Tag Archives: Still Dancin’ the Happy

Still Dancin’ the Happy

Weather in the Tries:
We are looking at a week of day temps in the 80s, night temps in the 60s, with Tuesday being the outlier on air quality. All week will be in the yellow except Tuesday will be red—unhealthy. As much smoke as we have now, I’m surprised we’re still in the yellow, moderate level. 

Still Dancin’ the Happy:
Yeah, my dancing is still one-legged, though I can now walk on the side of my poor, assaulted, wounded foot that is home to said toe. The use of the walker is now more for balance, and if I go to any sort of crowded venue, a protective cage.

And I’m still wearing the oh-so-stylish (NOT) shoe, also more as a visual to warn people I’m injured. The dr. was quite pleased with the foot once the dressing came off. I am now down to one band aid. And the shoe is now a tad too big. But I can wear my socks on both feet 😉

Still haven’t walked the beast. Hope to do that this weekend. I’m fairly confident that if I use the walker, and have something to hold onto, that I can properly pick up offerings to the Grass Gods and dispose them to nearest dumpster. Oops, I mean altar. 

The stitches will come out in one week, the pins in four weeks. Then I’m good to go, and the dr. said my road trip won’t be affected. Phew! And once the pins are out, I can take a real shower! I can get my foot wet! Oh, it will be so difficult not to break into a happy dance in the shower, but I shall contain my enthusiasm.

I have a bath stool, but I have to cover my foot, and use the handheld shower. No way am I going to stand with one foot on edge. And if I cover my foot, and hang it outside, a certain amount of water goes out, no matter how careful I am, and then I have to clean it up, and life is, at times, hard, Bunky. So I’m pretending I’m back in the Army, and bathing out of my helmet. Except I use the sink 😉 Believe me, I feel considerably safer. 

One of my super good friends bought me a walker, and lemme tell you, it has been a godsend! Now, I am happy to state being allowed to walk on the outside edge of my foot, I only need it for balance. I have to walk on the outside edge, and drive with the outside edge of my foot on the Go pedal. As long as I pay attention to where I put my feet, and stay on the level, I’m doing fine. Now, I’m wondering how long it will take me to walk normal once the pins come out. But it will be great to do a two-footed happy dance when it happens 😉

Photos of a While Back:
The bunny was a friend of Thomas. Bunny had a crippled leg, but was pretty brave when Thomas watched him in the back yard.


I think this is a Peony bud with a visitor. I truly appreciate the telephoto lens on my camera. I got my photo, and the Dude Stinger took off in an opposite direction.


Quote of the Week:


Make America Laugh Again!