to try listening while walking. 


Ludwig van Beethoven — Moonlight Sonata (3d Movement) by Tina S Cover. Fair warning: this is heavy metal. If you don’t like heavy metal turn your volume way down and watch anyhow. Absitively posolutely some fantastic guitar playing. Stretch your musical ear a bit. It’s only 6 minutes long. And if you’re listening through headphones, as I do, turn it down. As fascinating as she is, not worth losing a couple ear drums. I did say it is heavy metal, didn’t I? And if you like heavy metal, try Dragon Force—Through the Fire and Flames — Tina S Cover (she was fifteen years old!) Although I don’t think my dad would have appreciated the heavy metal, I think he would be in awe of her playing. Daddy was far more of the classical, Spanish guitar.

Quotes on Kindness supplied by Reader’s Digest

“You cannot do kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

“What we all have in common is an appreciation of kindness and compassion; all the religions have this. Love. We all lean towards love.” —Richard Gere

“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” —The 14th Dalai Lama.

Sammy says he rather likes the fence we put up, but he’s still not going outside unless one of his humans go, too. Which is a good thing since we apparently have a resident eagle in the complex. Sammy is, as his ex-foster-mother told me, owl bait. And if an owl can haul him off, so can an eagle. Although Sammy weighs a bit much to be carried off, he could still be attacked. His humans like the new fence as it tells the neighborhood boys to quit walking thru ‘our’ yard.

It’s Finally Summer in Kennewick

Weather in the Tries: 

Warm. Sunny, some clouds, a tad bit of rain now and then. Nice.

It’s Finally Summer in Kennewick:

We’ve actually had a couple days in the 80s, and a couple days without clouds! I do, however, at times think I’ve gone through some sort of time warp because all the cloud activity makes me think I’m back in Seattle. We’ve also had a little rain, much to Sammy’s disgust.

There are at least 3 sets of geeselings in the ponds. The one that hatched a few weeks ago and are coming into their adult plumage, one that is a couple weeks younger, and one that is relatively brand new. Same with the ducklings. I’m trusting the little lings will all be able to fly south when the time comes.

The grow up so fast.

So, didja y’all watch the Hearing on Thursday? Are you reading this now during a break in the Hearing? As much as I dislike Liz Cheney politically, I give her points for her opening remarks. Yowsah!! Regardless of which side of the aisle you gravitate to, I hope you are watching the Hearings on the channel of your choice. History in the making.

Photos of the Week:

Those darling little lings are just eatin’ them thar bugs and keeping the critters to a decent population!

Did I mention a bunch of us went over to a friend’s for a birthday party and fire-pit time the other night. A good time was had by all, and we enjoyed celebrating the birthday with a bourbon chocolate cake. Sorry, no pictures of that, but

Careful, it’ll burn ya

And last but not least, I took this shot the other day of a Heron in Herron Lake (yeah, I know, but that’s the way they spell it. Maybe it was built by the Herrons? I dunno.

Still as a statue

Books: Remember, if I finish a book, I review/post it to

Read two books this past week one is a collection of poetry and prose (not unlike my book, The Bride’s Gate) but somewhat smaller, and a lot funnier–Talking Smack to The Dead by Walt Peterson. His review is posted.

The other is a Legal Who Done it, May it Please the Court, by Daniel Maldonado. He needs an editor.


It just isn’t summer without a little Summertime by three different people (Okay, four, Ella & the Satchmo really are two different people) I had no idea Willie had made such a recording and I don’t think it’s all that old. Anyhow, listen to them all for a bit of variation.

Summertime by Willie Nelson

Summertime by Kathleen Battle

Summertime by Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong

Quotes from the Hearing by CNN [There are 11 quotes on this site, all worth reading]

“The conspiracy to thwart the will of the people is not over.” — Thompson

“He [Pence] ultimately knew that his fidelity to the Constitution was his first and foremost oath.” — Pence’s chief of staff Marc Short

“There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone. But your dishonor will remain.” — Liz Cheney [Message to her fellow Republicans]

Sammy’s not sure what the fascination is, but he’s all for his humans to sit on the sofa and watch the tv, because that gives him a lap in which to sit. He has discovered laps are for him to be on, there is no higher calling. 

Our new toy is here!

