Deep End of the Pool (aka: Rant)

What’s going on outside in the Tries: It appears we’re going to be warming up, with most days in mid-to-high 70s with a few days in the 80s. Summer comes, ready or not! Yaaaaahooooo!!!!!!

Deep End of the Pool (Trigger Warnings: Abortion, Religion):

I’m going to step into the deep end of the pool today—and hope my water wings keep me afloat!

I am going to talk about wo/men and abortion. Again.

Roe v Wade is under serious threat from SCOTUS. And it’s complicated. But it’s not.

What it boils down to is male dominance, power over females. Period. Full stop. Roll credits. The End.

It has nothing to do with religion, other than religion as a means of control, which is to be kept separate from government at any rate, but everything about power and dominance. Men have fought giving women rights for years, and the most basic right, that of her body, belongs to her. Unless, of course, she is a slave, then it belongs to her owner. Think on that.

If you are against abortion for whatever reason, then please, do not have one. Abortion is a medical procedure. It is, or should be, legal and safe for any who need it. It should be discussed by the woman and her doctor and no one else!

Why hasn’t the Equal Rights Amendment been ratified? Because the men in power, the male dominant caste, do not want to give up any of that power, especially to the perceived lower caste females of the species. It was alright to give women the vote, if it would make the little ladies happy, keep them quiet, content, and as long as they voted however their men told them. Alas, we have our own minds about who we want representing us, and we want more—we want equality and they don’t deem us as equal.

The claim of the male evangelicals is pure hogwash. They do not want to save the lives of the innocent babes. They want control over women. If they truly wanted to save lives, they would not support all the death they do — from insuring everyone who wants an arsenal can have one, that the death penalty remains in place, that war is fun, that people of color are here only for their enjoyment and target practice. 

The perfect Facebook meme on abortion:

If they truly wanted to save the lives of the fetuses, they would see to it that all women have access to good pre- and postnatal health care, that all infants and children have access to good dental and medical health care until their majority or through college, that all families—whether one or more parents— have good, nutritious food, adequate clothing, etc. But they are against all that. the so-called pro-life people are in fact, pro-birth. Once the baby is born, they want nothing to do with it. It becomes the problem of the mother to clothe, feed, medicate, etc. They did their part in forcing it into the world with no back-up plans in place.

No, it’s Power. They have it and plan on keeping it. Think about that long and hard before the next election. Think about the God they worship (sure hope those water wings are still inflated!). A Male God. One who keeps women subordinate, who doesn’t like women, who thinks women are here for one purpose only — to take care of the men. Think about what’s going on in Palestine and Israel at the moment. Here are two cultures who both worship a War God. Not only that, but they worship the SAME War God, just different faces of him. Think about the dominant caste in our country. They, too, worship this same God, just a different, third, face. And before you come back at me that YOUR god is a God of Unconditional Love, may I remind you that He killed his (allegedly) only begotten son and that He will save you on condition that you love his sacrifice. That that same (alleged) son said He had not come to change the Word but to fulfill it. Oh, and a special reminder for any white supremacists that might be reading this, Jesus was a Palestine Jew, not white Aryan. He’s just a third Face of that same God. If you think the Crusades, the Inquisitions, the Witch Hunts, etc. are really a way to show love, well, I pity you. Never forget, if you worship a War God, you have no right to whine when you become a target.

For those of you who worship the One True God, by whatever Face you gaze upon, think on the fact that you follow that Face of God because that is the one your parents and grandparents followed and taught you to do likewise. Also consider this: Religion serves one, and only one, primary purpose—Control. Control over the lives of people not in the “Priest Caste.” It controls the priest caste, too, but not as much as they make the rules.

You can’t have it both ways. If it is Love, abortion remains legal and safe. If it’s Hate….

Note: This post was written before the world finally convinced Netanyahu to use two or three of his functioning brain cells and call for a cease fire. By the time it is published, a new excuse may have been found to start killing each other again. Talk about family rivalry! 

Found this meme on Facebook. It pretty much explains it, yes?  

Entertainment: Oh, I have rediscovered the marvelous Cozy Mysteries of Hallmark Movies & Mysteries. Much more entertaining than the news which is filled with murder and mayhem for real. Yes, it’s true, this channel offers only brain candy, but it’s nice to have brain candy now and then, and not worry about unwanted calories. And, since I haven’t watched for a couple years, many of the movies are new to me, and the series, well, kinda like a vacation to see old friends and catch up on the gossip.

Books:  Remember, when I finish a book I review it at Rainy Day Reads.

Am still reading I Contain Multitudes by Ed Yong. It’s a fascinating read, hope to finish it in the next week. Have also started frank: sonnets —by Diane Seuss. Wow! Her poetry blows me away! If my math is correct (always suspect), there are 127 sonnets in this book, and they be not in Shakespeare’s English!

Education: See books, above and writing, below 😉

Writing: Check out this site. This is something all of you can do, and maybe have some fun. Poems From Page 143. Be sure to read About This Project, it’s a fun page about one of our favorite characters, Mr. Rogers. Yes, that Mr. Rogers! Anyhow open a book to page 143, read that page, find words that go together, black out the others, and voila! You have a poem. If you like what you’ve accomplished, submit. Here’s mine

Quote of the Week:

“To solve the human equation, we need to add love, subtract hate, multiply good, and divide between truth and error.” —Janet Coleman

Auntie Lenora and Sammy Brave Dog wish you a warm, sunny week is making your life bright and happy. Unless you’re in a draught, in which case they both wish you rain. Lots of rain! Take whichever wish you need and want, apply it liberally, and enjoy.

Short Road Trip Plus…

What it’s doing outside in the Tries: Wow, from 88 on Monday to 66 on Thursday, and everything in between. Lows between 41 and 57. Most days are sunny, partly sunny, or filtered sunny. It’s still Spring, but I think Summer is fast approaching 😉


I know I’ve mentioned before that I’m claustrophobic. Highly so. To the degree I’ve never been allowed to tour a submarine! Note that word: allowed. I’ve tried, twice, but they won’t let me. In tripping down memory lane, the first time I remember exhibiting a touch of claustrophobia, I was probably five, maybe six, years old. Mom and Daddy had separated, and Daddy came to get me for the day. A new ‘drive through’ car wash had opened up, and he thought it would be fun to go through it. I was fine until the brushes came at the car. Immediately I was curled in the footwell of the passenger seat. Terrified. I was eight the first time I tried going through a submarine, and I was very excited to go through one. One of my most favorite tv shows was about submariners in WWII.

I’ve never even tried going through the car wash again. I know better, after several other situations. Until… Last Wednesday, I decided my dirty car needed a shampoo and wax job, as I was leaving out on Friday morning for a short road trip. I went to the place I usually go because the guys will set up my car and let me watch from a window in the shop. Wednesday, I put my big girl knickers on, called on the Rev. Mother Odrade,* and decided it was time to face that fear and stop it from riding on my back. I WENT THROUGH THE CAR WASH! Well, obviously, I survived. I knew I would. It was NOT fun. I was tempted to close my eyes to do it. My breathing went kinda wompy, my heart told me it was there, and working, and I had gone very pale, but I made it. Maybe in another 70 years or so, I’ll try it again.

