AI for Laughs Plus…

Weather in the Tries:
Snow, thaw, freeze, thaw, cold, not quite so, in other words: blech!

AI for Laughs Plus…
AI has infiltrated not only our lives, but the lives of our computers, too. I’m not a fan of AI, but I can see where it has advantages. And not. My biggest gripe with AI is when I make a call and have to touch key 3 and ask a question to which I receive an answer to a question not asked. I find it fascinating that we humans have been able to design and build a computer that thinks and learns, and faster than we can.

Well, I spend waaaaay too much time prowling around through YouTube, especially when I’m fighting a cold or something similar, and I have found some of the most fun stories on YouTube. There are several channels—Revenge Road, The Storyteller’s Haven, Revenge Alley, and more I can’t remember. 

Of course, I have no proof, but I’m pretty sure the stories I’ve heard are, well, not quite ‘right.’ They sound, in many cases like they were written by men who don’t have a clue what a woman is, how she thinks, what she wants in life—or fiction. And the narrator’s voice well, it doesn’t ‘fit’ either. Words are mispronounced—usually to great peals of my laughter. City dwellers sound like they were raised out on the range, cowboys sound like Oxford Scholars. Women sound like Jackie Kennedy wannabees. One of my favorite lines takes place in a hospital room, where the quiet hum of the machines and “the constant drip of the four…” I’ll let you figure that one out. Enjoy your laugh.

The narrator frequently speeds up or slows down for no reason I can discern. The emPHASIS is not consistent with the word or accepted pronunciation that I’m familiar with. The stories I’ve listened to are supposed to be some kind of drama (if you’re old enough, think old time radio drama, without the music, or professional writers). All in all, they are fun, though I enjoy the AI videos more. Think Zythi studio. They put out short pieces with dragons and spaceships, and aliens, oh my. Music, and a bit of a story, but a lot of beauty. My guess is that they are an ad studio and what’s on YouTube are ads for their ads. Whatever, they are short and very enjoyable. 

As the lady on Anka Daily News says, though “AI is very advanced, it’s still not as good as us.” Boy Howdy, is she correct!

Photo of the Week:
The little pond outside our apartment is frozen solid, all the way to the bottom, I think. The kids had great fun shoe skating and with their skating on the ice and snow, etc., it now reminds me of a storm at sea. I love how the green of the algae on the bottom shows through.

from the desk of the warm dog;
my human is getting her voice back. it’s been a long time. she said something to me this morning and housemate dan heard her. 

Video of the Week:
 Texas Judge Can’t Believe What Was Said In His Courtroom – YouTube  This is marvelous, a huge shoutout for Judge David Fleischer!!!

Earworm of the Week:
INKA GOLD – GHOST RIDERS IN THE SKY live at Mesa Regal Resort AZ – YouTube This has been one of my favorite songs since I was a little girl. 

Quotes of the Week:

“If your actions inspire others to dream more,
learn more, do more and become more,
you are a leader.” – John Quincy Adams

“Re-examine all you have been told. 
Dismiss what insults your soul.” 
~Walt Whitman

Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ “We are all related” ~ Lakota Saying

Love n Hugs to you all, 
be well!

Something Scary That Way Goes

Weather in the Tries:
“Oh, myyyy” (to quote my favorite Uncle George). It’s gonna be really, really, REALLY cold the nights of this week. Invite a wild beast in to stay warm in your home at night. Temps will be in the high teens to low twenties. The daytime highs will be slightly higher, in the low thirties, with a couple of days above mid-thirties. I spelled out the numbers because they don’t look so cold in letters instead of numbers. I find my happiness, and warmth, wherever I can 😉 Wherever you are, I hope you are warm, safe, and enjoying life.

Something Scary That Way Goes:
I get a lot of my news off my computer. I subscribe to two newspapers, one local, one not, but I also subscribe to Anka and a few others to get news of what’s going on over there. Wherever over there is. This morning, I saw something somewhat scary in a report on the Russia-Ukraine war. I don’t know who the soldiers belonged to—hard for me to tell one army’s camos apart from another army’s camo in a quick look. Anyhow, there was a group of soldiers standing around, conversing, and one of them wore dangly earrings that caught light and tossed it every time they moved their head. 

When I was in the military, earrings were allowed only when we were off duty. It seems to me having a soldier wear earrings in uniform, especially camos in a battle zone, is akin to lighting three smokes off one match in the dark.  Of course, if the earring was worn by one of our enemies, heck, ship the whole battalion some really blingy bling 😉 Maybe some for everyday camo wear, and something for nighttime camo wear? Yessss, my loveliesssssss……..

Housemate Dan finally convinced me to go get a flu test. Symptoms didn’t warrant a flu test, but I did get a test for Strep. It’s negative. However, I have been told it’s that really bad cold that’s going around and lasts a full two weeks plus some now and then. Got prednisone to help with the pain/inflammation of the sore throat and told not to talk or sing and only speak in whispers, as if I have a choice. When I’m masked, no one can hear my whispers. This is worse than Covid, when I had it! Thank goodness I’m current on ALL of my vax. Keep those vax current, if you can. I’m not a doctor, and I never played on in high school, but I’m pretty convinced this coulda been a whole lot worse if I hadn’t been vaxxed to the max.