Weather in the Tries: 

Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit! Our highs for the following week will be high 70s to mid 80s! Sunshine on the menu for Monday and Tuesday, the rest of the week will be clouds (with maybe some sun breaks). Yes, sun breaks are a real thing here in the Pacific Northwest. Honest. Trust me. I do believe it’s safe to say, “Summer is here!”

Our new toy is here!

More news on the submissions. I sent three chapbooks out. All to “local” publishers. One of 18 poems went to a publisher in Portland OR, one of 23 pages of poetry (some poems are longer than one page went to a Seattle publisher, and one of 40 pages of poetry went to a publisher who is in Washington. Unless it’s now Oregon. That one is filled with what I call “loku.” Haiku has its “rules” — 3 lines, of 17 syllables, 5 7 5. Loku is my word (hmmm, should I trademark it? /snark/) and some are 2 lines, some 4 lines. But, generally, any short poem I write. I have Birdku, Catku, Cowku—all Loku. I think Basho would smile.

Our new oven came while I was gone. I actually planned it that way. I hoped Dan would take it out of the box, and use it, so when I got home, he could explain all the directions in English. Alas, the best laid plans… He waited until there was a place to put it, which didn’t happen until after I got home. But OMG!! we learned a new trick. Sear the meat before cooking it sous vide! Using the probe gets it to perfection. The reason I fell in love with this oven is it cooks sous vide without a water bath. It uses steam and takes half the time. The Anova Precision Oven maintains a constant temperature give or take about 2 degrees, unlike most standard ovens which maintain a constant temperature give or take 50 or so degrees.

The only complaint, so far, that I have is it’s controlled by our smart phones. I am a fat fingered luddite. I really, truly, prefer to have a paper book that I can read, mark up, and use, rather than having to dash to the office to google my questions. If that’s the ONLY complaint I have, it’s pretty darn teensy for a fantastic new oven that does everything but make morning coffee!

We spent several minutes last night watching our steaks cook. More fun that TV. 😉 

While I was gone, Dan built some shelves to go above the counter he built to extend our working area in the kitchen. The neat thing about the shelves is they aren’t connected to the wall. We’ve lost a couple feet from the dining area, but we don’t use that so much anyhow. In fact, we haven’t used it yet at all. 

I now have all my art that my neighbor and gal pal had in her spare bedroom. Plus I also now have an 8’ square design wall for quilting. It’s actually a smidge smaller, out of two 4×8 pieces of 2” foam insulation. I need to paint them with primer, so the printing doesn’t show, and cover them with flannel, then I’m good to go. Of course, they are in the office and my sewing machine will be in the dining area, but that’s ok. We’ve put them on two of the long closet doors so they can slide together when needed. Dan is a marvelous housemate!!

Photos of the Week:

Two mallards. We also have Muscovy in our ponds, and I think the one mallard on the right is a cross with a bit of Muscovy, but not sure. Apparently, they can cross breed, and the mixed ones are fertile, but many of the hens/drakes don’t like them because they don’t look ‘normal.’
I have no idea what these ‘fingers’ are, other than probably something in the mushroom family, and probably poisonous to humans.
This mallard is napping. He was surprisingly well camouflaged on the rocks. We had to look a couple times to be sure it was a drake sleeping. The brown hens often don’t show at all. They look like brown rocks.

Books: Remember, if I finish a book, I review and post it to

I have added six reviews to my review blog. Feel free to Follow if you want more timely notifications. Four novels, two poetry. Since I started this blog in 2012, I’ve posted 614 reviews. And I don’t very often post low rated books, because if I don’t like them, I don’t finish them.

Quotes about ovens from inspiring quotes:

I’m a New Yorker; my oven is used for storage.” — Cheyenne Jackson

For years, I stored my sweaters in the oven.” — Lesley Visser

And there it is. A slow news week from my wee corner of Kennewick. Lots of news in the outer world, but it’s too depressing to talk about. But, if you’re interested, you might want to check the links below. Sammy says he hopes you do. He’s not at all pleased with everyone packing, unless it’s clothing for a trip. 

Nick Kristof, How to Speak to Gun Enthusiasts (this is from his free Substack.)

Teresa M. Hanafin, Our blood-soaked gun culture (this is her Fast Forward column in the Boston Globe. It’s a free subscription.)