*”Face your fears or they will climb over your back.” —Rev. Mother Odrade, BG (Frank Herbert, Dune series). It’s a condensed version of the Litany Against Fear.

Short Road Trip:

Big Red now all clean and shiny, I got the few things into her that needed to go on the trip, and by 0600 Friday morning, Sammy Brave Dog and I were on the road heading to the Snoqualmie Pass. Oh, my, Big Red was so happy to be out and running. And then we discovered Love’s Truck Center was now in Prosser. Love’s is my favorite place to stop for pit stops, gas, food, etc. while travelling. They are always clean, the food is always fresh, the coffee good, and the people nice. And I needed coffee for the trip 😉

Loved driving north through the Yakima Valley, and up over the Manashtash toward Ellensburg. Next stop was the rest area at Indian John Hill. Sammy was not thrilled to be in the car, but he didn’t have much choice.

Came over the pass, and my ‘check tire’ idiot light came on. I figured it was due to the pressure changes of the pass elevation, nothing felt ‘off’ and on the straight areas, the tires didn’t wobble. I went on to Snoqualmie and stopped in North Bend. The folks in the gas station sent me to Les Schwab, so when I filled Big Red’s gullet, away we went. Yep, the tires were a tad low, and yes, the tech said, probably the pass. I’ll take her in to the dealer tomorrow (Monday—I’m writing this Sunday) and have them checked again and the light turned off.

It took me 5 hours to get to Arlington and find my friend. We had a picnic lunch in a park by her place and got caught up on gossip, etc., then I was off to my (adopted) Little Bro and his husband’s home. Sammy decided Alan, my Little Bro In-law, was just about the neatest guy going. He liked Little Bro Jon, but Jon is in a motorized wheelchair, so wasn’t too sure about that. 

The Brothers live in Stanwood, off the road, back in the trees, with a view of a private lake (they only see it, can’t get to it) and Glacier Peak. Also, while sitting on the back patio sharing a bottle of home brew ale, I saw flames in the forest. Check out my photo below!

They fed me a fantastic meal and gave Sammy and me the most comfy bed on which to sleep. The next morning came too early, but a tad after 10, Sammy and I were on the road to Kirkland where I was to meet up with my friend Thomas, and some others, for coffee and gab.

What a treat, the others dropped him off and it was just the two of us for almost two hours.

I couldn’t find free parking, so parked in a pay lot. Then I couldn’t figure out how to pay. Finally asked someone, and she was nice enough to explain I needed to download an app, etc. I got it all taken care of at 11.45, paid for two hours, and went to meet Thomas. When I left, I had a ticket! Fortunately, the ticket was time stamped 11.54, and when I got home I had a receipt from the app that was stamped 11.46. So I sent a copy of the receipt and a nice letter to Kirkland and requested they update my record. We shall see.

There was nothing in the lot that I could see that told drivers how to pay. They apparently figured everyone knew. Well, I didn’t. And I knew if I went away, I’d get zapped, so I didn’t go away until I got help and registered. But it was frustrating.

Anyhow by about 2.00, Thomas was back home, and Sammy and I were back on the road. We were home by 5.15. The weather was perfect—warm, sunny, and except for the 405 and 405/I90 interchange, the traffic was fine. 

We won’t discuss the price of gas. It was under $4.00/gal but not a lot. Fortunately, Big Red has a small appetite 😉

When we got home and I let Sammy out of the car, I figured he’d want to do the rounds and leave messages all over to tell the other dogs he was back. Nope. He made a beeline for the door. When I let him in, took off his leash and harness, he made a beeline for the bed. He was very happy to be home. He was some stressed, but not like before. I think he’s figuring out that I’m not going to leave him someplace, that the word ‘visit’ means we come home together afterward.

Photo of the Week:

Flames in the Forest.


Road Trip!!!!

Visits with friends!!!

Books: Remember, when I finish a book I review it at Rainy Day Reads.

A Thousand Li: The First Step, Book One —by Tao Wong. This book is great fun, if you like Martial Arts books. I love them. There’s a whole series, and I think I’m going to be reading several, if not all. This is not a true Wuxia, I guess, but is a Cultivator. I wasn’t sure what was a cultivator book, but think I am now. Fun read!


I’m taking a 6-week class on writing poetry using the Archetypes. So far, we’ve done Lover, Warrior, Trickster, and Seeker. Great class and I’m learning a lot. Got a couple good poems and a couple OK ones out of it so far. Having a hard time with this one, though. However, I’ll get there. Honest. Trust me.

Quote of the Week:

“Road trips aren’t measured by Mile Markers, but by moments.” —Unknown

And if you’re lucky enough to travel with the Brave Dog, there are marvelous moments the whole trip!

Until next time, Sammy the Bravely Traveling Dog and Auntie Lenora wish you a fantabulous and mahvelous week.


What it’s doing outside in the Tries: We’re headed into a week of Sunny to Mostly Sunny to Partly Sunny, with highs in the high 70s to low 80s and lows in the mid to low 40s. Sammy is happy. Auntie Lenora is Happy, and the chairs on the front are getting used 😉


After a long hiatus from Facebook, I have returned to the roiling waters thereof.

I learned a friend had died, and another is dying. I learned another friend had a baby. Now, all these friends had my email, and at one time we corresponded, but life happens, and it’s so much easier to just put it up on Facebook and not worry about people getting the news. Unless, of course, they aren’t on Facebook.

My conservative friend is still posting without fact checking, but not as much. And our ex-president is still banned from joining in the fun.

What I really like about Facebook is it’s a way to keep in touch during natural disasters. Couldn’t make calls or get emails through to my cousin after a tornado ripped through his town, but he could get onto Facebook and let all know he and his were OK in OK, that the tornado missed them.

The other things I like about Facebook are the mini-wisdoms that pop up in memes. The humor is always appreciated, and sometimes the wisdoms are spot-on. Like one that I posted five years ago, before I logged off, it came up, and I’ve shared it again, because it makes so much sense.

Facebook is a tool, not a life. Use accordingly. It’s also huge time-sink if you want it to be. I do get some irritated at the ads.

The other day I was looking for some information on a disease and immediately, I started getting ads on how to cure that disease, live with that disease, join various support groups for that disease. That makes me a little uneasy. My search engine is Duck Duck Go, but I’ve noticed I have to go in every so often and re-set it. Somehow, Google finds a way to get back in my computer. Not being all that computer savvy, I think it’s possibly tied into Facebook. But, Who only knows and he’s not telling.

So, for a while, I’m back on Facebook. I do admit, I don’t miss the lack of political stuff, the lies, the misinformation. If it gets bad again, I’ll sign off again. Life is too short to spend it hating and lying, let alone reading it every day.