Mini Memoir:
When I was 16 or 17, and quite wise to the ways of the world (NOT) a dirty movie with a rape scene came out and was (maybe) Banned in Boston, Poor White Trash. In reading the Wikipedia article I’m now positive I saw the 1961 version or the second edited release. It doesn’t really matter. The first thing that had my gal pal and me in giggles (that didn’t stop) was the theme song that played during opening credits, the song, Poor White Trash. Talk about appropriating what ain’t yours! The banjo work is pretty good, but, well, watch the clip, and tell me if the melody doesn’t call forth older lyrics of Mammy’s Little Baby… I enjoyed seeing the clip, and it sure brought up some fun memories. I vaguely remember it was Banned in Boston, but I’m old and have gray hair, and my memory ain’t whut it usta be 😉

One of the funniest parts was at the very end. Normally, theaters of the day brought up the lights slowly during end credits. The night we attended, the lights went from off to on, no slow rising. Most of the audience was already on their way to the exits. Most of that same audience were little old ladies and little old men who were sooooo embarrassed being seen leaving that kind of a movie, and hoping none of their church/civil buddies in good standing saw them. You know, like a Baptist will never see another Baptist at the liquor store? My gal pal and I laughed so hard our sides hurt! 

Photo of the Week:
the light at the upper is sunshine, the light at the lower is reflected from windows. This is our frozen duck pond with ice and snow. Our apartment is to the right.

from the desk of the big dog;   
my human still can’t talk. or sing. she can’t carry a tune, so seldom sings unless housemate dan is out of the house. but the people vet said she should be fine by the time this is in your mailbox. she isn’t. I’m glad she doesn’t still have her cow bell. I don’t like those kinds of noises. we had snow Tuesday night, and it’s pretty to look at, but not to walk in. I don’t have boots and the snow gets between my toes and it’s cold. I’m going back to bed where it’s warm. have a nice week.

Video of the Week:
Holy moly guacamole! Watch this 6-minute of Ilia Malinin skate & jump. WOWZA!! HUZZAH!! GOOOOAAAAAALLLLLLLLL!!!!

Earworm of the Week:
US Navy and Marines in Afghanistan Gangnam Style Parody. I always enjoyed Gangnam Style, and when I found this, I found it utterly delightful. We need something fun today, don’t we?

Quotes of the Week:
I lost a dear friend Monday night. Her doctor put her on new chemo meds, and the new meds while more aggressive on her cancer, were also extremely aggressive on her, and she stopped taking them. I never met Janie close enough for hugs, but she was one of the poet/writers who welcomed me to a large open mic zoom group, and encouraged my writing. We met every week, she was one of the reasons I looked, and look, forward to Sundays, and the group, which has, in no small part, become a very large, essential, and beloved family to me. For Janie Meinie with much love:

“Death is not extinguishing
the lamp; it is putting out the light 
because the dawn has come.”
~ Rabindranath Tagore

“Re-examine all you have been told. 
Dismiss what insults your soul.” 
~Walt Whitman

Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ “We are all related” ~ Lakota Saying

Love n Hugs to you all, 
be well!

Every Coin Has Two Sides

Weather in the Tries:
Going to be cold. Still. However, if it matters, it’s cloudy outside today, 2 Feb, so if I venture out, it’s pretty sure I won’t see my shadow. Phew. There may be an end to this yet. Nights will be in the 20s, and days in the 30s. Friday, we may get some snow on Friday, and Sunday, we may actually get some sunshine and 42F. Of course, a lot of this depends on how well fed the WeatherPerson is, yes?

Believing every coin has two sides:
(I won’t get technical with the statement they all have 5 sides, because I don’t like numbers and…) I have looked at this week past with the sunny side v. the cloudy side. I’ve been fighting a cold, a sore throat, and laryngitis. My kids used to love it when I’d lose my voice—until they realized the cow bell tolled for them. Mothers must learn to be devious if they’re, well, mothers.

So I’ve had some extra snuggle/nap time with the dog, read a few books, and had a grand excuse for watching a lot of things on YouTube. If you’ve followed Auntie Lenora for any time, you know I have a thing about Ancient China, especially during the Spring and Autumn Wars and the Warring States period, and of course the First Emperor and then the time of Genghis Kahn. When I came across a 25-minute video about a young man who made a replica of King Gaujian’s sword from the Spring and Autumn period, I had to watch. I wish the video had told us what he was doing at each step, and how long each step was. The original sword was made of bronze, and when found in 1965 in an ancient tomb in Hubei was remarkably well preserved. The wood scabbard that covered it was almost air-tight.

There is a marvelous map of Ancient China showing both Yue and Wu with modern cities shown in parentheses. Look to the Southern Coast. (Hangzhou) is just below the ancient border of Yue while (Shanghai) is near the southern edge of Wu. If any of you read my novel, My Adventures as Brother Rat, you read about the war between Wu and Yue. 

And I read a couple of truly fun books by Rebecca Ross, Book 1 A River Enchanted and Book 2 A Fire Endless. I think they might be classified as Romantasy. The author married old Celtic and Norse mythologies to write two truly fun books. Brain Candy of the highest flavor and NO CALORIES. I don’t regularly read ‘romance’ but this came highly recommended, and is a romance like the Outlander Books by Diana Gabaldon are romance books. Oh, wait, those are romantasy, too.

I also watched a whole lot of Tasting History! Must get the cookbook!!!