Proof of the Efficacy of Masks

Weather in the Tries: Disgusting. It’s cold. It’s damp. It’s June for crying out loud! I think we need to bring the weatherman/woman up from Tucson, and get some decent weather on order.

Proof of the Efficacy of Masks.

Auntie Lenora and the Brave Dog missed y’all. Bunches. But we are back for a while. There will undoubtedly be a few more trips across the hump (known as Snoqualmie Pass) in the summer months. 

I had planned on a two week stay, but the day before I was leaving, one of my friend’s care givers sent a text. She had been to see him Monday and Tuesday, and on Wednesday, she let us know she was down with fever, shakes, aches, pains—Covid. Yes, she’d been vaxxed to the max, and had always worn her mask when caring for my friend. The major concern was not one of us getting it, but his wife was due home Wednesday night, and Covid could do a number on her (she, too, is vaxxed to the max, but also a serious asthmatic). 

She came home, and stayed upstairs, with the door closed, much to the Brave Dog’s chagrin. He wanted to go up, give her pupkisses, welcome her home, and inspect her floor. Someone might have dropped something good to eat. She cooked us wonderful meals, and on Friday my friend and I tested. Negative. We tested again on Saturday. Again, negative. So, we decided I could go home, and she would wear her mask when caring for him. That was a good deal/bad deal kinda situation. She’s a marvelous cook, and I could have stretched it out a few days, I’m sure.

Alas, I had some projects, with deadlines, and I wanted to come home and get them met. I succeeded and have submitted one chapbook to a contest in Seattle, and have the second book ready to go, and will submit it sometime this week. That deadline is a little farther out. Plus I have another chapbook ready to go, as soon as I find the right market.

One thing I noticed while over on the dark side, most people wore their masks. Many wore them around their chins when walking outside, but put them over nose and mouth when in stores, etc. Unlike where I live, and no one wears mask. I think I’ve just received a booster in the mask wearing department. This new variant is nothing to sneeze at. The vax helps, keeps it down to a manageable roar, but we need to do our part to not get it, too. And what happened is a prime example. SHE wore the mask; WE did not get it!

Please read the following link. Wearing a mask is not about you, it’s about those around you.

I have finished a couple of books but did not have access to a computer while gone, so I need to write the reviews and get them posted. Check in a couple days, there should be some new reviews.

Alas, no photos, no earworms, no nuthin’ But we are glad to be home, and hope you’re glad we’re back, too.

Have a grand week, and by next time, I should be back to normal. Whatever that is in this day and age.

Hey There! Some Good News!!!

Weather in the Tries: Changeable!

Hey There! Some Good News!!! Yes, I, your old Auntie Lenora, am giving your eyes a rest for a couple of weeks. There won’t be a Coffee Break Escape until Memorial Day! Yes, I am taking the Brave Dog and going over to the Dark Side of the Mountains (Puget Sound area where it rains all the time) for two weeks. 

A gal friend is going to visit children and wants someone to house sit, and to be company to her husband, my good friend and mentor, while she’s gone. Her husband is living with a debilitating ailment, and company is somewhat more than a nicety.

Since her husband is one of my two poetry mentors, he and I are planning on some good times. I’m taking some projects to work on, and plan to pick his brain as much as possible.

You may remember that last week I was lamenting not seeing any little lings about and wondering what might have grabbed them. The other day, sitting on the ‘dam’ between our pond and the main pond, was a fairly good-sized hawk. Little lings would just be a snack. And then, while walking the Brave Dog, I saw the geeselings and the ducklings over at the main pond of our sister complex. So here are some updated photos of the geeslings. Couldn’t get the ducklings, but they are still there. The two mama geese are still herding their combined six children.

I’m guessing that the tenants, and or the yard people are shaking the eggs when found to keep the population down. We were overrun with ducks in the condo in ABQ and the yard crew would shake the eggs every time they found a nest, then put it back where they found it. No babies. 

Dan and I are getting along great. I have to admit, it’s kinda nice to have a friend around. Especially one with a sense of humor 😉

Photos of the week:

Hey Ma, ya missed a bug! Yummmm. Finders eaters!
I’m such a good bug eater, aren’t I? Huh? Aren’t I?
Oooh, one for you, two for me, one for you….

Netflix: Really enjoying Tomorrow. Usually there is a lot of humor, but S1 E6 had me in tears most of the time. Some for sad, some for happy, but oh, wow! Totally fantastic. Not one I can binge on, I need some time between episodes.