Photos of the Week:

Sunset over Rattlesnake Mountain and Columbia River

Visited a friend’s place the other day, and his holly tree is in bloom. I’ve never seen the flowers on a holly tree. They are tiny, maybe ¼” across. And little green berries that will, I am sure, turn red at some point.


Facebook. What else can I say?

Books: For reviews of finished books go to  Rainy Day Reads

Finished Blood Brother – Sister Death by Bill Ransom. Very entertaining, well written, and not your standard, cliché, vampire book. Highly recommend it.

Also finished Intention Tremor: A Hybrid Collection by Tamara Kaye Sellman. This is a marvelous read, not a ‘woe is me’ kind of book. And a fantastic insight into what it’s like having and living with MS. Read it!


Does Facebook count??

Quote of the Week comes from Facebook (see above): “Make a list of things that make you happy. Make a list of things you do every day. Compare the lists. Adjust Accordingly.”

And now, Auntie Lenora and Sammy Brave Dog are off to make those lists, and adjust accordingly! 


What it’s doing outside: Mostly it’s going to be a tad cooler in the Tries this week with mid-to low 70s, and one day dipping into the 60s the day after the day in the 80s. Also. more clouds. Clouds are nice, when they play hide and seek with the sun, not when they roll in and camp.

April is National Poetry Month, but we’re into May, now! And this month’s Quill & Parchment has a lovely review by Neil Leadbeater of my book Marking the Hours. Read the review here. See the information sheet for the book here.


We had a bit of excitement, the other night (Wednesday). For several days, we’ve had winds, in the 25mph bracket. Some less, gusts more. On Wednesday, they thankfully went away, and it was just warm and pleasant, until noonish when a wildfire started not far from where I live. Read the newspaper article here.

Had the winds not died down, I’d hate to think what would have happened, because if they came from the west, Sammy and I could be living in my car about now. 😉

I tried to find a map of the area that showed the fire, but no such luck. Maybe people don’t read maps anymore? I dunno. Anyhow, it was kind of pretty, in a destructive sort of way. There were no buildings threatened, no humans lived in the area that burned, but it was home to wildlife. Deer, coyotes, birds, beaver, all sorts of interesting and deserving beings who did not deserve to have their home burned.

However, being the optimist I am, I do see one good thing about the fire — a lot of Russian olive trees are (hopefully) gone. They are an invasive species of tree, they are water hogs, and if you live in an area prone to draught, they should not only be outlawed, but destroyed. The olives are edible, but not much meat on the pith, and a lot of work for little sustenance.

While I admit they are pretty, at least before and after blooming, their flowers and pollen are a high allergen for people who suffer from hay fever. Of which I am one. Of whom I am one? Whatever!

Photos of the Week:

The fire, taken from just off my pack patio. 

And the next day from roughly the same spot. I zoomed in a tad more just to get the burned (brown) trees. 

And the next day’s flare-up.

Brag Time: My publisher (full disclosure here, she’s also become one of my bestest friends) called me the other night, very excited, and read me an email she’d received. Since I don’t have permission to publish the email, I’m not giving any names but basically it said, Would it be possible to purchase a signed copy of Lenora Rain-Lee Good’s Madame Dorion?   It is an amazing story and beautifully written. 

And, of course, it is possible; the book is ready to send as soon as I receive an address to which to send it. But isn’t that nice? Made my day, that’s for sure. Sounds like he’s already read it — and enjoyed it. 😉


Netflix: My Octopus Teacher, a documentary by Netflix. A couple guys in my poetry group recommended it the other day, not knowing that I consider Octopus as some of my favorite people. In fact, one of my favorite short stories of all time is Evileye by Dean Ing, found in Firefight Y2K, a collection of short stories by Ing. If you can find a copy, read it, I think you’ll enjoy it. But, back to the movie, this is about a man, Craig Foster played by himself, who is going through a midlife crisis of sorts, and goes back to his childhood home by the sea where he swims daily in the kelp forest and becomes a friend of an octopus (played by herself) who in turn teaches him about life. A strong 5 out of 5 Stars!

Thanks Dan and Jim for the heads up on My Octopus Teacher!

Books: For reviews of finished books go to Rainy Day Reads

Started reading Brother Blood – Sister Death by Bill Ransom. I admit to being a tad trepidatious over this book as it’s about Vampires, and not the Barnabas Collins type. In other words, I think it might be a tad bit more horror than I’m comfortable with, but I’m reading it. In full disclosure, I know Bill Ransom, and he’s not only a very nice person, but a bodacious author, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed his other books. Based on that, I’m willing to try this one. After all, I’ve read some of his books more than once!!

Still reading I Contain Multitudes by Ed Yong. Still enjoying it except for the freaking end notes. Put the bibliography at the end. Put footnotes at the bottom of the page where they belong, unless it’s an electronic copy. Mine is not electronic! Better yet, make eReaders so they can handle footnotes at the bottom of the page. Calling Elon Musk, calling Elon Musk….

Still blown away by Caste by Isabel Wilkerson. Will read that one at least one more time, and fairly soon.


See My Octopus Teacher above 😉

Quote of the Week:  

“When our name is spoken for the last time, that is when we truly die.”—Kris McGinnis

Auntie Lenora and Sammy the Brave Dog wish you a fantastic week and look forward to meeting with you again next week. Same bat time, same bat channel.


Weather in the Tri-Cities for the next few days:  Mostly sunny to Partly cloudy, highs will be climbing up into 70s and 80s, and lows from 37-51. In other words, our April showers are on the way out the gate, Nate, and warmer weather is about to arrive. Now, if the winds will abate a tad…

April is National Poetry Month until it isn’t April! No time like the present to support a local, or favorite, poet. And how lucky for him, for her, how lucky for you, if they are both the same 😉


So, immigration seems to be a big topic these days. I’ve given a little thought to the subject, what’s good about it, what’s bad about it, and here are some of my thoughts. 

What I dislike about those foreign immigrants moving next door:

  • Exotic aromas from their cooking waft past my nose—and they don’t offer to let me taste, let alone share! I dunno, maybe I could take an empty bowl and knock on their door and beg? If they’re Asian, they might understand a begging bowl, but somehow, I doubt it. Or, I could take a plate of cookies and offer to trade? Actually, I’ve tried that and get nothing in return but smiles. Smiles are worth a lot, but food is better. 
  • They often speak better English (American) than I do. That’s so embarrassing.
  • They usually speak more than one language. And whose fault is that, Lenora?
  • They’ve seen more of the world than I have. Can you tell Auntie Lenora has a wee small jealous streak?

What I like about them:

  • They often start off working menial jobs, and soon buy and take over the business.
  • They frequently open restaurants so I can eventually try their food, and match it, if lucky, to the aromas that wafted from their kitchens next door.
  • Their kids understand the necessity of a good education and spurred mine to do better when my kids were in school.

Daddy shared a poem with me several years ago. I don’t remember who wrote it, nor the title, but there was a great line in it about how the world will be a much happier place when we’re all the color of tea! If anyone remembers the poem and or author, please let me know. 