Photo of the Week:
While walking the dog the other day, I was caught by the sparkles on a frozen windshield. Didn’t think much of the pix after I took it, then got to looking at it, rotated it 90 degrees, put it into b/w (noir) and have a rather good shot of Sunrise on Europa and one of her sister moons seen in the background. Who says we have to book a trip with Musk to travel through the galaxies? 

from the paws of super dog;
we had a few days of sunshine, but not much in the way of warmth. I finally convinced my human to take me out without my sweater. yes sweater helps keep me warm, but it’s uncomfortable. makes me like coming into a warm home better when I’m without it. I like my warm home, especially when my human covers me with her sweater on the bed. I don’t stay under it long, but I love to sleep on it.

Earworm of the Week:
Not sure when I first found Sound of Silence by Disturbed, but it’s been one of my faves for years. Just found another one, not quite as dark (if that’s the right word) when he performed for Conan’s show. I like it, but the official music video compels me to sing out loud with it. I only play it when my housemate is not home. He’s happier not to hear me, and I’m happier to sing it full volume in my tuneless voice. Which version do you like the best?

Quotes of the Week:

“There is no greater privilege than accompanying the dying, to witness a soul’s transition from this world to the next. There is no greater heartbreak either. The capacity to hold these two extremes in the cradle of compassion is what determines the quality of our presence. It is what determines the depth of care we embody and ultimately it becomes our practice, our rehearsal for that day when each of us dies.” ~David Maginley, “Beyond Surviving”

“Re-examine all you have been told. 
Dismiss what insults your soul.” 
~Walt Whitman

Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ “We are all related” ~ Lakota Saying

Love n Hugs to you all!


Just heard that one of my all time favorite You Tubers, Andrew, the Desert Drifter, was in a horrendous auto accident and is currently in ICU with severe injuries, including a brain injury. I don’t often ask you to donate, but only if you have it, can afford it (even if just a couple dollars), please consider going to I really miss the desert SW, and the Desert Drifter’s video keep me from being too homesick. Check out the Desert Drifter. Leave a Like. Leave a comment for his family. Leave a good thought, and if you worship a god who answers prayer, leave a prayer.

What Heroism Looks Like

Weather in the Tries
Gonna be cold nights most of the week—23F to 37F. The two nights above freezing will be cloudy and rainy. The days will start at 37F and work up to 47F (can you say rain?) and down to 39F. The first 3 days will be sunny, then the gray, and wet, move back. 

What Heroism Looks Like:
I am not a hero. I did not watch any of the festivities of the swearing-in of FFOTUS (First Felon of the United States). I figured there would be plenty of snippets on YouTube later. And there were and still are. From his oath not taking with his left hand by his side, not on the stack of FFOTUS Bibles to the sermon by Washington Bishop Right Reverend Mariann Edgar Budde to those of the FF Family (FFF or F3 of Fcubed, which is better?) who attended, as well as the regular attendees. (I’m fairly sure there were enough seats for the regulars as well as the FFF). Watch Hero Budde and the FFF &c conspicuous in the front pews. 

For one Christian to beg another Christian to show love and mercy seems downright weird. I mean, isn’t that what they are supposed to do? Wish they’d spend more time on Matthew 5:3-10 and less on Exodus 20:2-17. I get asked every so often why I am no longer a Christian. I often respond by telling them I couldn’t stand the hate anymore. I don’t miss the guilt, either.

I don’t know which made me the sickest—that the traitorous FFOTUS and his side kick were sworn in, or that the South African Nazi GAVE THE NAZI SALUTE TWICE IN OUR CAPITOL! Did you see his expression—pure venom, hate, anger. It was NOT enthusiasm, at least not joyous enthusiasm. He should be deported before you read this! (I am forever the optimist. He won’t be.)

When I was stationed in Germany in ’67, ’68, my dearly beloved and I would go down to Basel, Switzerland every so often for a week-end away, and stay at a nice hotel. We’d go down to the bar and order our beer. Then we’d be quiet, and listen. When we needed a refill, we’d just raise our hand, or show our empty glass. Pretty soon, the good old boys would forget we were there and start talking about the good old days in Germany (right across the river/border), before the Reich fell, and how they were working to re-establish it. Little did Dearly Beloved and I believe they would succeed and in the USA, to boot! I’m glad he died years ago and didn’t live to see this sad state of affairs materialize. We thought the Eagle would get tired of rattling his sword. We were wrong.

And the oligarchs (I like my spelling better, oligarks, but spell check had a hissy fit. I just added it to my dictionary, so you may see it again/snicker/) staring at Jeff Bezo’s girlfriend’s boobs, especially Zuck. But did you notice where Jeff was staring? Doesn’t it make you proud to be an American with those wonderful, loving, caring, billionaires, I mean people, leading us? and giving us the honor and privilege to happily pay their share of taxes?

No, we should NOT compromise with them. Why not ask a Judge to compromise with a murderer at sentencing? Can’t be done! Or a student to ask the teacher to compromise over studies (not that they have any anymore) and test scores? Or an employee to ask her boss to compromise on pay? We will not give up our rights, birthrights or other rights. 

Another hero, who should have been our president long ago. It’s only a 7 minute video. Check it out. We do have heroes. We just need to find them, and LISTEN to them. Listen up. Pay attention. They’re here.

Do Not Obey in Advance.

Do Not Compromise with them.