Earworm of the Week: Ever heard Heilung? As I understand it they are doing their version of what they think the old Norse Viking musing may have sounded like, and using recreations of their musical instruments when possible. I don’t understand a word of it but love the percussion. And the costumes! Not for everyone, but I like it. They’re coming to Seattle 20 September. If you go, tell me all about it. Heilung | LIFA- Hamrer Hippyer Their clothes are pretty interesting, too.

Quotes of the week from This Life of

“We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.”

“Not all those who wander are lost” J.R.R. Tolkien

“Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer”

Sammy isn’t real for sure positive he wants to go on a road trip. But the option to stay home isn’t there. Oh, Dan would take him, but he was specifically invited, and he needs to know he can go someplace with his human, AND THAT HIS HUMAN WILL BRING HIM BACK! So we survived another week, made lots of plans, and Sammy says he will miss you all for the time we’re gone, and hopes that the pupkisses he sends will remind you that he’s thinking of you. Oh. Wait. SQUIRREL !!!!!!

Happy May Day

Weather in the Tries: Looks like we’re going to have temps starting at 56 on Monday and going up to 71 with most days all over the 60s, in no apparent pattern. Lows will be mostly in upper 40s. And several days of clouds, partly cloudy and showers maybe. What’s going on? I live in a desert. What’s all the wet stuff falling from the sky? It should do it between 10pm and 6am so it doesn’t bother my wee dog!

Happy May Day a day late! Yesterday, Sunday, was May Day. It’s a very European day of celebrating the beginning of summer. Flowers are given to people you like or would like to like. We used to celebrate it in this country, too. Some of you may be old enough to remember making ‘posies’ out of paper doilies, and flowers and ribbons to give to friends or take home from school for Mom. And then it became a big celebration in the godless heathen communist country of Russia, and they celebrated with big parades of martial weapons, etc. So President Eisenhower (I think) said we could no longer celebrate May Day. And we stopped on of the nicest celebrations of the school year.

Naomi Judd died this past week. Not being a devoted follower of the Country Western Music channels, I thought I was doing pretty well to recognize the name. I did, actually, know who the Judds were. Two sisters, Naomi and Wynonna. Uh, no. Not. No way! Naomi was the mother, Wynona the daughter in the duo. So, of course, I had to do a wee bit of research (on the web, of course) and found one of their recordings I actually remember hearing. It was a video, so I watched. I haven’t a clue who is which! I’m assuming Naomi wore the pant suit and Wynonna the dress. But I could be wrong (I was once before. Wrong, I mean.)

Actually, with the exception of “Rock-a-Billy” I pretty much avoided CW music. Favorite Son had a good friend who was a DJ who became my Favorite Adopted Son. Anyhow FAS and I were talking one day about music, and I mentioned I didn’t care a lot for CW or Opera and he proceeded to educate me. Come to find out, I like music. Music is music is music whether sung with voice as instrument or just percussion. I love Taiko drums. Don’t get to listen to them often now as I live in a multi-family building and it must, absitively posolutely MUST be played at high volume!

As most of you know if you’ve ever met me, or followed my blogs, especially my book review blog, I read a variety of genres, with poetry and fantasy and non-fiction rotating for first place. Well, I started reading the latest in the Alpha Omega series by Patricia Briggs the other night, and was so surprised, quite pleasantly I must say, to see that one of my favorite rock groups, HU, are mentioned in the book, and specifically their cut of Wolf Totem which is one of my all-time faves. The HU are Mongolian and do the throat singing as well as use the old-time instruments for new-time music. I’d love to see a “meet-up” between The HU and a Native American Heavy Metal Band. Oooooh, FUN!!!

Dan has moved in. We both have stuff to haul to our respective storages at some point. That point being after we go through the kitchen stuff and decide which garlic press to use. That one was super easy—I don’t have a garlic press 😉 We (read: Dan) will put up some shelves and an extended counter for stuff.  I’ll help; any way I can. Hold a board? I can do that. Make coffee? I can do that. Go away? I can do that, too. However, he hates to paint, and I don’t mind it. 

