What it’s doing outside in the Tries: Wow, from 88 on Monday to 66 on Thursday, and everything in between. Lows between 41 and 57. Most days are sunny, partly sunny, or filtered sunny. It’s still Spring, but I think Summer is fast approaching 😉
I know I’ve mentioned before that I’m claustrophobic. Highly so. To the degree I’ve never been allowed to tour a submarine! Note that word: allowed. I’ve tried, twice, but they won’t let me. In tripping down memory lane, the first time I remember exhibiting a touch of claustrophobia, I was probably five, maybe six, years old. Mom and Daddy had separated, and Daddy came to get me for the day. A new ‘drive through’ car wash had opened up, and he thought it would be fun to go through it. I was fine until the brushes came at the car. Immediately I was curled in the footwell of the passenger seat. Terrified. I was eight the first time I tried going through a submarine, and I was very excited to go through one. One of my most favorite tv shows was about submariners in WWII.
I’ve never even tried going through the car wash again. I know better, after several other situations. Until… Last Wednesday, I decided my dirty car needed a shampoo and wax job, as I was leaving out on Friday morning for a short road trip. I went to the place I usually go because the guys will set up my car and let me watch from a window in the shop. Wednesday, I put my big girl knickers on, called on the Rev. Mother Odrade,* and decided it was time to face that fear and stop it from riding on my back. I WENT THROUGH THE CAR WASH! Well, obviously, I survived. I knew I would. It was NOT fun. I was tempted to close my eyes to do it. My breathing went kinda wompy, my heart told me it was there, and working, and I had gone very pale, but I made it. Maybe in another 70 years or so, I’ll try it again.
*”Face your fears or they will climb over your back.” —Rev. Mother Odrade, BG (Frank Herbert, Dune series). It’s a condensed version of the Litany Against Fear.
Short Road Trip:
Big Red now all clean and shiny, I got the few things into her that needed to go on the trip, and by 0600 Friday morning, Sammy Brave Dog and I were on the road heading to the Snoqualmie Pass. Oh, my, Big Red was so happy to be out and running. And then we discovered Love’s Truck Center was now in Prosser. Love’s is my favorite place to stop for pit stops, gas, food, etc. while travelling. They are always clean, the food is always fresh, the coffee good, and the people nice. And I needed coffee for the trip 😉
Loved driving north through the Yakima Valley, and up over the Manashtash toward Ellensburg. Next stop was the rest area at Indian John Hill. Sammy was not thrilled to be in the car, but he didn’t have much choice.
Came over the pass, and my ‘check tire’ idiot light came on. I figured it was due to the pressure changes of the pass elevation, nothing felt ‘off’ and on the straight areas, the tires didn’t wobble. I went on to Snoqualmie and stopped in North Bend. The folks in the gas station sent me to Les Schwab, so when I filled Big Red’s gullet, away we went. Yep, the tires were a tad low, and yes, the tech said, probably the pass. I’ll take her in to the dealer tomorrow (Monday—I’m writing this Sunday) and have them checked again and the light turned off.
It took me 5 hours to get to Arlington and find my friend. We had a picnic lunch in a park by her place and got caught up on gossip, etc., then I was off to my (adopted) Little Bro and his husband’s home. Sammy decided Alan, my Little Bro In-law, was just about the neatest guy going. He liked Little Bro Jon, but Jon is in a motorized wheelchair, so wasn’t too sure about that.
The Brothers live in Stanwood, off the road, back in the trees, with a view of a private lake (they only see it, can’t get to it) and Glacier Peak. Also, while sitting on the back patio sharing a bottle of home brew ale, I saw flames in the forest. Check out my photo below!
They fed me a fantastic meal and gave Sammy and me the most comfy bed on which to sleep. The next morning came too early, but a tad after 10, Sammy and I were on the road to Kirkland where I was to meet up with my friend Thomas, and some others, for coffee and gab.
What a treat, the others dropped him off and it was just the two of us for almost two hours.
I couldn’t find free parking, so parked in a pay lot. Then I couldn’t figure out how to pay. Finally asked someone, and she was nice enough to explain I needed to download an app, etc. I got it all taken care of at 11.45, paid for two hours, and went to meet Thomas. When I left, I had a ticket! Fortunately, the ticket was time stamped 11.54, and when I got home I had a receipt from the app that was stamped 11.46. So I sent a copy of the receipt and a nice letter to Kirkland and requested they update my record. We shall see.
There was nothing in the lot that I could see that told drivers how to pay. They apparently figured everyone knew. Well, I didn’t. And I knew if I went away, I’d get zapped, so I didn’t go away until I got help and registered. But it was frustrating.
Anyhow by about 2.00, Thomas was back home, and Sammy and I were back on the road. We were home by 5.15. The weather was perfect—warm, sunny, and except for the 405 and 405/I90 interchange, the traffic was fine.
We won’t discuss the price of gas. It was under $4.00/gal but not a lot. Fortunately, Big Red has a small appetite 😉
When we got home and I let Sammy out of the car, I figured he’d want to do the rounds and leave messages all over to tell the other dogs he was back. Nope. He made a beeline for the door. When I let him in, took off his leash and harness, he made a beeline for the bed. He was very happy to be home. He was some stressed, but not like before. I think he’s figuring out that I’m not going to leave him someplace, that the word ‘visit’ means we come home together afterward.
Photo of the Week:
Flames in the Forest.

Road Trip!!!!
Visits with friends!!!
Books: Remember, when I finish a book I review it at Rainy Day Reads.
A Thousand Li: The First Step, Book One —by Tao Wong. This book is great fun, if you like Martial Arts books. I love them. There’s a whole series, and I think I’m going to be reading several, if not all. This is not a true Wuxia, I guess, but is a Cultivator. I wasn’t sure what was a cultivator book, but think I am now. Fun read!
I’m taking a 6-week class on writing poetry using the Archetypes. So far, we’ve done Lover, Warrior, Trickster, and Seeker. Great class and I’m learning a lot. Got a couple good poems and a couple OK ones out of it so far. Having a hard time with this one, though. However, I’ll get there. Honest. Trust me.
Quote of the Week:
“Road trips aren’t measured by Mile Markers, but by moments.” —Unknown
And if you’re lucky enough to travel with the Brave Dog, there are marvelous moments the whole trip!
Until next time, Sammy the Bravely Traveling Dog and Auntie Lenora wish you a fantabulous and mahvelous week.
On the Road Again, are you? Glad for you!
A little bit 😉 Won’t be making many trips, I think, but some. Hoping for one biggee in September 😉
Sounds like a lovely trip.
Dixie, it was a marvelous trip. Too short, too fast, too far, but really worth it to see people I’ve missed.