This country as we know it today was built by immigrants, many of them Europeans who had no qualms about getting rid of earlier immigrants who looked different, ate different, talked different, lived different, worshipped differently than they did. Their motto seemed to be: Might makes right.

Those Europeans had no qualms about getting rid of whatever peoples, Native or Mexican, who were here first. They had no qualms inviting other people of color in to do the menial work, the dirty work, and either enslave them, or get rid of them when no longer needed or wanted.

Years ago I became friends with a gentleman who was born and raised in China. His parents were American, and his father was in the Quartermaster Corps, helping to build a dam on one of the rivers. When Patrick was 9 or 10 they moved back to the States, and he eventually ended up in LA, in an art school. His dream was to be an artist when he grew up. Anyhow, there was a young woman in class that Patrick took a shine too. She was Mexican, and one day invited Patrick to her home after school. It was a typical upper middleclass home in a typical upper middleclass barrio. And then she opened the front door, and Patrick stepped into old China. He almost dropped from vertigo. When she quit laughing, she explained that when the upper class Chinese came to America, they were treated like the coolies. They looked around and realized the Mexicans were treated better. And, talk about luck, they looked the same. So, the Chinese went from being Chinese to Mexican, and had more respect, better jobs, allowed more freedoms, etc. You just can’t tell about those immigrants, can you? /snicker/snort/. Oh, and yes, her family spoke Spanish, English, and Chinese. Patrick felt right at home.

Fortunate for us, many immigrants stayed, and we can eat Chinese food, Thai food, Vietnamese food, Korean food, Ethiopian food, Native food, Italian food, French food, Corned beef and cabbage, Persian food, Russian food, Kosher food, and I suppose if you want it, haggis. (Actually, I’ve had haggis and it was kinda good;-) And the freed enslaved stayed, and we can now enjoy soul food, African foods from several different countries, all kinds of yummy foods! (Auntie Lenora is getting hungry just writing this!)

A few years ago, some southern states decided to keep immigrants out of the state so the white men could have their jobs back. Guess how excited whitey was to pick tomatoes, cotton, cucumbers, &c? Yeah, right. The fruits and vegetables rotted in the fields. Who got hurt? The farmers. Immigrants are not taking jobs away from Americans, white or colored. Immigrants put money into the system, far more than they take out. They pay the taxes, but are not eligible for the benefits, if they are undocumented.

So don’t let people tell you immigrants aren’t a necessary part of our country. After all, it was built by immigrants. The Native Americans came first, then the Europeans, then the rest of the world! And that food. All that wonderful food!

Photo of the Week:

We have two. One wreaks agony on a great many people but looks so pretty. The cotton from cottonwood trees. The other is my jeans. Both shot with the 25x macro and my iPhone.


Netflix: Next week, I promise, I’ll watch another episode or two of my show.

Books: For full reviews, please go to:

Finished reading The Death of Sitting Bear, New and Selected Poems —N. Scott Momaday. Once again Momaday has combined history and mythologies and personal pieces he calls passages. Reading his books becomes a lesson in beauty, in history, in amazement.

Have started I Contain Multitudes by Ed Yong. It’s off to a great start 😉 Nonfiction about the microbes we carry with us, and why. Also reading Intention Tremor: A Hybrid Collection by Tamara Kaye Sellman, about her journey with MS.

And just for fun, in case I run out of anything to do, I downloaded 17 free books to read in my spare time.


What a week for getting educated! On Tuesday I took a class from one of my favorite poets, Lauren Camp, called Plate Tectonics. We learned how to shift our poems in very improbably ways that really work. It took a day or two for some of it to sink in, but when it did, holy moley guacamole, what an insight. On Wednesday, I took the first of six classes on writing poetry using Archetypes. The first one was Lover. Wayne Lee is leading this class, and it’s utterly fascinating. I can hardly wait for this coming Wednesday, when Warrior is the subject.

Then, on Friday I was re-educated as to why I don’t buy women’s jeans. I was in a local chain store, and they had quite a clearance rack, so I checked it out. They had Levi’s for women, and I bought a pair. They went back on Saturday. There are no usable pockets. I guess women aren’t supposed to use pockets, but always pack a purse? I quit buying women’s jeans years ago because they aren’t well made, in general, and also most of them had high waists, which I find uncomfortable. But they at least had pockets. The ones I bought Friday could, maybe, carry a credit card, but I wouldn’t be comfortable with it. So, I’ll head to the men’s section when I need new jeans. Not only are they better quality, they have real pockets!

Also on Saturday, I spent all but 20 minutes of 5 hours at my computer attending the NMSPS (New Mexico State Poetry Society) annual conference. That included one workshop, many talks and readings and one prompt. I got a poem out of both the workshop and the prompt. Those who read were wonderful, the youth poet laureate of Santa Fe read for about 20 minutes and blew my socks off. Artemesio Romero y Carver was a delight to listen to and to watch. He’s still in high school! It is such a pleasure to see young people, especially boys (not too many of them, I think) take such an interest I poetry. Indeed, between Mr. Romero y Carver and Ms. Gorman, I think we are in very capable hands, poetically speaking.

Quote of the Week:

 “In a time of destruction, create something: a poem, a parade, a community, a school, a vow, a moral principle; one peaceful moment.” —Maxine Hong Kingston

Sammy Brave Dog wants you to know that he, too, is the son of immigrants. His ancestors came from the State of Chihuahua in Mexico, and he’s so happy they were allowed to stay! And Auntie Lenora’s ancestors came from Africa, Mongolia (Native American), Europe, and the Middle East. She finds it unfathomable to not like immigrants. But then, Auntie Lenora does like to eat! /snicker/snort/

Draft Women? Say What??

Weather in the Tri-Cities for the next few days:  Monday, sunny but cool at 67, Tuesday warmer, Wednesday and Thursday around 77, clouds will start moving in Thursday, but temps will remain in the mid- to low-70s. Need warm? Need sun? Y’all come, heah?

It’s Still April, It’s Still National Poetry Month…and your local Poets still need support! Go into your favorite bookseller’s, ask them which poets are local (there’s probably a ‘local author’ section, if you know where to find it.) Of course, I want you to buy my books, I need support, but there are local poets to where you live and they need support, too 😉

Draft Women? Say What???

Read an interesting article in The Washington Post by Robert Barnes, headline: Biden administration asks Supreme Court not to hear challenge to all-male military draft. It seems someone is suing because they think the all-male draft is unconstitutional. Holy Moley, guacamole! why is this even a question? OF COURSE it’s unconstitutional! And if SCOTUS says it isn’t, then it’s time to change the constitution and bring it up-to-date.

To be honest, I didn’t realize the guys still had to register, since we have an all-volunteer military. But I agree, whole-heartedly, that if men have to register for the draft, then women should have to do likewise. 

If women and men are to be treated equally, it’s a given. All register, or no one registers.

Combat military occupational specialties are now open to women, so there is no longer any valid reason to impose the draft on men and not women. Women have not only served in combat with valor, but they have led the troops with honor, intelligence, and valor. 

Please, contact your congressperson/senator and ask them to address this issue and change this outdated, antiquated law. 

