Well, this is embarrassing and somewhat frustrating. I lost the post I spent the last few days working on. I am for sure positive I saved it, alas, I don’t have a clue where, and I’ve searched everywhere I can think of to find it.
I know! I’ll blame Sammy. He frequently steals my coffee cup and hides it, perhaps he’s now stealing my documents!
Oh well, it probably wasn’t that exciting anyhow.
I received my summons for Jury Duty. I was excused the first week. Today marks the second week. The answering machine on their end keeps saying “An application error. Goodbye.” and hangs up. Tried to see if I was listed on the web page, and I’m not, but I’m not sure if those are the numbers of the called or not, so I’ll get up tomorrow (I’m writing this Sunday night) morning and get dressed for jury duty and drive over to verify.
At any rate, I’ll be home by 6pm, when I will log into a zoom room, and begin my class of 8 weeks (Mon & Wed) to become a Death Doula. Or Death Midwife, if you prefer. From what all I can find, I will be the only one in the Tri Cities. I will probably work with the two hospices we have, as well as work on my own. I’m not sure how all that will work out, but I don’t think I want to charge. I figure people and their families who are dying have enough to worry about without one more bill. And I’m comfortable without the extra work of bills/invoices/books/numbers. Especially numbers!
The classes I will be taking are from A Sacred Passing–https://asacredpassing.org. I really like their philosophy, but going back to school at my age? Starting a new life at my age? Well, I guess it’s to happen, eh? If I put it off another year, I’ll be a whole year older and still have to work with the kids in the class 😉
Took these photos the other day. They are of the main area, the one fountain is granite, and the other, behind it, is a pipe with some kind of holes in the cap. I took the pix in color, but they look much more dramatic in b/w, yes?

Sammy Brave Dog says it’s no fair having Housemate Dan and Mommy talk to each other. When they don’t talk, sometimes he can get a whole extra dinner! Which is why now we coordinate meals for the Big Chihuahua so he doesn’t get bigger in the wrong dimension!
Have a good week, and remember, wherever you go, there you are! ~Jon Kabat-Zinn
Lenora, you must already have a schedule that would exhaust most people half your age, and now you’re taking on a course of study as well!
Congratulations I guess (and as you come across things of interest in your studies, I hope you will share them here).
Thank you, John. And if people want me to continue the Deathcare stuff, I will.