Photos of the Week:

Last week you saw ducklings, this week you can see geeselings. Alas, neither my friend two buildings over or I have seen little lings of any sort since. Don’t know what would go after them other than snapping turtles (not here), owls (not normally out during the day), coyotes (haven’t seen/heard any since moving here. To quote the King, “Is a puzzlement!”

I think these are two hens with their combined progeny.
Two geeselings looking for bugs
Walk This Way!

Earworm of the weekGive A Little Love by the Judds.

Quotes of the Week from Quotetab

“When you are real in your music, people know it and they feel your authenticity.” —Wynonna Judd

“Without love in your life, you have nothing.” —Wynonna Judd

“Sometimes all it takes is just a smile to change somebody’s weather.” —Wynonna Judd

Wow! Do you realize we made it through the week? That’s something to write home about, I think. I was so cold on Saturday I honestly didn’t know if I’d ever get warm again, but I did. Partly because my puppy snuggled when we went to bed. I’ve discovered when it’s rainy, i feel colder. The air is not just damper, it’s downright wet! Here’s hoping we all enjoy the Merry Merry Month of May. To that end, Sammy sends pupkisses to you all 😉

Spring is Sprung

Weather in the Tries: We are due for partly sunny all week, with lows from 39F to 47F, and highs from 61 to 71F (that one will be today, Monday!). A chance of showers tonight, and breezes Tuesday night. 

Yaaaaayyyy Me! I submitted a ‘suite’ of 5 short poems to Quill and Parchment for National Poetry Month. They accepted the entire suite! I would have mentioned way back when accepted but this little thing called a move got in the way. To see all the poems (mine is down about 3/5 of the way) go here; to just read mine (and miss some great poetry!) go here. My poem is Black Water Suite. If you like poetry, check out Quill and Parchment. It’s a great ezine with some very good poetry, and now and then short stories, and always a couple of yummy recipes. And no, they do NOT take everything I send them, which shows me they really do go for quality.

Spring is Sprung:

We are getting warmer weather. I can actually walk the dog now and then without my jacket (it’s a wind-breaker). We are getting in a lot more walking than we got at the other place. Almost daily (rain skews the walks) we do at least three trips around the complex. One trip equals .6 miles. I’m getting at least my 5,000 steps per day, and frequently more. 

Dan had a friend of ours help him a few days ago in the moving of stuff. Dan decided to move in, so he has his desk and bed, and is mostly here. Not totally, but he’s now living here and going back to the other apartment for stuff. So far office sharing works fine.

Kind of nice having him for a housemate. He makes killer salads. His salads compete with the memories I have of my mom’s salads. Her salads not only tasted marvelous, but they could have graced the cover of Bon Appetit magazine! Of course, they would have to be photos, otherwise the salad dressing would drip all over the other mail. (a little early morning humor, such as it is.)

Got my cubbies built on Saturday. Not difficult, but I had to get the dresser moved two inches to the left, so I had room for them. Anyhow, they’re now together, and the cubbies now have my sweaters, etc. and I was able to finally get the boxes in my room emptied, and my room together. Dan & I had the maintenance guy remove the sliding doors on our closets, which gives us more room, both physically and visually.

Our closets are not quite 5’ wide, and I’m sure those of you who know me are wondering how I’m ever going to get my clothes in such a tiny space—two/three blocks away is my ‘Shed 54,’ with a double clothes rack that is totally packed with my hanging clothes. I am finally going to have to learn to live with seasonal clothes only in my apartment. The office closet is considerably larger, and we can use some of it for overflow clothing. I know I have too much, but so many things were gifts or bought on trips and have memories. Meh! Favorite Daughter can deal with all of it eventually. Bwahahahahahaha!

Photo of the Week:

We have baby ducks. Mama is very dark with a splash of white on her neck and chest. She has three babies, who are also very dark. Notice the beaks—one light, one dark. The third sibling was on the grass with mama. They are small enough, today, that they would fit in my hand comfortably. Wait another week.


