Tag Archives: longer videos

Are you there, yet?

Weather in the Tries:
Why bless my soul! We’re getting nights into the low 40s this week, as well as high 30s. No freezing!!! Our days will be like Seattle, over on the Dark Side, mostly mid 50s, with a couple jaunts all the way up to 60—and cloudy, except for Thursday which is scheduled to be sunny! Perhaps Spring is truly approaching? Officially, it arrives March 20.

Are you there, yet?
I am. In fact, I am past it. The internet is, indeed, a marvel of goodness to behold. But all coins have two sides, and the internet is also a marvel of sickness. The anger, justified or not, becomes too much when shouted from every site, every channel. 

I told my housemate his limit of news was 20 minutes per day. He laughed. But that’s about my limit, now. I change ‘channels’ as soon as the PINO (President in Name Only) comes on. Or any of his henchpeople. After Friday’s reprehensible actions in the White House, I found myself physically ill. I’m so glad I didn’t watch the live performance.

Now, I look for beauty—music, ice skating, travel, foodie shows, good news. I’ll still get enough of the doom and gloom, but it’s beginning to be like the old soap operas—if you tune in once a year, once in a while, you haven’t missed anything. 

So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, welcome to my world. Set a timer when you check the news, or your social media. limit yourself. Search for beauty, give your brain a break. Your heart will thank you. Your partner will thank you. Your pets will thank you. 

Some short videos you might enjoy:

Man rescues hummingbird
Two cats talking
2 elephants enjoying the didgeridoo

And you know I’m really stressed when I, your Auntie Lenora, Mathphobe of the Universe,, click on a math video and watch it! No promises that I understand it. /snort/

Some longer videos:

Adagio Guitar & Cello about 90 minutes, good background music11 hours of 
Samurai Meditation and Relaxation Music
Space Ambient Music Mix great graphics & I think this is the same music track at the one above, but has graphics.

I use the longer music videos, for background while working, whether sewing or writing or napping. Much better than talking heads and news. 

PINO and his buddies are NOT the Borg, resistance is not futile!

Photo of the Week:
A friend and I walk down by the Columbia River, and we had sunshine and (moderate) warmth on Friday. Here is a shot with some trees, Pasco on the far shore (we were in Kennewick , Richland, third of the Tri Cities not in picture) and a group of Canada Geese heading upriver. 

Video of the Week:
well, doh, see above 😉

Earworm of the Week:
Yeah, I’m back to The HU — Wolf Totem. I love the words, and this link has the lyrics in English. I think it would be great fun to see the HU and a Lakota, or other tribe, have a musical faceoff. 

Quotes of the Week:

“It’s a victory when the weapons fall silent
and people speak up.
Volodymyr Zelensky

The president can’t change the country on his own.
But what can he do? He can give an example.
Volodymyr Zelensky

Let’s find those people whose names
do not cause controversy in our present
and in our future. Let’s name the monuments
and streets for those people whose names
do not provoke conflict. ~ Volodymyr Zelensky

“Re-examine all you have been told. 
Dismiss what insults your soul.” 
~Walt Whitman

Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ “We are all related” ~ Lakota Saying

Love n Joy n Hugs to you all. 
Be emotionally and physically well!