Tag Archives: Sammy Brave Dog

Look! Look! A Solution to Mass Shootings?? NOT!!

Weather in the Tries:
Wet! slightly higher temps mostly low 50s. Friday and Saturday the only so-called dry days. Poor Sammy Puppy Dog. He so dislikes the wet, unless it’s in his water dish. He’s also not overly fond of really cold weather, so I hope he appreciates the wet and warmer temps. If the wet is like a Seattle drizzle, it won’t be too bad, but if it’s more like a real rain…poor puppy dog. Wednesday will be our coolest day at 45F. Not cold enough to snow, not warm enough to enjoy. sigh.

Look! Look! A Solution to Mass Shootings?? NOT!!:
Sat down at my computer and there is a notice that there has been ANOTHER school shooting with three killed—a teacher, a student, and the student alleged shooter. Then, on my news feed, this popped up: Look at one of the many articles here

Yes, three of the reddest states in the union already have them. Wanna guess? Alabama, Oklahoma, and Texas, with Colorado coming any day now, if not already there. Jesus Jumping Jehoshaphat! With kids having been raised with computers and AI, how long do you think it will take junior to have new id with his photo and a fake birthyear????

This is a country who loves the little children, and wants to arm teachers, instead of disarming shooters. 
This is a country who loves the little children, enough they ban abortions even when medically called for. 
This is a country who loves the little innocent babies, but refuses to help to Mama feed them, care for them, give them medical and dental as they grow. 
This is a country who loves the little children, but have little to nothing in the way of background checks for gun buyers, but want to track women’s periods.
This is a country who loves the little children, only while in a controlled uterus.
This is a country who loves the little children, but won’t help Mama move into safe housing.
This is a country who loves the little children, who self-identify as Good Christians but have never heard of, let alone followed Mark 5:2-12 ESV:

I probably have way more atheist friends now than Christian ones, and the atheists I know show way more compassion, caring, love, mercy, &c than those self-identified Good Christians. 

Do you remember Moloch, a Pagan god of old? Okay, do you remember reading about Moloch? The one who liked small, sweet children as his sacrifice. Methinks he’s still around and worshipped by old white men who encourage younger white men to buy guns and commit mass murders—who now run the NRA, and pay republican politicians to keep common sense gun control nonexistent. My thoughts and prayers, (useless as spitting into the wind) to their god of choice, are with them. My love, hugs, and votes are with the families and friends of those killed or wounded.

I truly hope those self-identified Good Christians who hate so joyously,  so strongly, meet the God they have birthed when they die. And enjoy his laughter while he smites them mightily.

Photo of the Week:
Posted on Bluesky this past week by John Scalzi: “This is a two-story quilt that is in the lobby of my wife’s office, and if they ever want to sell it, I am totally going to buy it for the church.” If you know anything about this Quilt—who made it, who quilted it, dimensions, etc., please let me know in the comments. I think it’s just gorgeous and really would like to give credit where credit is due. I took it from John Scalzi’s Bluesky.

from the desk of the love totin’ chihuahua;
sometimes, I wish I were a human so I could talk like a human, then I remember that humans love their guns and more and more are getting them. dogs don’t like guns. and dogs don’t own guns, and dogs don’t shoot guns, especially in schools. and then I wonder what is wrong with humans. I think if they would smell each other, like dogs do, they’d get enough information to get by without guns. but, no, probably not. dogs don’t know how to tell lies, but humans do.

Earworm of the Week:
I Think I’m Gonna Hate It Here – A Randy Rainbow Song Parody

Quotes of the Week:
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

You shall not murder. (unless, of course, you worship of Moloch)

Video of the Week:
The Greatest Speech Ever Made: Charlie Chaplin the Great Dictator W Time Inception Full HD Best Version-YouTube. Click here. Wow! I think it’s the first time I’ve ever heard him speak. Now I can see why people thought he was the greatest. Under 5 minutes, give it a look-see.

Happy Holidays to you one and all! 

unless you’re a MAGA-neo-nazi-white-supremacist-evangelical,
in which case I have no idea what to wish for you. More victimhood?
More rants? More angst? More misery? Well, whatever it is you want,
I wish you receive it. I wish you wanted Joy, Laughs, Humor.
Those are so much more fun than the anger which you deliriously wear
like a second skin.