Do not let them get away with swearing to defend our Constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic, and then piss on it within minutes. FFOTUS, when your yellow stream hit the sheepskin upon which our Constitution was written, did the ink run? did the skin shrivel and dissolve into dust? did it go out in a blaze of glory?

Photo of the Week:
took this a few days ago, the pond still hasn’t thawed in our inlet. where the sun hits it at the other end, it thaws a bit, then freezes again. on day one, there was one rock. on day two a few. now there are even more. from some of the evidence, I think most are being thrown in by small rock throwers. better they throw at the ice than living beings 😉

from the desk of the mighty dog;
you humans are really weird. why don’t you let the pack decide who is top dog/ then if you don’t like him, run him out. banish him to the forest or the desert or the swamp. if he doesn’t go like he should, well, the pack has other ways to defend itself.

Earworm of the Week: 
Official music video for ‘Wolf Totem’ by the HU. Read the words of the translation, that’s why I put in this link. A good protest song!

Quotes of the Week:

“Remember: The Lord works in mysterious ways—
but karma works in hilarious ways.”
~ God

Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ “We are all related” ~ Lakota Saying

“Re-examine all you have been told.
Dismiss what insults your soul.”
~Walt Whitman

I started writing this post on Tuesday of this week, and I am old and lazy and don’t want to rewrite the beginning, but today, Thursday, there is an update on the Good Bishop Budde. FFOTUS demanded an apology (poor, whiny FFOTUS got his widdle feelers hurt). In an interview with Time this week, she made it crystal clear she isn’t backing down. “My faith compels me to stand up for truth, justice, and love—even when it means defying powerful figures who seek to distort it,” she declared. “I am not going to apologize.” [emphasis mine] copied from Letters from God.

Waxing Poetic

Weather in the Tries:
Well, we’re going to miss that huge cold front that is covering parts of Idaho and east and south. Not that we’ll be in the clear, our lows will range from 23 30, and our highs from 35 to 41. Sun will show for a few days, but the two warmest days will be cloudy. Those clouds do hold in the heat. 

Waxing Poetic:
I don’t very often wax poetic over a product I’ve bought and use, but this one absolutely amazed me. I figured the possibility of being taken for a ride existed, but that’s not the case. 

A bit of backstory. I’ve always loved long hair, but when I let it grow out as long as it is now, I got 24/7 headaches because my hair was so thick and course and heavy. It self-parted in the middle and flared out like Gilda Radner’s, except on her it was cute, on me—not so much. So I got my hair cut short, and kept it short for 25 years. 

In many Tribal Cultures, when a loved one dies, people cut their hair. When Thomas died my hair was very short, so I decided to let my hair grow. About a year ago, if that, I began to notice when I combed or brushed it, gobs of hair came out, and my hair was much finer that it was. Well, I let my hair grow, and fall, and grow and fall, and eventually it began to dawn on me that I was headed for male pattern baldness. Now, I’ve always been somewhat jealous of women who have high foreheads, but somehow I didn’t think this was the way I wanted to get one.

So I started looking for shampoos to stop hair loss. Frankly, I don’t care if what I’ve lost grows back, but I do care that the loss ceases and desists! I ended up buying an expensive (for me—I’m normally a Suave kinda gal) shampoo and conditioner. I used it once, and when I combed my hair afterwards, I had about a fourth of the usual amount of hair in my comb. And it’s been going down since. What is this marvelous product you may be wondering? It’s Routine Wellness Anti-Thinning shampoo and conditioner.

Like the stuff I use to help my hair curl, the product that works for me, may not for you, but if you’re facing the same hair loss situation, I think Routine Wellness is worth a try. If it doesn’t work for you, mail it to me.

by replacing your morning coffee with Green tea, you can lose up to 89% of what little joy you still have left in your life.

There is a Filipino fast-food chain in LA called Jollibee. They were seen serving free food to people affected by the wildfires. Just quietly setting up tables and boxed food for those who need it. HUZZAH! HUZZAH! Jollibee. Jollibee’s motto is “Joy is best when shared.” During a lot of sad, a little bit of joy is certainly welcome, especially food.

Some places to which you may want to contribute. I am not saying you should, or you should donate to these, I’m just saying these are places I know about and have contributed to or will contribute to.

1. California Fire Foundation

2. Los Angeles Regional Food Bank

3. Latino Community Foundation

4. California Community Foundation:

5. Los Angeles Wildfire Book Donation Check them out. They are seeking books MG, YA, etc., for both schools and students who have lost books in the fire. I have several books I’ve never sold, guess where they are going, if they’re wanted. 

6. Jollibee Fast Foods—if you live in an area where they are, and can afford it, please consider buying something and maybe pay for a couple extra meals for those affected by the fire.

Photo of the Week:

Holy Moon. Actually, it’s the Wolf Moon, first full moon of the year. Using my phone, it was over-exposed so I thought I’d play with it in Photos, I started messing around with colors, etc., and ended up with this shot, with a flaming halo around Grandmother Moon (hence the Holy).

from the desk of the sad dog;
I am so sad for the humans and fur and feathered people who have lost their homes in the big fires. I hope they weren’t too scared and all got out okay. my human said that people died, and she didn’t tell me, but I’m afraid too many pets didn’t know where to go, and all the wildlife. well, I’ll try not to think of it. and if I ask my human, she’ll cry, again, so I won’t ask her. I hope all of you are safe, and all your friends and families are, too. 