Now, I know there are Conscientious Objectors. I served with some when I was in the WAC, they were medics, and all had been to Vietnam once, one had been twice, and wanted to go back for a third tour, but he’d have to re-enlist, and that would remove his CO status. 

I firmly think there should be an alternative to the Military for those who want it—the US Public Health Service would be a great place to start. (It’s already one of the seven Uniformed Services). If women or men don’t want to enlist in the military, fine, they can enlist into the USPHS for the same amount of time and the same pay grades. They will go where needed—inner cities or rural. They will train as medics, wear a uniform, and serve their country. They won’t have to carry a weapon, and if war comes, they can be transferred to the military, as medics, and still not carry a weapon.

So, yes, women should be required to sign up for the draft. Women should be called forth when needed. And if you’re curious, I was told by some old time GIs when I was in, as a whole, women make better shots than the men. The main reason is they shut up and listen to directions instead of trying to figure out how the weapon works on their own 😉 I was invited to join the rifle team, and was all set to do so, until I discovered I’d have to buy my own practice ammo. You priced that stuff? And for practice, where I’d go through hundreds of rounds in a week? Uh, no, I don’t think so. Broke my heart, though. M16s are a lot of fun to fire. 

So please, call your elected officials in the other Washington, and ask them to support women signing up for the draft.

Dawn on the Columbia River, 16 April 2021, 0604


Netflix: I guess I’m still watching 100 Days My Prince. But except for the news now and then, not much TV.

Books: For full reviews, please go to:

Finished Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents —by Isabel Wilkerson. I think it should be a class taught in high school, and if students want to graduate, they need to take it. The class reads the book and discusses it, in depth and at length. One of the best books I’ve ever read. Maybe the best nonfiction book I’ve ever read.

Education: Haven’t been able to finish the iPhone Photo classes, but am on last module, and have been taking pix. I actually had some printed and bought frames and hung them in my bathroom.

I am taking workshops in poetry, signed up for a 6-week class that starts on Wednesday. Tuesday is a 2-hour workshop. I’m so excited about both of them! See, I do need your support. Workshops cost money 😉

Quote for the Week: Ahmet Altan is a Turkish journalist and author who found himself speaking truth as he saw it to power and spent four years in a Turkish prison. While there he wrote:

“You can imprison me but you cannot keep me here. Because like all writers, I have magic.” —Ahmet Altan.

Have a great week. Sammy Brave Dog and his human ;-)Draft Women?

Didja Know I’m Dyslexic?

Weather for the next few days in the Tries: 

Sunshine with Winds tomorrow! Sunshine! All week!!!

April is National Poetry Month. Support your local poets. Buy their books. (I have some (hint. hint.) available from your favorite bookseller or me.)

Also, I am the featured poet on Quill & Parchment this month with at least 4 poems posted, and they have a good review of  REFLECTIONS: Life, the River, and Beyond. Available through Amazon only (though your favorite bookseller can order it for you). Marking the Hours is available wherever fine books are sold 😉 If you like shorter books, and longer history, check out Blood on the Ground. (See My Books above for descriptions).

Didja Know I’m Dyslexic?

I’m sure you’ve noticed that a. I don’t ‘do’ numbers and b., I often write a correctly spelled word, but it’s not the right word. And I claim to be a word person. Yeah. Write!

As an adult in a fun job with a stressful, very stressful, management, I discovered I’m dyslexic. I was also dyslexic as a kid, but hid it, didn’t know it, and nobody else caught it. Obviously, I’m not seriously dyslexic, but I am dyslexic.

Remember the old game we used to play as kids, where the class would form a circle and the teacher would whisper a word to the student on her left, that student would turn and whisper the word to the next, and on we’d go until back to the teacher. IT WAS NEVER the same word all around the room. Why? One answer may be a form of dyslexia. You say “policeman” I hear it, and then say, “cop” to the next person someone else may hear my word and say “copper” and so it goes. A form of dyslexia.

If I’m in a hurry, I’ll use the word that sounds right, but isn’t. I want six cups of flower in my cake mix. Of course I do. I here you sniggering. When I was a kid and pulled some of those stunts, the teachers told me I was in too much of a hurry. They were right, but also not.

If I’m really stressed, I also stutter. Another manifestation of dyslexia. Many people who stutter are dyslexic, and if they can get the dyslexia under control, the stuttering goes away or is greatly diminished. I imagine it’s because they learn to slow down. There are singers who stutter, but sing beautifully. They slow down, they breathe deeply, they are comfortable singing.

And, I’m numbers dyslexic. When I was in the stressful job years ago, I had to maintain a log of work as it came in. A simple, sequential log. So, I one day I wrote in the logbook, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 58, 57, 56, 55 and went on about my business. No one caught it for several weeks. I got fired for that. Fired from the job, not the company. It was that job that brought my dyslexia to the fore. The other day I had an appointment with the Tax Man for 1.00pm. I wrote it in my calendar. I wrote it on the folder with all my tax stuff and showed up promptly at 10.00am for my appointment. I don’t do numbers. Now you know why.

Do you remember the old Stephen J Cannell tv shows? He created or co-created something like 40 shows, and many (most? all?) of the intros showed him at the IBM Selectric typewriter typing madly and the pages flying out. In an interview I caught one time, he was asked what he was typing. He laughed and said just letters, he was too dyslexic to be turned lose on a typewriter for real. Wikipedia says this, “Cannell was dyslexic, and was a spokesman on the subject. According to an episode of Paul Harvey‘s The Rest of the Story, Cannell frequently had to dictate ideas or even complete scripts with the help of his personal secretary Grace Curcio, an employee of 20 years. Following Grace’s retirement in 2003, Kathy Ezso became his editor and executive assistant. He discussed his experiences as a dyslexic in the 2009 documentary Dislecksia: The Movie.

Cannell wrote on a typewriter, an IBM Selectric, when not dictating to an assistant, and only used a computer for research purposes.[10]”

I have learned many writers, and other creative and intelligent people are dyslexic. I think Marlon Brando was. That’s why, I think, he never read a script and was such a fine method actor. Perhaps some of that creativity comes from the creative ways we’ve learned to deal with it through our lifetimes. I am fortunate, mine is mild, but the more stressed I become, the more noticeable it is.

So, the next time I write something that makes you smile because I obviously know better, but must have been in a hurry, well, now you know why. And I’m in good company, too.

Here are two shots of a feather from a Canada goose. I used the 25x macro lens on my phone.


Netflix: Still watching 100 Days My Prince

Books: For full reviews, please go to:

I am a tad over half way through Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents —by Isabel Wilkerson. Two things are “wrong” with this book: 1. It’s an Oprah’s Book Club book, and I’ve never read one of those I liked and 2. It’s a hardback book and when I fall asleep it falls and hurts. As to 1., Oprah said in an interview I saw once that she would NEVER recommend a happy book (maybe she meant novels?). While this one isn’t happy, it’s fascinating, and well worth the read and isn’t a novel. As to 2., I read in bed. I’ve done that since I was a kidlet. My favorite place to read, but sometimes when I fall asleep reading, the book falls and conks me in the face. And hurts. Life’s rough, sometimes.