Yes, I sat down in front of the TV on Saturday and started a new Korean drama—Tomorrow. It is, at least at the time the Wikepedia told about it, an on-going drama. We follow a young man who tries to save a life and ends up in a coma—he is given a choice, he can take a job with the Grim Reapers and only spend six months in a coma, wake, and get the job of his dreams, or he can refuse the Grim Reapers offer, and spend three years in a coma. This show tackles some interesting and tough topics, suicide being the primary one. There is a disclosure at the beginning that I didn’t catch all of it. I believe it said the subject deals with suicide, and may not be suitable for everyone, and if you have thoughts of suicide contact your local suicide prevention or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. To be honest, I’m glad I didn’t catch the whole of it, I might have been turned off and found something else to watch. I’m glad I didn’t. Yes, it gets heavy at times, but there is a lot of humor in it, too. Death as a corporate entity? Sure, why not? And it has all the SNAFUs a corporation would have. 😉

Books: Remember, if I finish a book, I review it at Rainy Day Reads

I am still reading the ARC and loving it. I attended the New Mexico State Poetry Society’s convention and heard a poet read from his newest book and almost before he had finished reading, I had it ordered. It’s a chapbook that is chock a block full of fascinating poems. Giveth and Taketh by Rota is one man’s view of today’s Jewish diaspora.  Rota is the part of his name that he writes under. Go here for my review.

I am also reading the complete collection of Federico Garcia Lorca’s poems. Fascinating. I’ve quit the poetry part to read the Introduction which tells about his life and the poems from it.

Earworm of the Week: 

Walk this Way by Aerosmith and Run DMC. Not sure, but think that was my introduction to rap. I already knew I loved Aerosmith, so of course, when MTV played Walk this Way, I watched, and continued watching. I’m not fond of Gangsta Rap, but I’ve read enough about Rap, to have a high level of respect for it. And I just read an article about how this recording was made, and there I was, with my earphones on and the volume turned down a smidge, and suddenly I was 40-something again! And until I read the article (there are several about the collaboration online) I had no idea it was first recorded by Aerosmith, or I forgot, and that when the two groups got together to do it again, they literally changed our music. Fascinating read. Look it up.

Quotes of the Week from Brainy Quote and Joseph Simmons Quotations:

Steven Tyler quotes:

“Every life has a measure of sorrow, and sometimes this is what awakens us.” —Steven Tylker

“I don’t think anything is forever, but when my kids tell me they love me, that’s forever.” —Steven Tyler

Joseph Simmons Quotations:

“STOP looking back!!!! When your past calls do NOT pick up!! it has nothing new to say.” —Run DMC

“If you’re going through hell…keep going! You always grow through what you go through.” —Run DMC

And there you have it, Auntie Lenora’s week. Getting somewhat back to normal, whatever that means. Run DMC’s admonition to stop looking back is a good one as far as it goes. I think it’s okay to look back as long as you learn from the memories, and don’t just listen to the bad stuff over and over again. Actually, episode 2 of Tomorrow deals with that quite well.

Sammy says he’s getting so much walking and exercise now that pretty soon he’ll be able to challenge Arnold Schwarzenegger to a throw-down. If I were you, I’d put my money on Sammy the Ripped 😉 I’m not sure what a throw-down is, but Sammy is thinking seriously about the challenge. Can you handle it, Mr. S??.

Vlad and other Grumps

Weather in the Tries: 

This last week has been a week of Seattle weather on steroids, i.e., it’s been cold, wet, and windy. The coming week appears to be a tad more civilized with lows all in the 40s and highs going from 58F to 65F. Thanks, Ma!

Vlad and other Grumps:

Actually, I did get a rather dark laugh out of Vlad this past week. He got on his high horse, looked Biden in the (virtual) eye (or maybe an old photo?) and threatened if we send any more weapons, &c to Ukraine, he’ll consider nuclear retaliation. My comment to Vlad, not that he cares, is: Vlad, Dahling, pull out of Ukraine, stop the war you started, and no one will have to send them weapons and munitions. See how easy it is?

One of the people in a discussion group I belong to did bring up a good question that none of us has seen/heard discussed by any of the newscasters or pundits we follow. If Vlad’s army is in as rough a shape as it is, what kind of shape are his nukes in? If his soldiers are so ignorant they stole radioactive souvenirs from Chernobyl (I hope they were small, and fit in a pant pocket), what makes anyone think his nuke sites have been properly maintained? 

Grump #2:

After a busy day of emptying boxes, I would turn on the tv for a bit of relaxation, only to get my dandruff up. Have you noticed how many women on the tube do not know how to part their hair? It really isn’t difficult to get a straight, curved, or artsy part. With the advent of large screens and high def (and, I suppose, my astigmatism), I find the lack of a straight, curved, or artsy part to one’s hair annoying. Yes, I’m scraping the barrel, but…

Grump #3:

For—definition from Merriam-Webster: read it, it’s interesting. There is also fore (used in golf and with other words) and four (used to keep 3 and 5 apart. For the correct pronunciation, check out the Minute of Speech, here.

