Words have meaning. So does context, and part of the context is the person who is speaking.
Many years ago, while still a teen, I was visiting my paternal grandmother, and something came up and I either said something or acted jealous of someone. I honestly don’t remember what precipitated the discussion, or rather “the talk” but I must have done orsaid something, because I got one of the most valuable adult-to-child talks ever by a woman who loved me dearly.
“Don’t be jealous, Lenora. It’s a wasted emotion.” She went on to explain that if I allow myself to be jealous, the only person I hurt is me. I’m the one who loses sleep, gains an ulcer, etc., the person I’m jealous of is totally oblivious. Well, duhhhh…. It made good sense to me, and I’ve never been truly jealous since. Oh, sometimes, momentarily, something happens, so when I say I’m jealous, or write it, you can bet dollars to donuts I’m not. Not really.
Well, maybe a little. Amanda Gorman earned my jealous on Wednesday. She’s young, beautiful, skinny, poised, and smart as all get out! She is also the youngest poet to read her work for a President’s Inauguration, and the very first Youth Poet Laureate of the United States of America! I think Dr. Jill Biden chose the absitively posolutely bestest person to recommend. I just can’t think of a better poet to have been asked. Shows how intelligent President Biden is—he listens.
If you missed it, take a scant six minutes and watch her here. And watch her hands. OMG, such beauty, such grace. A performance poet of the highest caliber. Listen to the words. And know I am celebrating her. I am truly pleased with our youth and her representation of them. America, I am excited that our youth will take good care of our Democracy if she is their representative. And, I’m not really jealous. Honest. Trust me.
Peacock: I am pleased to say I have watched all 69 episodes of Columbo, in order. They held up remarkably well and were great fun to re-watch. I think out of the 69, there was only one I couldn’t remember seeing, so probably didn’t, I think it was S6 E1. A wonderful alternative to the politics of the day 😉
Am finishing up The Cooking Gene, and a couple others. It’s my second time through The Cooking Gene, and I’m amazed at how much I forgot from the first read. I’ve read a few articles by researchers that you don’t retain what you read on an eReader as well as what you read on paper. At the time, they didn’t know why. The first time, I read it on my eReader. I seldom read nonfiction on my eReader, because I know I don’t retain it as well as when I read a paper book. Part of that, for me, is I’m spatial and have an image of what I’ve read, and where it is. On an eReader, all I know is, it’s out there, somewhere 😉 I read fiction on electronic devices, and fact and poetry on paper. (Poetry because the white space is important and it’s lost on eReaders.) And I have a good friend who disputes the findings. That’s all he ever reads. The only books I’ve seen in his house are either books I’ve given him, or loaned him.
Oh. Em. Gee. Yes, I’m excited, thrilled, happy, that we now have a President who is intelligent, thoughtful, empathetic, and who understands and will fulfill to the best of his ability the oath he took. And I’m truly excited at the mask mandate. True, it’s only on planes, buses, trains, and at airports and on all Federal property. But he’s also asking everyone to wear a mask for 100 days. He said please. We can do it! Remember, if your nose isn’t properly dressed, you aren’t properly dressed!
Stay safe, stay healthy and if you live near Auntie Lenora, enjoy the snow! It started snowing last night, and is still coming down strong. A really good day to stay inside! Unless you have a camera 😉

Auntie Lenora and Sammy Brave Dog!