Quote of the Week:
I don’t have a link for this, I it copied out of a Substack article by Faisal Kutty on Zeteo about the fires and the heroism of his LA neighbors. A colleague sent him a message making his guest rooms available to Mr. Kutty and his family, here is part of what the colleague wrote: “We have two empty bedrooms—one with a single bed, but we can add a futon, and the other with a double bed. Food is kosher and hence halall…” (emphasis mine). If I remember correctly, he said kids were welcome. I have apparently gotten so used to the Israeli’s giving the Palestinians nothing but death, and I find it amazing, if not miraculous, to read that a kosher Jew is offering his Muslim colleague love, a place to stay, and food he and his family can eat, really made my day. 


Weather in the Tries:
oooh, the lows will all be below freezing, one down to 22F, unless the fickle weather person changes his mind again. The highs will range from 33-42, and we’ll have sun each day. Unless the fickle weather person changes his mind, again. 😉


Today is Thursday, 9 Jan 2025, I’m watching President Jimmy Carter’s funeral.

Jason Carter told the best story of President Carter of the whole service. Jimmy finally got a cell phone, and early on in the process, Jason got a notice that Paw Paw Mobile was calling. He answered and said, Hi, Paw Paw. Jimmy said, Who’s this? Jason: What do you mean, this is Jason and you called me. Jimmy responded, I didn’t call you. I’m taking a picture. Jason brought much laughter when he concluded this story with, And he was a nuclear engineer. Humor belongs in a funeral. Remember the deceased with humor, not hate.

In retelling this short blurb by Jason, who also described his granddad as probably answering the door if someone knocked, in shorts and crocs. The image of him in crocs reminded me of when King Tut became a person to me, and not just a name from the dusty pages of history. I had the honor of seeing many of his possessions many years ago when they visited Seattle. They were overwhelming until I got to the camp stool he used. When I looked at the back legs I had to smile. The bottoms, facing front, were very scuffed. A bored or perhaps eager? young man, waiting for whatever he was waiting, obviously rubbed his feet against the stool’s legs. The legs on the stool were curved, so maybe these were the front feet of the stool. The legs were an ‘x’ shape. At any rate, that’s when Tut became a real person to me.

Once again, I find myself ignoring political news but watching ANKA, a news video out of Turkey, I think. At any rate they are giving coverage to Ukraine/Russia, which has not been all that great with our news coverage, and has become less so.

Once again, I think of Sherri S. Tepper’s book, The Gate to Women’s Country. If you haven’t read it, I strongly recommend it. I enjoyed the story tremendously, but her idea of how to fight wars is one I think should seriously be considered by all countries on our globe. I think Jimmy Carter would even approve, but he would, like me, prefer NO wars. Ever again. If every country were to sign such a treaty, their economy would be affected, at first negatively as they moved away from a war-based economy and literally turned weapons of war into peaceful uses. 

We now have, and have had for years, the capability to kill all life on earth in a matter of minutes. But what would happen if all projectile weapons were banned, including the atlatl? Look that one up, if you don’t know what it is. It’s pretty interesting. It used to be spelled Atalatal, but time, and dictionaries, march on.

There are several things in Tepper’s book that would not be accepted by today’s people, though they would be interesting. In a nutshell, the parts that could be accepted (with probable edits by this writer) are:

1. Warriors must use hand weapons only, i.e., swords, knives, battle axes. They must be able to look into the eyes of the warrior they kill—or are killed by.

2. Wars must be declared by written letters, the defenders get to choose the field.

3. Wars must be fought outside population areas whether cities or villages, in fields set aside to be used as a battlefield. (May be used for agricultural purposes between wars). Civilians are off limits, and the warriors may not enter villages, cities, etc. to fight.)

4. Once the war is over, the victor claims the territory or whatever comes in the treaty. The loser clears the field. But the civilians carry on. Nothing is bombed. No grenades are thrown. You want to kill someone? Look them in the eye as you do so. Or as they do unto you. No drones. No howitzers. No HIMARCS. No guns or automatic weapons. Get the idea? 

If we didn’t pour gazillions of dollars into the war machine, think how much we could do for our people, our children. We could feed them all, have universal health care, why, we might even become civilized. 

Can you even begin to imagine what it would be like to send your kidlets off to school and know the worst thing that could happen to them would be a skinned knee, or maybe a school yard scuffle? Can you imagine walking down the street and not having to fear a police officer deciding you walked too much like a star bellied snitch and therefore shoot you. Of course, he may attempt to run you through with a sword, but you’d have a better chance of escape.

Oh dear, our magic dragon has died. “Our fearless dragon is tired and has entered the last chapter of his magnificent life. The world knows Peter Yarrow the iconic folk activist, but the human being behind the legend is every bit as generous, creative, passionate, playful, and wise as his lyrics suggest,” his daughter Bethany said in a statement. 

RIP in peace Peter Yarrow, you are sorely missed. But, I gotta add a question: Are you and Mary singing with Jimmy, now?

First Photo of the Year:

Dragonflies Coming in to Land at Harry Reid Air Port, Las Vegas, NV (the reflection from the window is part of my shirt which says Future Corpse. The reflection is TUR

from the desk of the mighty chihuahua;
my human found my sweater. I wondered if she would ever find it. I don’t really like wearing it, but when there is ice on the pond, it feels very nice to have it on. especially when the wind is blowing. it’s really nice when the air is cold but the sun is out. when the sun smiles at me in my pretty black sweater, I’m top dog of the planet.