I’m on the fifth and last module of the iPhone Photography Academy classes. If you have an iPhone, any model, I strongly recommend you look into the class. If you have an Android, I urge you to check out your brand and see if they have something equivalent. I bet they do. 

I also bought Luminar4, the photo editing software mentioned last week. That will take a bit of education to use, too. But I’m looking forward to learning it. I wanted PaintShop Pro, but it won’t work with Mac.

New Year’s Resolution:

Remember, I started writing a poem each day Anu Garg & Company published a new word? I kept it up for 3 months, and then something happened, and I went about two weeks without writing anything creative. Still, I went 3 months. That’s 2 months 28 days longer than I’ve ever gone before;-)

Remember, you’re not getting your shot/s to keep YOU safe from Covid-19, you’re getting it to keep your family, friends, and neighbors safe! 

Have a fantastically wonderful week. See you next Monday 😉

Auntie Lenora and Sammy Brave Dog!

Update to an Old Blog

Weather for the next few days in the Tries: Sunny to mostly sunny, highs in the 60s with  one foray into the 70s. Lows all above freezing! Plants will be happy campers!

April is National Poetry Month. Support your local poets. Buy their books. (I have some (hint. hint.) available from your favorite bookseller or me.)

Also, I am the featured poet on Quill & Parchment this month with at least 4 poems posted, and they also reviewed REFLECTIONS: Life, the River, and Beyond. Available through Amazon only (though your favorite bookseller can order it for you). Marking the Hours is available wherever fine books are sold 😉 If you like shorter books, and longer history, check out Blood on the Ground. (See My Books above for descriptions).

Update to an Old Blog:

Do you remember my blog about my car trip when I moved to ABQ? It was posted on my now defunct Odds n Bods site on 29 Apr 2018. Well, I found it in my files and here it is. Most of it, the important part about the actual trip through Ouray, CO. Enjoy, again, for the first time?


Gooooood Morning Gentle Readers!

Yes, it is, once again, Monday. Funny how that rolls around on a periodic basis, isn’t it?

I am in my home in Albuquerque, or ABQ for short, because hardly anyone I know can spell it 😉 

And what an adventure I had in getting here. Get out a map of Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico and follow along.

Normally, when coming this direction, I would take I-84 until it meets up with I-15, at which time I bid I-84 a fond farewell, and head south through Salt Lake City, Provo, and just south of Provo is Spanish Fork. There, I turn left (East, if you’re a purist) and take Hwy 6 thru Price and spend the night in Green River, UT. From there, I’d take I-70 about 20 miles, hang a right and go through Moab, UT, and Cortez, Shiprock, Farmington, and pick up US 550 in Bloomfield. US 550 is four lanes, well maintained, and has a speed limit of 70mph. Drive that speed at your own peril, as most everyone else is faster.

So, as I was getting ready to leave on Saturday morning from the motel in Green River, I looked at the map, and holy moly, 550 meets up with I-70 just a way over into Colorado. Well, Hwy 50 meets I-70, then 50 becomes 550. I could drive a few miles farther on the freeway, then take that marvelous 550, 4 lanes, 70mph road all the way into ABQ!!! Hot Damn!!!

Uh. Yeah. Got off I-70 at Grand Junction, 4 lanes, fair speed (city, congested, 45 or so) and about the time we got out of the congested area a sign said something to the effect of Welcome to US Highway 550 and immediately dropped to two lanes. Well, there wasn’t much traffic, so it was ok but no 70mph limit. More like 55mph.

Until it began to climb and to wind. By the time I got to the town (village?) of Ouray CO, there was snow on the roofs, 4-6 inches on cars, and sides of the road. and the speed was down to about 30mph. The road itself was bare and wet, if not dry. I don’t know what the elevation was, but someone said over 7,000 ft. After Ouray, it really climbed, and every 20 feet or so was a hair-pin curve. To the left was mountain wall straight up, to the right was a whole lot of nothing, straight down! Believe me, when the sign said 20mph limit, I did a sedate 15mph—or less!! It was that whole lotta nothin’ that got my attention real quick. Unknown to me, and probably a good thing, I was on the Million Dollar Highway, one of the listed dangerous roads. If I was younger, and a biker, I think I’d love to do it on a bike.  In summer. No snow. No ice.

Eventually I came to a car going some slower than I, but he was following the snowplow. I settled in and followed, too. There didn’t seem to be snow on the road ahead of the plow, it was more like he was clearing off the foot or so of the right side of the road of a couple inches of white stuff. At the second pass, he pulled over and we went on our way. Crossed 4 passes. One was over 11,000 feet high, 3 over 10,000 feet high. I’m really glad I went that way. Yes, it slowed me down, considerably, but OMG the scenery! It was marvelous!!! Well worth the trip!!!

Once I made it off the mountain, and into Durango, 550 became the expected 4 lanes, and once through Aztec, Farmington and Bloomfield, the speed picked up.


And why that re-run of an old blog now that I’m back down at nearly sea-level and have been for a tad over 18 months? Because there is an interesting article, The Ice Farmers of Ouray, in one of the latest issues of Atlas Obscura.  Not to mention some great photos that I couldn’t stop and take. I believe they are off some of the side roads. I still remember that trip. And with the right person, would love to make it again. In the summer. And go from the south to the north, so I could pull off onto the side roads and come back onto the main highway without having to make left turns across it. And there would be an extra lane between me and the whole lotta nuthin’ 😉


Netflix: Still watching 100 Days My Prince

Books: For full reviews, please go to:

I finished The Reluctant Queen (Book 2, The Queens of Renthia) —Sarah Beth Durst. A great read. Even if I did threaten my friend I wouldn’t finish it unless she told me if one of the characters lived or died. I would have finished either way, but if death happened I wanted to be prepared.

Deja Dead: An American in Paris, Book 1 —Susan Kiernan-Lewis. This is a cozy with the female protagonist in her 60s, and she doesn’t run a book store, bakery, tea shoppe, or knittery. She has real problems, and a real life, and she finds herself moving to Paris, France a recent widow and orphan. Loved this book!

Breaking Bat: A Cozy Witch Mystery (Book 6) —Erin Johnson. I think this is the 4th one I’ve read, and they are great fun! Pure calorie-free enjoyment, though there is an underlying “message” in this one on prejudice that makes it worth the read.

In the Bear’s House —N. Scott Momaday. Oh, know that I have been in literary lust with this man ever since I read House Made of Dawn. With each book of his I read, that affair grows stronger. There is a definite, to my way of thinking, Zen quality to his writing. Very simple. Very accessible. Very deep when contemplated.

Education: I think I mentioned last week I’m taking the iPhone Photo Academy classes? Yes? Well, I’m now into module 4 and am finding it very worthwhile. There are a couple classes on editing in the phone, I watched, learned things, but did not download the app, nor will I do much in the phone, I prefer to export to my desktop where I have a 23” monitor all the better to see with. If you have an iPhone, especially one of the newer ones, I highly recommend the classes.