Fur: that stuff that covers most cute fuzzy animals, the exception being those who have hair. 

Fir: a tree, such as the Douglas Fir, that when spoken the two sound the same, so you need to take it in context. To hear the correct, American pronunciation, check here

Far: as in the opposite of close or near. To hear the correct pronunciation, go here.

Why am I grumpy over this? Because there are three different and distinct sounds. And I’m tired of people saying (and spelling) “fir” when they mean “far” or “for.”  For heavens sake it’s only three letters. Get them straight, pronounce the correctly. One’s mouth must change for the ‘ah’ sound, the ‘oh’ sound, and the ‘ir/ur’ sound.

In watching the news, not only do I want to mail combs to the female reporters I want to send all of them a pronunciation guide. 

Grump #4:

Author Jason Tharp loves to write and illustrate books for weird kids for the best of all reasons—he was one. I wish his books had been around when my kids were young enough to appreciate them. He was all set to read his book, It’s Okay to be a Unicorn to a class near his hometown and at the last minute, he was cancelled. Rather, the reading of that book was cancelled because there is a rainbow on the cover and some illiterate parent whose child wasn’t in the class he was visiting, saw it and complained it was a book about being Gay. Oh, please, are these people going to cancel their God because S/He paints Rainbows in the Sky? Read the article here and if it’s paywalled a judicious email…

A NOT Grump:

So, my housemate is moving in this month, he’ll be here sooner than later, I imagine. Especially as I have most of the boxes out of the office and we’re not letting SBD into his room until he’s here. That gives me time to “practice” — it’s been years since I’ve had a housemate. I’m used to wandering the house in my skivvies, leaving the bathroom door open, dishes in the sink, cooking for one. (We haven’t discussed cooking/grocery shopping yet. His Type B personality says, meh, it’ll settle out. My Type A personality says, What do you mean? The bowl is half empty. No. Wait. That’s the nonexistent cat.) But you get the idea, I’m sure.

Photo of the Week:

How do I know when I’m truly in my new home? My sliding glass door has its stained-glass hummingbird. My sister of choice (SOC) made this for me many years ago when I told her about not seeing the glass in a closed door and bonked my schnozzle on it. This little bird has travelled to the southern Oregon coast, Florida, New Mexico, and all over Washington State.  

Books: Remember, if I finish a book, I review it at Rainy Day Reads

I haven’t had time or inclination to read much this week. But I have read a bit in an ARC (advance reader copy). It’s a fascinating book and I can hardly wait to finish it.

Earworm of the Week:

“Imagine” written by John Lennon, performed by his son, Julian. And if you’d like to see the lyrics to follow along, think about, cogitate, check out this site.

Quotes of the Week from Brainy Quote:

“Vladimir Putin is creating an axis of authoritarian regimes that he will lead.” —Malcolm Nance

“Never say ‘no’ to pie. No matter what, wherever you are, diet-wise or whatever, you know what? You can always have a small piece of pie, and I like pie. I don’t know anybody who doesn’t like pie. If somebody doesn’t like pie, I don’t trust them. I’ll bet you Vladimir Putin doesn’t like pie.” —Al Roker

“Frankly, I would never accept an award from Vladimir Putin because then you kind of give some credence and credibility to this butcher, this KGB agent, which is what he is.” —John McCain

Today may be a holiday for many, but Auntie Lenora loves you, each and every one, and she knows you wait with bated breath for your weekly Coffee Break Escape. Pour a cuppa, sit back and relax. Sammy Brave Dog is already back on his bed (which is really my bed, but he prefers it to something on the floor with his name on it), curled up and asleep. It takes a lot of energy to give each of you your weekly pupkisses., but he’s happy to do so.

What is Violence?

Weather in the Tries: Wow, I don’t unnerstand, not one little bit. I moved south, toward the warmth, and it’s colder! Yeah, okay, I only moved 3.1 miles, but still… Does Ma Nature really have to give Winter an encore? Couldn’t she do it someplace else? The lows are going to be from 28 to 35, and the highs from 43 to 57 (next Saturday, mostly right around 50). 