Earworm of the Week:

Puff the Magic Dragon, original by Peter, Paul, and Mary (damn! I shed a tear every time I hear this, now I’m crying.)

Quotes from the Funeral, from

Joe Biden: “I miss him, but I take solace in knowing that he and Rosalynn are reunited again,” he concluded. “To the entire Carter family, thank you — and I mean this sincerely — for sharing them both with America and the world. We love you all.”

Jason Carter: By the way, he cut the deficit, wanted to decriminalize marijuana, deregulated so many industries that he gave us cheap flights and, as you heard, craft beer. Basically all of those years ago, he was the first millennial. And he could make great playlists, as we’ve heard as well.”

Andrew Young: Seated at a microphone, Young — whom Carter appointed as United Nations ambassador — drew laughs from the crowd when he called Carter “something of a miracle,” noting, “It’s still hard for me to understand how you could get to be president from Plains, Georgia.”

More quotes at the link.

Things For Which I Am Grateful

this is 2025, 2025, 2025, get used to it

Weather in the Tries:
Wow, I really blew it last week. I’ll try to get it right this week (takes deep breath) here goes: The lows for this week will be 32-34 and the highs will range from 30 to 48! two days in a row. Wonder if the management will open the pool???

Things For Which I Am Grateful:
President Jimmy Carter’s state funeral will be this Thursday. I hope the OP watches it and learns something positive. It’s too bad more churches never met, or if they did, killed him quick, Jesus. Had I attended the Carter’s church in Plains, GA, I might still be a Christian. But I didn’t and I’m not. Here’s a quote that kinda makes my case: “Homosexuality was well known in the ancient world, well before Christ was born and Jesus never said a word about homosexuality. In all of his teachings about multiple things he never said that gay people should be condemned.” ~ President Jimmy Carter.

Did I tell you I’m on Bluesky? I think so, but I’m old and forget things. One of the things I love is it seems much more positive than X, in fact, God is on it. S/He makes it worth the move. I’m Lenora Good should you care to visit.

I will continue my weekly foray into Facebook for a while, probably until 2025 wanders out, only because my chapbook, Saying Goodbye to Thomas will be released to Pre Order effective 24 Feb-2 May, with general release in June. I really want people to pre order, as that is what my royalty is set to, and I want lots of royalty to divide in half between ALS Assoc and End of Life WA.

I must admit, I am extremely grateful to be alive in this time and not in the ‘good old days’ of yore. I’ve seen a lot of new things come and old things go. I saw a pufferbelly pull the train I was riding when I was a little kidlet, I saw the first diesel locomotive pull into Portland OR. I saw the rise of antibiotics, and the first polio vaccine. I saw the arrival of The Pill, and boy howdy was I grateful for that one. BTW, the doctor who gave us The Pill was a Roman Catholic. I witnessed HIV/AIDS go from a death sentence to a chronic illness, and I’ve seen some, but not enough, total reversals. I saw men walk on the moon, books become available in choices of bindings, type size, electronic, and audio available on our phones. 

People get upset at Amazon, claim it’s gotten rid of the mom and pop bookstores, but it really hasn’t. I fear it has made a good sized dent to a lot of traditional publishers, though. However, it has helped many of the small Independent publishers grow. Amazon pays a living wage, at least here in Kennewick where they hired my kids. 

I remember when Fred Meyer’s (in Portland OR) was a five and dime store. Then they added a few staple groceries. Then a lot of staple groceries, and home dec, and electronics, and paint, and a plant nursery. And people started shopping there because it became a one-stop-shop. I shopped there for years, until they sold out to Kroger. When they did that, they started selling Kroger stuff, and I would have to go to 2 or 3 different stores to get my groceries. Fuggedaboutit! I shifted over to WinCo. But they, too, have cut way down on a lot of their bulk foods/spices. 

But, you know where I can get a lot of stuff that is not available in Kennewick (at least not that I’ve found)? You got it, And I don’t have to get dressed if I don’t want to, I don’t have to go out in the cold, I just have to wait a couple of days to get what I need. But I haven’t heard anyone complain about Amazon deliberately setting out to put grocery stores out of business. 

Back to the gratefuls—I am truly grateful for YouTube and related. This morning, as I was going through my newsfeed, I came across Freddie Mercury singing operatic, every time this pops up in my feed, I watch and love it, and him, all over again. Brings to mind the saying that one never truly dies until no one remembers them. A couple stories down the list, I had the pleasure of watching and listening to Snarky Puppy. And then a short video came up of a young woman playing the violin while on a boat and the whales coming up to listen to her. It would be interesting if someone would follow those whales and see if they incorporate a bit of classical music into their whale song. Every so often, I have to get my royalty fix and call up the forever young and sexy Freddie Mercury. Yep from 78s to 33s to 45s to tape, to CD, to streaming. It’s great to be alive today!