Have been buying little things for my new camera—a blue tooth shutter release, an adapter so I can use my tripod and it came with another blue tooth shutter release, a set of add-on lenses (that also came with another blue tooth shutter release!). I wanted the macro, and I’m so glad I got it. It’s 25x and seems to work well. There are also wide angle lenses (2 I think), a kaleidoscope lens that will be fun to play with, a polarizing filter and I think something else. These lenses screw into a clip that goes over the filter. 

Now a question for you? Do any of you have, or have used, Luminar photo editing software? What do you think of it? Is it easy enough I can use it? I know PhotoShop is the gold standard but it has two things I don’t care for: 1. it’s a subscription and, 2. it’s too confusing for me. PaintShop is also highly rated, and easy, but they don’t work on Macs. sigh.

Here are two samples of new lenses. There is no depth of field in macro photography, well, there is, but it’s pretty shallow. These are photos of my African violet. The petal was pretty flat, and parallel to the lens, so not too bad. The other photo was with the kaleidoscope lens. Fun, eh?

And there you have all the news that’s fit to publish from my corner of the world. Hope it brought you a smile. Auntie Lenora and Sammy Brave Dog wish you a fantastically good week 😉

An American-Only Epidemic

Weather for Monday in the Tries (Richland, Kennewick, Pasco WA):

Should be sunny and breezy most of the week. Highs in the upper 60 to mid 60s, lows down to 20 to 41. Sunday was hazardous weather, very high winds and dust storms that should die out around 5am Monday or so. Sunday was a perfect day to stay in and take online classes and read. (I often post this blog on Sunday.)

An American-Only Epidemic:

We’ve had yet another mass shooting. As of March 23, we’ve endured 107 mass shootings, 122 people dead, 325 people injured, for a total of 447 victims (that doesn’t count the families involved). The Boulder CO shooting was the 7th mass shooting in 7 days. Don’t bother to write your Senator. If s/he isn’t on the NRA welfare check system, s/he is already fighting to do something positive. If s/he is receiving welfare checks from the NRA, nothing you can say will change her or his mind. Your vote might, but your letter won’t. There are several lists of the welfare recipients online. If you wonder why we can’t get common sense gun control, check out some of the pages. Like Which Senators Have Taken the Most NRA money? and These lawmakers receive the most campaign money from gun-rights backers like the NRA. These sites may not be current, but they’ll give you a good idea. Want gun control? VOTE the illegitimates out of office.

So, I have an idea. I’m willing to change my mind, if someone gives me a better idea and or explains why mine won’t work. And is mine original to me? Probably not. Probably stole some of it from an episode of NCIS. 😉 But here it is. If you like my idea, please feel free to copy it and share with others who might care. In the meantime, perhaps our Courts can do something positive.

When someone is arrested as a suspect in a mass shooting (3 or more victims), do NOT release his name to the public. One thing these guys seem to have in common (and they do tend to be guys) is they love the notoriety that comes, the “hero” worship from other wannabees. So…

When arrested they are henceforth known as Defendant __ (first initial of last name). Their name will not be released to the public, under any circumstance. Their lawyer may know it but may not use it. No witnesses may use his name in court. IF he is found guilty, he will go straight to prison, will not pass Go, and will not collect his name. IF he is found not guilty, he may collect and use his name again. While in jail/prison prior to trial, he will be placed in solitary, not the punishment cells, but where he can’t really talk to other prisoners and give his real name, more like under suicide watch. 

Remember the old story, The Man Without A Country —by Edward Everett Hale? Well, I think these guys should become The Man Without A Name. They are entitled to a public trial, I believe, but they are not necessarily entitled to use their name. At least I don’t think they are. I may be wrong. I’d like to see them sent to Guantanamo, but that won’t happen. I’m sure there are all sorts of legal reasons why my idea won’t work. But maybe not. Maybe it could work. Records are sealed all the time. Those records that have his full name, etc., can be sealed. He doesn’t deserve to have his name on the tongues of newsmen/women, or anyone else. If found guilty, he will deserve to be forgotten by one and all.

And the public does not have a need to know the particulars of the shooting beyond the basics. The police, his lawyer, the courts have a need to know, but it doesn’t need to be broadcast on network or cable news. That he killed X number of people is all we really need to know, and the names of the victims. Be honest, it’s an almost prurient interest, not a genuine need to know. Knowing all the gruesome details will not bring the dead back to life. Will it? Or end the nightmares of those who survived?

Like I say, if you’ve got a better idea, I’d love to hear it. OK, read it. If you like my idea, feel free to share it. Anything that will help curb this madness is fine by me. And vote the gun lobby out of office! We are the only country in the world that has this problem.

An aside: Do you realize you really read with your ears? OK, you use your eyes or possibly fingers, to read the letters and words on the screen or paper, but as you read them, you hear them in your mind. That’s one reason why deaf people aren’t great readers. It’s like learning ancient Greek from a book and never hearing it. You recognize the letters, and eventually the words, but not the sounds. Very difficult to read and understand.


Netflix: I’m back on my Korean kick — 100 Days My Prince. A RomCom. So far, I’m giving it a 3.5-4.0* rating. It’s pretty predictable, but the costumes are gorgeous. The young boy falls in love with the neighbor girl, who’s a tad bossy. But for her he will study. Then, he discovers his father has her whole family killed. Except she and her brother escape, are separated, and raised by other families away from each other. The boy never forgives his father, and then his father gives him to the King to raise as the crown prince. He’s married but has never slept with his (pregnant) wife. In an assassination attempt he escapes, is injured and develops amnesia. He’s taken in by peasants who don’t know how to deal with his noble-man’s speech and way of living. Kinda funny and I’m sure it will get better.

Books:  for complete reviews please see Rainy Day Reads at

I haven’t finished any books this week, but I am about ¾ of the way through The Reluctant Queen (Book Two of the Queens of Renthia) —by Sarah Beth Durst. I mentioned a couple weeks ago how much I enjoyed The Queen of Blood and told y’all not to be put off by the title. Well, I’m back. And loving it. Delaina is still Queen, but is dying, and they have found a most unwilling woman, with great and untrained power, to take her place to keep the realm safe. Delaina’s chum from school is Queen in another country and is about to make war. The Spirits know the queen is dying and can hardly wait so they can wreak havoc until another human of power steps into the void.

A Hearing Aid Hack: I bought a new phone the other day (see below) and then had to stop in at the Costco Hearing Center to get my hearing aids connected to my phone. The technician took my phone and my aids and tried. Nada. He removed the batteries and dropped them from about 12-18” to the counter. They bounced like crazy. He did it again. Then said I needed new batteries and got them. I asked what he was doing, and he said the less the charge, the higher the bounce, the proceeded to drop the new ones. NO BOUNCE. Now, why do you and I care? Because if you’ve ever taken out your old batteries and laid them down ‘right there’ and picked up you new batteries and removed the tape and set them down to answer the phone or whatever and then you don’t know which is which, drop ‘em. If they bounce, toss them into the recycle bin, if they don’t bounce put them in your aids 😉 If you don’t wear them (yet) remember this hack, because you’ll be asked at some point to help someone who does.