Happy Halloween (a day late)

Weather in the Tries: Saturday and Sunday were cool but mostly sunny. Starting Monday it will be mostly cloudy with lows down to 30 and highs (one day) all the way up to 59. Most of the highs will be mid 50s, most of the lows will be high 30s to low 40s.,

Happy Halloween:

I hope we have our usual amount of trick or treaters tonight (remember, I write this the day before you read it) which is zero. We do have a couple of kidlets in the complex, but I have nothing to give out.

But I do have a Halloween story for you:

I was four, it was summer, I was bored, and we were poor (but I had no concept of that at the time) and I wanted some candy. I had been a good girl and thought I deserved some. Mom explained that we didn’t have any and we didn’t have money for candy. What was a girl to do?

I shrugged and said okay and went back to playing. But this devious mind of mine developed early.

Fast forward an hour or two, and Mom caught me chewing something and wanted to know what I was eating.

“Candy,” I said.

“Candy? Where did you get it?” Now that I think about it, there was probably a lot of concern I had no clue of at the time. What had I done for what dirty old man that he gave me candy?

I produced a paper bag with several candies in it. “From the neighbors. I went Trick or Treating.” I was quite proud of myself that I’d solved my problem, and my sweet tooth, without any adult help. Well, other than giving me candy when they answered the door.

Poor Mom, she had no idea who I had frauded, and she heard later from various neighborhood sources that some sweet little girl had come around Trick or Treating and she was so cute and the idea so novel, they had to share their largess.

But I learned we can only go Trick or Treating one night a year. Bummer, eh?

November is American Indian Heritage Month. I shall honor my Ancestors to the best of my ability. (I do that anyhow, but I’ll make a special attempt the whole month. Honest. Trust me.)

You can honor your favorite Catawba and buy my new book, The Bride’s Gate and Other Assorted Writings. A friend who is also a writer, says some of my stories remind him of Kurt Vonnegut! Wowser! Talk about high praise.

Photo of the Week:

One of my neighbor’s Jack O’Lanterns. One neighbor, with a short person in the house, got three large pumpkins and carved them, set them outside for all to enjoy. The skunks must have smelled dinner because within a couple of days they were pretty well demolished.


Movie: Dune 3D.  OMG. I have to go back and see it again!!! This is the first time I’ve been in a theater in about 10 years. I have avoided them like the plague (or Covid). They are sooooo loud, they not only make my ears hurt, they give me serious headaches for a couple days. But I so wanted to see the new Dune on a big screen. AND in 3D. The last time I saw a 3D movie I was in elementary school, and they had the lenses in two colors glued into cardboard. These glasses were plastic, and the lenses were clear. I’m assuming they were polarized, but haven’t bothered to look it up.

The ONLY gripe about the movie is its Part I. We have to wait a couple years for part 2. If you are familiar with the story, get thee to a theater, preferably a 3D one. Yes, they left out a couple scenes that I remember as being important, but it’s been 21 years (at least) since the last time I read it. They made some changes, but one can’t just dump a book into a movie without some changes. The movie got to about the half way part of the book, according to something I read. And, no, I’m not going to tell you any more than that.

Oh, and the soundtrack was loud, but not LOUD like the last time I was in a theater. I had actually removed my hearing aids and was preparing to put in some really good ear plugs. I ended up putting my aids back in my ears and enjoying the movie. If you’re not familiar with the story, I think it would still make sense, but I don’t know for sure. If you’re not familiar with the story, and go see it, would you please let me know if it made sense?

Quotes of the Week (from the new Dune movie):

“The mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve, but a reality to experience.” – Jamis

And of course, the most famous of all Dune Quotes, book or movie:

“I must not fear. Fear is the Mind-Killer. Fear is the little death that brings obliteration.” — Litany Against Fear, spoken by Lady Jessica.

Personally, I prefer Reverend Mother Odrade’s version better: “Face your fears or they will ride your back.” As she said, it’s much simpler to remember. (I think that was from Chapter House Dune.)

And there it is, Gentle Readers, your Coffee Break Escape for the week. Uh, don’t try the movie during coffee break. Unless you take your boss with you. I had a couple of bosses back in the day, who would have gone with me and loved it. But one would have felt dire guilt, I think.

And a note on the brave dog. I was gone all day Saturday from about 7am to 9pm and I left Sammy with a neighbor. He was a good boy and loved every minute. No heart ache I had left him. He seemed to know I’d be back. Of course, he visits that neighbor every day or so and “inspects” the floor;-)

Having yourself a fantastically wonderful week. And go see Dune 3D.