And Zoom! (Remember the old Mazda commercials with the kid saying, “zoom, zoom”?) Well, thanks to the Pandemic, I discovered the new and improved Zoom. Just one. Take Monday last—I attended a poetry reading in NYC, then another, non-poetry reading in Seattle by Sherman Alexie (for those of you who don’t know, Kennewick where I live is in Eastern WA close to the OR border. Driving across the Snoqualmie pass in good weather is a 3-4 hr drive.) Tuesday night was an open mic reading, Friday was a poetry prompt gathering, Saturday a poetry critique and Sunday another open mic, and sometimes a gathering from around the world of poets. I can’t go to Seattle to attend a Sherman Alexie reading, but I can certainly attend via Zoom!! Hm, is that Ladysmith Black Mambazo singing the commercial? And drones. Not weapon drones, photo drones. One of my favorite channels on YouTube is the Desert Drifter. He backpacks all over the SW desert and shows some fantastic scenery and old homes and granaries of the Old Ones. I can even watch the Bolshoi with minimal searching, check out the Bolshoi Bolero from 1967 no less. I’ve never seen flamenco like this, if in fact is. Whatever it is, it is Spectacular!

How did we ever live without computers and the WWW and Zoom and AI and Word processing, and all these new-fangled things??

But the one thing I am most grateful for? YOU! None of this would be worth anything if I didn’t have you, my friends, my family of choice, my family of blood, to share my wonderful wacky life with. I have been friends with some of you for 65 years plus. How be them thar apples?

First Photo of 2025:
well, this a first. it’s been rainy and gray and I haven’t taken any yet.

from the paws of the big little dawg;
my human left her bedroom door open one the noisy night so I could go hide in her bathroom or the office with housemate dan. neither my human no me got much sleep. but my human still loves me. and there won’t be another noisy night until summer. why do humans love their noise so much.

Earworm of the Week:

Pavel’s Bolero by Wiener Philharmoniker

Quote of the Week from Stressless Country:

“Here’s to the year that lies ahead,
let’s face it with laughter instead.
With humor as our guiding light,
we’ll tackle each day with all our might!”
~ Catherine Pulsifer, Roses Are Red

It is 2025, 2025, 2025, 2025, do not forget

“In a World of Donald Trumps, be a Jimmy Carter”

Weather in the Tries:
Somewhat cooler with gobs of sunshine predicted! Thank you, President Carter for putting in a good word for us.

“In a world of Donald Trumps, be a Jimmy Carter:”
I sat down to write this post yesterday, when the news hit my computer screen that Jimmy Carter, 100, had died. Selfishly, I hoped he outlive me. He, at least, was a voice of reason, and a heart of caring. Anyhow, there went all my words–poof, out the brain into the void.

This is the post of Jeff Tiedrich
here’s today’s post: “in a world of Donald Trumps, be a Jimmy Carter”–RIP James Earl Carter…

See you next week.

Look! Look! A Solution to Mass Shootings?? NOT!!

Weather in the Tries:
Wet! slightly higher temps mostly low 50s. Friday and Saturday the only so-called dry days. Poor Sammy Puppy Dog. He so dislikes the wet, unless it’s in his water dish. He’s also not overly fond of really cold weather, so I hope he appreciates the wet and warmer temps. If the wet is like a Seattle drizzle, it won’t be too bad, but if it’s more like a real rain…poor puppy dog. Wednesday will be our coolest day at 45F. Not cold enough to snow, not warm enough to enjoy. sigh.

Look! Look! A Solution to Mass Shootings?? NOT!!:
Sat down at my computer and there is a notice that there has been ANOTHER school shooting with three killed—a teacher, a student, and the student alleged shooter. Then, on my news feed, this popped up: Look at one of the many articles here

Yes, three of the reddest states in the union already have them. Wanna guess? Alabama, Oklahoma, and Texas, with Colorado coming any day now, if not already there. Jesus Jumping Jehoshaphat! With kids having been raised with computers and AI, how long do you think it will take junior to have new id with his photo and a fake birthyear????

This is a country who loves the little children, and wants to arm teachers, instead of disarming shooters. 
This is a country who loves the little children, enough they ban abortions even when medically called for. 
This is a country who loves the little innocent babies, but refuses to help to Mama feed them, care for them, give them medical and dental as they grow. 
This is a country who loves the little children, but have little to nothing in the way of background checks for gun buyers, but want to track women’s periods.
This is a country who loves the little children, only while in a controlled uterus.
This is a country who loves the little children, but won’t help Mama move into safe housing.
This is a country who loves the little children, who self-identify as Good Christians but have never heard of, let alone followed Mark 5:2-12 ESV:

I probably have way more atheist friends now than Christian ones, and the atheists I know show way more compassion, caring, love, mercy, &c than those self-identified Good Christians. 

Do you remember Moloch, a Pagan god of old? Okay, do you remember reading about Moloch? The one who liked small, sweet children as his sacrifice. Methinks he’s still around and worshipped by old white men who encourage younger white men to buy guns and commit mass murders—who now run the NRA, and pay republican politicians to keep common sense gun control nonexistent. My thoughts and prayers, (useless as spitting into the wind) to their god of choice, are with them. My love, hugs, and votes are with the families and friends of those killed or wounded.

I truly hope those self-identified Good Christians who hate so joyously,  so strongly, meet the God they have birthed when they die. And enjoy his laughter while he smites them mightily.

