Tag Archives: Lori Desrosiers

My Doppelgangers

Weather in the Tries: Looks like we be in for some haze (smoke?) for a couple days, highs in the upper 90s, then it clears and our temps are low 90s and upper 80s. With our lows (allegedly) dropping into the high 50s! Much more reasonable than the last couple weeks 😉

My Doppelgangers:

I seem to have two doppelgangers. The first is an actress/model. Starting when I was in my late teens, early twenties, friends would ask me when I’d gone to Hollywood to work in this show or that film. Even my family would ask these questions. Say, what? The funny thing is, I’d seen the show and didn’t recognize “me” at all. Then one day years later, I bought my mom a funny card. She was in hospice, and I looked for funny cards for her. She was sure I was the model in the card, positive. So positive, she told all the nurses in the hospital it was me. So much for the wise mother, eh? When I came to visit, they asked about it, and wanted to know how to do their own card. They agreed with mom, the photo was of me. Whoever this gal is, she is aging about like me, too. Because I still get asked every now and then if I was in this or that tv show. I haven’t a clue who she is, but I’m glad she’s having fun in The Business.

My other doppelganger is different. We don’t look all that much alike, but the rest of the similarities are striking. I met her through Facebook.

Lori Desrosiers is a poet, and we have several friends in common, so when she requested we be friends, I agreed. Then told her Lori has been my nickname since 3d grade, because no child could pronounce my name, Lenora, with their soft palates (it came out Anora, Canora, Banora, etc.). Turns out, Lori’s real name is Lenora, but she’s gone by Lori since a child and still uses it. Her parents decided Lenora was too much for kids to say.

Lori has published poetry books, I have published poetry books, hers are by a Poet, mine are by a Wannabe. By the way, I’ve read a couple of her books, and they’re very nice and well done. Published by Salmon Press in Ireland. I haven’t reached that level of expertise yet. Anyhow, check out the Book section below for reviews of two of her books.

We both learned of Reveille and Taps at our respective summer camps, we both took violin lessons in school—the difference being I had a really good violin to use, but no ear for music; she had a student violin to use, and an ear for music. She sings on key, I sing tenor—tenor twelve miles away, and even then it’s iffy.

Her childhood BFF was named Valerie Clark. My adult BFF for the last 60 years is named Valerie Clark. 

Do you have a Doppelganger? Have you met this person? Do you know who s/he is? Where s/he lives? How do you feel about it?

Photo of the Week:

The Junk was my mom’s pride and joy (after the Ming Dynasty teacup and saucer), most of the knickknacks on the shelf were hers, and the statues on either side of the Junk. There are small tables, coromandel pictures, etc. The painting to the side is by my uncle, her brother. The Junk is sitting on my Chinese altar table.


Netflix: Still enjoying my Korean series, Hospital Playlist.

If you liked the mind-bending sequences of the Matrix movies, you need to check out Sense8. Great fun. Created and written by the Wachowskis and J. Michael Straczynski.

Books: Remember, when I finish a book, I review it at Rainy Day Reads.

I am still reading Calling Bullsh*t: The Art of Skepticism in a Data-Driven World —by Carl T. Bergstrom / Jevin D. West. Am still reading The Glass Constellation by Arthur Sze. Two good books going on at the same time. I think Auntie Lenora is going to get little else done but reading for a few hot days 😉

Finished reading two of Lori’s books, Sometimes I Hear the Clock Speak, and The Philosopher’s Daughter. Both excellent and I think accessible to non-poets who aren’t sure they like to read poetry. 

Writing: The Bride’s Gate and Other Assorted Writings, An Eclectic Reader for Eclectic Readers. is at the proofreader’s. At this rate, it should be available in plenty of time for Christmas. You can buy it for gifts—for yourself and for friends. 

Quote of the Week:

Many people say, “Who’s my doppelganger?” when maybe / they should ask, “Whose doppelganger am I?”Carson Cistulli

And so, Auntie Lenora, Doppelganger Actress and Doppelganger Lori, and Sammy Brave Dog, who is sure his doppelganger is a Dragon, all wish you a great week full of joy and happiness and good things to eat (calorie-free, of course!).