Weather in the Tries:
Gonna be cold nights most of the week—23F to 37F. The two nights above freezing will be cloudy and rainy. The days will start at 37F and work up to 47F (can you say rain?) and down to 39F. The first 3 days will be sunny, then the gray, and wet, move back.
What Heroism Looks Like:
I am not a hero. I did not watch any of the festivities of the swearing-in of FFOTUS (First Felon of the United States). I figured there would be plenty of snippets on YouTube later. And there were and still are. From his oath not taking with his left hand by his side, not on the stack of FFOTUS Bibles to the sermon by Washington Bishop Right Reverend Mariann Edgar Budde to those of the FF Family (FFF or F3 of Fcubed, which is better?) who attended, as well as the regular attendees. (I’m fairly sure there were enough seats for the regulars as well as the FFF). Watch Hero Budde and the FFF &c conspicuous in the front pews.
For one Christian to beg another Christian to show love and mercy seems downright weird. I mean, isn’t that what they are supposed to do? Wish they’d spend more time on Matthew 5:3-10 and less on Exodus 20:2-17. I get asked every so often why I am no longer a Christian. I often respond by telling them I couldn’t stand the hate anymore. I don’t miss the guilt, either.
I don’t know which made me the sickest—that the traitorous FFOTUS and his side kick were sworn in, or that the South African Nazi GAVE THE NAZI SALUTE TWICE IN OUR CAPITOL! Did you see his expression—pure venom, hate, anger. It was NOT enthusiasm, at least not joyous enthusiasm. He should be deported before you read this! (I am forever the optimist. He won’t be.)
When I was stationed in Germany in ’67, ’68, my dearly beloved and I would go down to Basel, Switzerland every so often for a week-end away, and stay at a nice hotel. We’d go down to the bar and order our beer. Then we’d be quiet, and listen. When we needed a refill, we’d just raise our hand, or show our empty glass. Pretty soon, the good old boys would forget we were there and start talking about the good old days in Germany (right across the river/border), before the Reich fell, and how they were working to re-establish it. Little did Dearly Beloved and I believe they would succeed and in the USA, to boot! I’m glad he died years ago and didn’t live to see this sad state of affairs materialize. We thought the Eagle would get tired of rattling his sword. We were wrong.
And the oligarchs (I like my spelling better, oligarks, but spell check had a hissy fit. I just added it to my dictionary, so you may see it again/snicker/) staring at Jeff Bezo’s girlfriend’s boobs, especially Zuck. But did you notice where Jeff was staring? Doesn’t it make you proud to be an American with those wonderful, loving, caring, billionaires, I mean people, leading us? and giving us the honor and privilege to happily pay their share of taxes?
No, we should NOT compromise with them. Why not ask a Judge to compromise with a murderer at sentencing? Can’t be done! Or a student to ask the teacher to compromise over studies (not that they have any anymore) and test scores? Or an employee to ask her boss to compromise on pay? We will not give up our rights, birthrights or other rights.
Another hero, who should have been our president long ago. It’s only a 7 minute video. Check it out. We do have heroes. We just need to find them, and LISTEN to them. Listen up. Pay attention. They’re here.
Do Not Obey in Advance.
Do Not Compromise with them.
Do not let them get away with swearing to defend our Constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic, and then piss on it within minutes. FFOTUS, when your yellow stream hit the sheepskin upon which our Constitution was written, did the ink run? did the skin shrivel and dissolve into dust? did it go out in a blaze of glory?
Photo of the Week:
took this a few days ago, the pond still hasn’t thawed in our inlet. where the sun hits it at the other end, it thaws a bit, then freezes again. on day one, there was one rock. on day two a few. now there are even more. from some of the evidence, I think most are being thrown in by small rock throwers. better they throw at the ice than living beings 😉

from the desk of the mighty dog;
you humans are really weird. why don’t you let the pack decide who is top dog/ then if you don’t like him, run him out. banish him to the forest or the desert or the swamp. if he doesn’t go like he should, well, the pack has other ways to defend itself.
Earworm of the Week:
Official music video for ‘Wolf Totem’ by the HU. Read the words of the translation, that’s why I put in this link. A good protest song!
Quotes of the Week:
“Remember: The Lord works in mysterious ways—
but karma works in hilarious ways.”
~ God
Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ “We are all related” ~ Lakota Saying
“Re-examine all you have been told.
Dismiss what insults your soul.”
~Walt Whitman
I started writing this post on Tuesday of this week, and I am old and lazy and don’t want to rewrite the beginning, but today, Thursday, there is an update on the Good Bishop Budde. FFOTUS demanded an apology (poor, whiny FFOTUS got his widdle feelers hurt). In an interview with Time this week, she made it crystal clear she isn’t backing down. “My faith compels me to stand up for truth, justice, and love—even when it means defying powerful figures who seek to distort it,” she declared. “I am not going to apologize.” [emphasis mine] copied from Letters from God.