Photo of the Week:
Posted on Bluesky this past week by John Scalzi: “This is a two-story quilt that is in the lobby of my wife’s office, and if they ever want to sell it, I am totally going to buy it for the church.” If you know anything about this Quilt—who made it, who quilted it, dimensions, etc., please let me know in the comments. I think it’s just gorgeous and really would like to give credit where credit is due. I took it from John Scalzi’s Bluesky.

from the desk of the love totin’ chihuahua;
sometimes, I wish I were a human so I could talk like a human, then I remember that humans love their guns and more and more are getting them. dogs don’t like guns. and dogs don’t own guns, and dogs don’t shoot guns, especially in schools. and then I wonder what is wrong with humans. I think if they would smell each other, like dogs do, they’d get enough information to get by without guns. but, no, probably not. dogs don’t know how to tell lies, but humans do.

Earworm of the Week:
I Think I’m Gonna Hate It Here – A Randy Rainbow Song Parody

Quotes of the Week:
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

You shall not murder. (unless, of course, you worship of Moloch)

Video of the Week:
The Greatest Speech Ever Made: Charlie Chaplin the Great Dictator W Time Inception Full HD Best Version-YouTube. Click here. Wow! I think it’s the first time I’ve ever heard him speak. Now I can see why people thought he was the greatest. Under 5 minutes, give it a look-see.

Happy Holidays to you one and all! 

unless you’re a MAGA-neo-nazi-white-supremacist-evangelical,
in which case I have no idea what to wish for you. More victimhood?
More rants? More angst? More misery? Well, whatever it is you want,
I wish you receive it. I wish you wanted Joy, Laughs, Humor.
Those are so much more fun than the anger which you deliriously wear
like a second skin.

Dancing Sugar Plums

Public Service Announcement:

Some of you have asked if I could record these epistles. Yes, I can and No, I can’t. In other words: Sometimes. But if you, dear reader, have a vision problem, you need something a bit more reliable than my vocal cords, and I think you very probably have it. I may be wrong, but…IF you use MS Word, there is something called Narrator you can use. I can’t begin to tell you how, but you can go here for information on how to set it up for a PC, and click here for a Mac.You should be able to hear either your own documents, or a page on the web. A great way to check what you’ve written for syntax, etc.

Weather in the Tries:
It’s getting warmer —the highs will not only be above freezing this coming week, on Wednesday the high will be in the 50s!! The lows will get almost kissing close to freezing, but not quite. Such a tease.        

Dancing Sugar Plums:
I don’t know about you, but I always considered sugar-plums dancing through the kidlet’s heads to be, well, sugared plums. I have been shown the truth. There are no sugared plums in sugar-plums. Did Clement Clarke Moore lie to us? No. (phew. that’s a relief). I found a fascinating 22 minute program on YouTube, Tasting History: Victorian Sugar Plums.

I don’t know if Max Miller, who hosts Tasting History, is a trained chef or a trained historian, or both, or neither. Obviously, he loves history, at least he loves kitchen history, and cheffing. Should that be chefing? 

I really implore you to watch the video. You deserve a break today, besides this one, of course. Pour yourself a cuppa your favorite warm libation—tea, coffee, mulled wine—and sit back, relax, and enjoy this instructive video. The subject of sanity arises in the video—well, you’ll see what I mean when you watch it.

I strongly hope you will quell the urge to make your own, and just go out and buy them, instead.

Wee tiny small quilts:
When I moved back to the Tries from ABQ, I decided I wanted to spend my time on small quilts—table toppers, wall hangings, placemats, no more bed sized quilts. Wee quilts are easier, for the most part, to work on. And take up less space. 

Somewhere along the way, I was told about Lisa Flowers Ross. My wee memory, what’s left of it, tells me I was in correspondence with her father when writing Madame Dorian, Her Journey to the Oregon Country, and somehow quilting came up in one of our conversations. Or perhaps he was just evincing Fatherly Pride in his daughter, Lisa, and her accomplishments. It really doesn’t, at this point in the story, matter. I became a fan of her art and signed up for her newsletter. Be sure to watch the video on the opening page of her website (linked above), it’s about 23 minutes long.

Her last newsletter, had some wee tiny small quilts that were as big as the opening in an 8×10 matt—roughly 3.5” x 5.5” in the matts and frames I bought. I made two as ‘drafts’ before tackling the final ones. I don’t know how she does them, but I strongly suspicion there is very little actual sewing, that most of the pieces are fused. In looking closely at the picture she sent, it looks like the quilting is very minimal. So here are my first two:

Photos of the Week:
This is my first one, Snack Time (apologies for the pinked up white matte and the reflection.)

This is my second, Desert Sunset

from the desk of the sleepy chihuahua;
my human is really weird, but what else is new. it’s winter, it’s cold, and it’s dark. she lets her phone make noise early in the morning. then she lets me out for a few minutes and I go back to bed. does she/ no. she stays up which puts me in a terrible bind. my dogness says I should really be by her side to protect her, but it’s dark outside, and my body says it needs more sleep. I’m very glad she doesn’t get upset with me. now, I’m going back to sleep.

Earworm of the Week:

This isn’t really an earworm, but more of a parody, and I fear I will see it every time I think of the OP. When I Think of Trump, a Yiddish song on YouTube. Enjoy.

Now this is an earworm:
Burl Ives singing the first cover of Ghost Riders in the Sky, recorded 1949. This has been one of my favorite songs since I was a kid, a little kid. My three favorite songs as a kidlet were Ghost Riders in the Sky, Oh Buttermilk Skies by Hoagy Carmichael, I’m Just Wild About Animal Crackers by Mel Blanc.