Tag Archives: The Late Auntie Lenora

Just Call Me the Late Auntie Lenora, Again

Weather in the Tries:
It’s going to be mostly cloudy this week, with highs in the 50s and lows in the 40s with a couple dips down to high 30s. Some rain, some wind, but warm enough nights that the dog and I haven’t had to turn the electric blanket on for the last 3 or 4 nights. Just hope the rains come at a time other than his two daily walks. He just doesn’t understand why rain should fall from the sky, when it obviously needs to come from a bowl, only. Alas, he is not King of his Universe.

Just Call Me the Late Auntie Lenora, Again
I met a gal a while back [how do we define a ‘while back’? — weeks? months? years? take your pick] and we became instant friends. We were of an age, grew up with the same music, same fashions, and we shared the same sense of humor. Instant friends. Not just with Lena, as we called her, but with her kids. I reminded them of their grandma, in a good way. 

Anyhow, Lena was dying, and we all knew it. She was very open about that, and I spent time with her and her kids last week. Her kids were great. They broke into shifts, and took care of her in her own home. They had it down, and humor filled that house that was full of Lena’s things, where she could see many, and with which she had happy memories. 

Sunday, yesterday, Day of the Semi-Annual Insane Time Change, I got a call to come say goodbye. I got there 30-40 minutes before she slipped into a coma, from which the Hospice Nurse said she probably would not awaken. Lena and I talked before then, laughed before then, and just before she closed her eyes, she asked me to look after her kids (all 50 and older). I said I would. I sat with them for about 6 hours, until I had to go home and take care of my dog who was alone in the apartment, and needed both dinner and a walk. Boy Howdy! He really needed that walk. And some loves. He’s not used to being alone for so long. Housemate Dan was also gone, it seldom happens we’re both gone at the same time.

The kids and I texted through the evening, and about 11 hours after slipping into a coma, Lena awoke in her eternity. 

At my age, I say those goodbyes to a lot of friends. I come from a double line of long-lived people. But what no one ever said to me, was that she who lives the longest, says the most goodbyes. 

Photo of the Week:
This is a Hug blanket, sold by Penzey’s Spices. It’s soft and snuggly, and is a Hug. I have ordered a few of them for people who needed a Hug I couldn’t be there to give them. They are $24.95. They are on sale right now, you can order one for yourself, and one for a friend OR you can order two to be donated to persons in need. These are lightweight, brightly colored, and two blankets for the price of one is a good thing. I did not take the photo.

order at: https://www.penzeys.com/online-catalog/hug-blanket/c-24/p-3281/pd-s

Videos of the Week:
reminds me of the Blue Man Group 😉

Thousands sing for Ukraine

Quotes of the Week:

Grief is love with no place to go 
~ Neil Scott

Death is not extinguishing the lamp;
it is putting out the light 
because the dawn has come. 
~ Rabindranath Tagore

“Re-examine all you have been told. 
Dismiss what insults your soul.” 
~Walt Whitman

Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ “We are all related” ~ Lakota Saying

Love n Joy n Hugs to you all. 
Be emotionally and physically well!