Every Coin Has Two Sides

Weather in the Tries:
Going to be cold. Still. However, if it matters, it’s cloudy outside today, 2 Feb, so if I venture out, it’s pretty sure I won’t see my shadow. Phew. There may be an end to this yet. Nights will be in the 20s, and days in the 30s. Friday, we may get some snow on Friday, and Sunday, we may actually get some sunshine and 42F. Of course, a lot of this depends on how well fed the WeatherPerson is, yes?

Believing every coin has two sides:
(I won’t get technical with the statement they all have 5 sides, because I don’t like numbers and…) I have looked at this week past with the sunny side v. the cloudy side. I’ve been fighting a cold, a sore throat, and laryngitis. My kids used to love it when I’d lose my voice—until they realized the cow bell tolled for them. Mothers must learn to be devious if they’re, well, mothers.

So I’ve had some extra snuggle/nap time with the dog, read a few books, and had a grand excuse for watching a lot of things on YouTube. If you’ve followed Auntie Lenora for any time, you know I have a thing about Ancient China, especially during the Spring and Autumn Wars and the Warring States period, and of course the First Emperor and then the time of Genghis Kahn. When I came across a 25-minute video about a young man who made a replica of King Gaujian’s sword from the Spring and Autumn period, I had to watch. I wish the video had told us what he was doing at each step, and how long each step was. The original sword was made of bronze, and when found in 1965 in an ancient tomb in Hubei was remarkably well preserved. The wood scabbard that covered it was almost air-tight.

There is a marvelous map of Ancient China showing both Yue and Wu with modern cities shown in parentheses. Look to the Southern Coast. (Hangzhou) is just below the ancient border of Yue while (Shanghai) is near the southern edge of Wu. If any of you read my novel, My Adventures as Brother Rat, you read about the war between Wu and Yue. 

And I read a couple of truly fun books by Rebecca Ross, Book 1 A River Enchanted and Book 2 A Fire Endless. I think they might be classified as Romantasy. The author married old Celtic and Norse mythologies to write two truly fun books. Brain Candy of the highest flavor and NO CALORIES. I don’t regularly read ‘romance’ but this came highly recommended, and is a romance like the Outlander Books by Diana Gabaldon are romance books. Oh, wait, those are romantasy, too.

I also watched a whole lot of Tasting History! Must get the cookbook!!!

Photo of the Week:
While walking the dog the other day, I was caught by the sparkles on a frozen windshield. Didn’t think much of the pix after I took it, then got to looking at it, rotated it 90 degrees, put it into b/w (noir) and have a rather good shot of Sunrise on Europa and one of her sister moons seen in the background. Who says we have to book a trip with Musk to travel through the galaxies? 

from the paws of super dog;
we had a few days of sunshine, but not much in the way of warmth. I finally convinced my human to take me out without my sweater. yes sweater helps keep me warm, but it’s uncomfortable. makes me like coming into a warm home better when I’m without it. I like my warm home, especially when my human covers me with her sweater on the bed. I don’t stay under it long, but I love to sleep on it.

Earworm of the Week:
Not sure when I first found Sound of Silence by Disturbed, but it’s been one of my faves for years. Just found another one, not quite as dark (if that’s the right word) when he performed for Conan’s show. I like it, but the official music video compels me to sing out loud with it. I only play it when my housemate is not home. He’s happier not to hear me, and I’m happier to sing it full volume in my tuneless voice. Which version do you like the best?

Quotes of the Week:

“There is no greater privilege than accompanying the dying, to witness a soul’s transition from this world to the next. There is no greater heartbreak either. The capacity to hold these two extremes in the cradle of compassion is what determines the quality of our presence. It is what determines the depth of care we embody and ultimately it becomes our practice, our rehearsal for that day when each of us dies.” ~David Maginley, “Beyond Surviving”

“Re-examine all you have been told. 
Dismiss what insults your soul.” 
~Walt Whitman

Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ “We are all related” ~ Lakota Saying

Love n Hugs to you all!


Just heard that one of my all time favorite You Tubers, Andrew, the Desert Drifter, was in a horrendous auto accident and is currently in ICU with severe injuries, including a brain injury. I don’t often ask you to donate, but only if you have it, can afford it (even if just a couple dollars), please consider going to https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-the-crosses-with-medical-expenses. I really miss the desert SW, and the Desert Drifter’s video keep me from being too homesick. Check out the Desert Drifter. Leave a Like. Leave a comment for his family. Leave a good thought, and if you worship a god who answers prayer, leave a prayer.

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