Education: I took my neighbor to the Verizon Store the other day to get her phone fixed. While she did that, I drooled over the new iPhones. Fortunately, they’re waterproof, at least against copious amounts of mental drool. Anyhow, when she was finished, the guy came over to sell me a new phone. Now, I really wanted one but had steeled myself to say NO, but when he made me an offer I couldn’t refuse… basically, with my old iPhone as trade in, I got 60+% off. I have gone full circle, from buying a phone with a camera, to buying a camera with a phone! A couple of my friends have the iPhone 11 Pro and raved about classes they were taking, so I signed on with iPhone Photo Academy. Like the rest of life, it’s all online, but it’s wonderful. Took me two days to go through Module 1 and I can’t believe all I’ve learned. The last lesson ended with an assignment on focusing and exposure. Alas we have severe winds and dusts outside, while that may not bother the camera, they certainly bother me. So, tomorrow, I hope to go out and do my homework. (Note, I wrote this on Sunday)

I know you all don’t have iPhones, but I have a feeling if you have androids, you can find the same sort of classes geared to your phones. I had no idea I was holding my phone wrong to take pictures, or that I could go in and change the auto-focus to manual, or change the exposure. My guess is, you can, too, if you only learn how.

A delighted old-dog-learning-new-tricks Auntie Lenora and a Happy Sammy Brave Dog wish you all a fantastically marvelous week. 

Lazy Days

Weather for Monday in the Tries (Richland, Kennewick, Pasco WA):

Monday is supposed to be mostly sunny with a high near 57. SW wind around 16mph with gusts up to 22mph. Monday night is on schedule for a 40% change of rain after 8pm. Low around 43.  the rest of the week is basically more of the same, which highs in high 50s to low 60s with only one night low enough to freeze at 32F. In other words, it’s official, and it’s Spring 😉

Lazy Days:

Yeah, I know. Those are supposed to be in summer. But Anne Bishop’s new book, The Queen’s Weapons came out and I bought it. It really irks me to pay a high price for an electronic book that is really and truly only a long-term rental. If my account is closed for any reason, I lose all my electronic books. When I die, I can’t leave them to anyone. I guess I could leave my eReader to someone, with my passwords, etc. Bookstores charge higher prices because they have overhead, and staff that will dust the shelves, and use power to maintain heat and humidity. And have to cover for people who try to leave the stores with product and not pay for it.

But, I digress. On to the new book. The Queen’s Weapons is book 11 in the Dark Jewels series. I’ve read most of the book in this series, and all of her books in the realm of The Others (Written in Red is the first one of the 5-book series with two others in that world). Anne Bishop has a marvelous imagination and is one of the best world builders I’ve come across. There are lots of good builders out there, but Anne Bishop, Patricia Briggs, and Sara Beth Durst are three of the best. Honest. Trust me.

Jaenelle Satien has immatured into a spoiled and self-entitled adolescent. She is convinced she’s special, but not everyone likes her, and she can’t figure out why. She begins attending a private school for the aristo’s and is wooed into the wrong crowd, led by a bright, intelligent, scheming young woman who is sure she will be the next Queen, when she’s older, and to make it easier, she starts eliminating the potential rivals now, so when they’re all adults, she will be the “winner.” She’s sure she can handle Jaenelle’s father, Daemon Sadi, the High Lord of Hell, that she’s smarter than he is, more intelligent than he is, and, well, if you’ve ever been an angst-filled teen, or raised one, you shouldn’t have any trouble seeing that picture. 

The first time Daemon meets Delora, Jaenelle’s new friend, her psychic scent reminds him of Dorothea, and he even calls her that name. He does not like his daughter’s new friends. Not at all, and doesn’t see why Jaenelle Satien does.

To add to the general angst of the situation, Surreal and Sadi are having marital problems. This is not 541 pages of teen angst. There are even some humorous scenes. I opened the book as my nighttime read and read one chapter then put the book down and turned out the light. I promised myself I’d read one chapter per night. One. Only one. That promise wasn’t even as long-lasting as an ice cube doing the tango on a hot griddle. I spent three hours or so the next day reading, and on day three, I spent more hours than I want to admit reading, but I finished the book. And the Scelties are back. Love those little dogs. Let me expand—I love the Scelties in the books, but I don’t want them in my home. They would upset Sammy Brave Dog.

I have thoroughly enjoyed all of the Dark Jewel books I’ve read. I’ve read most of them, but not all of them. They are a little more violent than many seriess, and sex plays a large role in the stories, but they are well written, and I think very enjoyable. If you haven’t read any of them, I suggest you read the first three, then you can probably skip around without getting too lost. You’ll know who the characters are, and the ‘back story’ will make sense.

Spring Plant. I haven’t a clue what it is, anyone have an idea? I think it might be cannibalistic, though. It seems to want to sprawl and ‘eat’ anything it comes in contact with. Or, maybe, that’s my imagination???


I wasn’t going to say anything about the shootings in Atlanta, but damn! Those people who keep saying it wasn’t really a hate crime, that he just had a bad day (so, a guy has a bad day and women die?), are surely reading and watching different news sources than I am. It was a double double hate crime. It was a hate crime against Asians and a hate crime against Women. And his excuse that he was trying to eliminate temptation doesn’t fly, either. If he was really trying, he’d have gotten professional help for the problem. (Forgive me if I step on some toes here, but Pastors and their counselling do NOT qualify as professional counselling.) Or he could have followed the biblical injunction (good Southern Baptist that he was) to cut the offending member of his body off and cast it from him. Matthew 5:30 KJV. Bet his pastor didn’t counsel him on that one, misogynist that he is!


TV? Who watched TV? I was reading a book, see above. /snark/

Books: for complete reviews please see Rainy Day Reads at

The Queen’s Weapons— by Anne Bishop. 


I have been attending various talks, concerts, and poetry readings via Zoom. One of the regular meetings I attended in person before Covid, has been meeting on Zoom, and the moderator has stated she’d like to continue to meet via Zoom even when we can legally re-congregate as she doesn’t have to pack so much stuff; however, she said maybe we could meet for social gatherings. I’ll agree to that. Love the Zoom meetings. No commute time, why, I can even stay in my jammies if I want! And if I want a glass of wine during the meeting, I’m not driving home 😉 Today I attended a poetry meeting from London, in a couple weeks I’ll be in ABQ for some meeting (via zoom), not to mention Yakima. All from my computer. Love it.

CDC Guidelines: You can read them here. There are new relaxations, but best you read about them, and follow them, and still wear your masks in public and avoid large gatherings. If your Governor says one thing, and the CDC says something else, although the Governor’s words may sound like more fun, follow the CDC guidelines. Better a bit more irritation than one more death.

Auntie Lenora and Sammy Brave Dog wish you a Fantastically Mahvelous day, and a super good week.