What is Violence?

First off, a note about the move. Probably 90% or more boxes are emptied. A stack of stuff grows to make a trip to my “shed,” and there are other things on horizontal surfaces waiting for something necessary to be unpacked before they can be put away. But it’s going, or coming, whatever.

Second off, I just had three poems accepted by the delightful people who put together the Shrub-Steppe anthology every year! 

Third off, I really give a shout-out for Charter/Spectrum. Their part of the move went very smoothly. I plugged in a tv at the new abode, grabbed my clicker, and voila, I had my program. Dan set up my router, etc. and it, too went as promised. Yeah, they irritate me somewhat, especially when I call and have to go through what seems like 30,000 computers that only understand six words (and never the same six words) to finally get to a human (they are, after all, a Communication Network!) but when I finally get a human, I’m usually very pleased with their demeanor and knowledge. And patience because a by then, I wanna do a Will Smith, even though I know it’s wrong—and I don’t know if Karma affects computers.

Okay, legal disclaimers plus: I did not watch the Oscars, and I’ve barely read more than the headlines of most of the articles about it. I did read one article. But here is my question, perhaps it is a rant? I’m not sure. I remember it was about Will Smith defending his wife’s honor (Jada Pinkett Smith) against the host of the show. Rock? Rocky? Rocky Squirrel? Sorry, I don’t remember him or his name. Will Smith I know. No, I don’t know him, but I know who he is, and enjoy the movies I’ve seen with him.

Anyhow, Rock? Rocky? Rocky Squirrel? made a thoughtless comment about Jada’s baldness due to alopecia. Will slapped him. Personally, I hope Will slapped some manners into him. Will has taken full responsibility for his actions, resigned from the Oscars, has been banned for 10 years. (Bet that just breaks his heart/snark/). Why? Because he chose, however unwise, to counter violence with more violence. Yes, you read that correctly.

I am against violence, of any sort. And I’m not necessarily condoning Will’s actions; however, I think Rock? Rocky? Rocky Squirrel? who so generously did not file charges or a complaint, should also be banned from the Oscars for 10 years. We all know Karma takes too long, so maybe that is why Will Smith slapped him. It was his verbal violence that started it. When a comedian goes for a laugh out of someone else’s pain, it’s violence. Whether the pain is physical or emotional doesn’t matter. Pain is pain and it hurts. And if Rock? Rocky? Rocky Squirrel? went after one of my family, I might have suffered a sudden onset of uncontrollable raising of my knee. (That Karma thing, you understand.) Full stop. Run credits. Close curtains. The end.

Thank you for allowing me to rant. Oh, wait. This is my blog. Thank you for reading my rant. What do you think?

Photo of the Week:

We had some strong winds the last few days. Looked out of my bedroom this morning and saw this bleached skeleton of a bird, with a couple feathers sticking to it. Of course, I grabbed my phone and braved the cold winds to shoot it. This was, mind you, BC (before coffee) so I hope I can be forgiven for sharing a semi-floating plastic bag with you. Do you see the bird?

Books: Remember, if I finish a book, I review it at Rainy Day Reads

Crowbones by Anne Bishop. Oh, yes, I finished it. Think it took me 3, maybe 4 nights. I savored it, I mostly only read it at night and then only if I’d done a fair share of unboxing stuff. It made a marvelous “carrot.” My review can be found here.

Earworm of the Week: “A Change Would Do You Good” by Sheryl Crow performed by Paul Mcdonald and The Grand Magnolias

Quotes of the Week: From Wise Sayings

“Crows will fight over a dead man’s flesh and kill each other for his eyes” —George R.R. Martin (What? You expect something soft and genteel from the man who gave us GoT?)

“We heap up around us things that we do not need as the crow makes piles of glittering pebbles.” —Laura Ingalls Wilder

“If men had wings and bore black feathers, Few of them would be clever enough to be crows.” —Henry Ward Beecher

And there we are. Another week, another blog. Auntie Lenora hopes you week was fantabulously wonderful, and the coming week will treat you even better. The Brave Dog sends more pupkisses. TTFN and see you soon. As Garrison Keillor says—”Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.”

ps. I wan’t kidding when I said Winter gets an encore:

Yes, it’s snow. Sammy doesn’t like it!
Out our office window.