Weather in the Tries:
Monday (today) is gonna be a scorcher at something like 103F. The rest of the week will be in the high 80s and low 90s. Doncha wish you lived in Kennewick? Lots of warm, low humidity.
What is Freedom?
I have been reading Begin Again, James Baldwin’s America and its Urgent Lessons for Our Own by Eddie S. Glaude, Jr. I ‘know’ Professor Glaude from his many appearances on MSNBC, so when his book came up for a vote in my book club for one of our readings, I voted for it. As did everyone else. By 24 Jun 22, I was almost finished and started reading Chapter Seven. By the end of the second paragraph, a quote from Mr. Baldwin, I was struck by the parallels between Amerikkka’s treatment of people of color—black, brown, copper, gold—and her treatment of women. I finished the book, and just can’t get that parallel out of my head bone. Many thanks to the poet Dee Allen for that oh-so-true spelling of Amerikkka.
The part that struck me, reads: “We tolerated bigotry and discrimination…I think there is a kind of smog in the air that’s created by the history of slavery and lynching and segregation, and I don’t think we’re going to get healthy, I don’t think we can be free…until we address this problem. But to get there we’re going to have to be willing to tell the truth.” The italics are mine. The Supreme Court has taken the freedom away from women to have autonomy over their own bodies. If you do not own your body, someone else does. The one is a slave, the other the master.
Justice Thomas wants the Court to look into a few other laws on the books, like same sex marriage, sodomy laws, etc., but I notice one he did not bring up is Loving v. Virginia. I think that one should be looked at next, don’t you? How would he vote on that one? Or would he man up and recuse himself? Or would he realize what a vindictive, little man he is? No. He wouldn’t see that. But that one will stay on the books because it directly affects him.
This most evangelical court wants to go back to the 1950s when Father Knows Best was the law of the land. When women stayed home and raised children and didn’t compete in the workplace at far lower salaries. They want a theocracy, not a democracy. Send them to Iran!
They think they are making points with their god for doing this, and maybe they are, but they are not getting positive points from the vast majority of Americans. The last four justices confirmed to the Court, knowingly lied during their confirmation hearings. And it is all but impossible to get them out of there. They waffled about not being able to discuss possible actions on hypothetical cases, they told Senators who were concerned about Roe v Wade that it was “settled law” and couldn’t be changed. They lied. And they knew they lied. It was settled, the rule of precedent should have been enough, even if they didn’t agree with it, but the first opportunity they had to gut the women of this country, they gleefully did so. And they are sighting in on other things to further eviscerate female anatomy. Excuse me, autonomy.
I’m not sure why they are so afraid of women that they can’t visualize a healthy woman as being a healthy work mate, a healthy partner, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. But they, too, are slaves to a small god who can’t rule his followers on his own but must anoint small men to do his dirty work.
Fortunately, I live in an enlightened state on the west coast, where the governors of California, Oregon, and Washington have pledged to keep Reproductive Freedom and Health between a woman and her doctor. I feel very sorry for my sisters who live under patriarchy in states that do not respect them. These are not pro-lifers who are against abortion. They are pro-birthers, or as I was just informed, they are not pro anything. They are forced-birthers. Once the baby is born, they want nothing to do with it. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Nyet. Non. Not their problem, little mother. S/He’s all yours.
I can’t wait for people to start suing the evangelicals in state and federal government for practicing medicine without a license.
And what will this ruling do to our military? Women are in combat roles, they must remain combat ready at all times, like the men. Oh, women shouldn’t be in combat roles, should they? Says who? And why? Women can shoot an M16 as well as, and often better than, a man. I know. I had the 2d highest score when my company qualified at the firing range. The top gun, so to speak, was on the rifle team. I was invited to join that august group but declined.
What will it do to our economy? Nothing good, that’s for sure.
Because my boss taught me a long time ago to never bring a problem to her unless I brought at least one possible solution, I bring you two possible solutions, though they may not be easy for some of you.
1. Remember to vote this November, and vote those who want to make this country a theocracy out. Vote Democrats in (even if you don’t like them) and get Roe v Wade codified into law by Congress. The only people who should make a medical decision about your body are you and your doctor! (Remember, if you don’t want an abortion, no one can force you to have one.)
2. (swiped from Bette Midler’s twitter feed) “Stop abortion at the source. Vasectomies are reversible. Make every young man have one. / When he’s deemed financially & emotionally fit to be a father it will be reversed. What’s that? Did the idea of regulating a man’s body make you uncomfortable? / Then mind your fucking business.” Doncha just love the Divine Miss M?
And I leave you with one more quote from Begin Again, “‘George Santayana, the Spanish-born American philosopher, was right to point out that “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.’ But what he didn’t say is that those who willfully refuse to remember become moral monsters.” (Italics mine)
Freedom is owning your body!
Photos of the Week:

Books: Remember, if I finish a book, I review and post it to
Begin Again, James Baldwin’s America and its Urgent Lessons for Our Own —by Eddie S. Glaude Jr. I’ve always considered myself fairly well-read. I read a pretty eclectic assortment of books. I don’t much care for straight Romance, Mathematics, Horror, or Spy genres, but I’ve been known to read in each of those now and then. So how did I never read any of James Baldwin’s books? I knew the name, I recognized his photos, but I don’t think I’ve ever read any of his writings. I now have six of his books (audio) on my phone and am on my way to treating my ignorance. (Remember, ignorance is a treatable condition; stupidity is not.) I remember Angela Davis, Stokely Carmichael, Martin Luther King Jr, the Freedom Marches, but not Baldwin. My ignorance is shameful, but treatable. This book is amazing, and it may be a few days before I get my thoughts in order and the review up, but it will be five stars, so don’t wait for the review to get your hands on a copy. And, if you’re like me, and tend to underline, and or write marginalia, be sure to buy your own copy, and have your pens/highlighters handy. I don’t know why, but Librarians get so fussy when books are returned with notes, underlines, etc. on the pages. I’d find it helpful to know where all the important parts are.
You Gonna Reap Just What You Sow Yes, they are old-time Gospel. What? You ask, am I doing with gospel music? I like some of it. Especially these, with a goodly hint of Blues. Perhaps more than a hint;-).
Quotes on Slavery come from Goodreads:
“Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves.” —Abraham Lincoln
“Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.”—Abraham Lincoln
“Daddy once told me there’s a rage passed down to every black man from his ancestors, born the moment they couldn’t stop the slave masters from hurting their families. Daddy also said there’s nothing more dangerous than when that rage is activated.” ― Angie Thomas, The Hate U Give
And a fourth quote, paraphrased, from General Sun Wu (aka Sunzi, or Sun Tzu), “Always give your enemy an honorable way out, for a woman backed into a corner has nothing to lose.” I do believe I hear the rage a rumbling, do I not???
Sammy Brave Dog says for me to chill, that it won’t be long until I become the Empress of the Universe, and then I can do what I want. Well, that’s not quite true, but close enough, eh? And, little desert dog that he is, he’s loving the warm weather.