Weather in the Tries: Huh? We got weather? Here? At our new home? I’ve been too busy to notice. 😉
We’re Moved:
It went fairly smooth, operator. I’ve done easier moves but had a couple months to pack and be uber organized. This time I had 20 days. Chrysta, the manager at the new complex, called and said they had an apartment coming vacant the first of April. The lady and her sons who lived in it were gracious enough to allow us to come see it and decide. We decided. I had done a bit of long-term packing but then it was time for the hard part. I had to give notice on my place, and the manager there said they could only pro rate rent based on move in, not move out. I had to pack like crazy. I asked if I could come back and clean, and she said they’d prefer if their team cleaned and billed me. Ya know what? By the time I moved, & etc., I was too pooped to clean. I had done some, and went back and vacuumed, and that was it. Their cleaners will be worth the cost.
For those of you in the area, I used Help U Move. This is the third time I’ve used them, and I’ve never been disappointed in their work. I heartily recommend them.
Dan, my soon to be housemate, was gracious enough to pay his half of the rent this month so I could move in, and he could bring stuff over in bits and pieces. We each took a small bedroom (10×10) and are using the primary bedroom as a joint office. Well, once I get all the boxes out. 😉
I’m guessing these were made in the ’70s with what I call a California architecture. There is a large entry in the center of each building with all apartments opening on it. Gets people out of the wind and rain, snow and sleet, sun and heat, to get in and out of their units. We discovered we can use the patio, it’s closer by a few steps. And is covered by the upstairs unit’s deck.
I think each building has 10 apartments, 1, 2, or 3 bedrooms. It’s mixed age so there are kids from newborn to second childhood in here. Lots of geeses, ducks, and I think we have a resident heron, too. The ponds are low on water but will be topped off in the next couple of weeks.
I wondered how Sammy would take to the move. On moving day proper, he spent the day at Dan’s. Once everything was moved, I brought him to his new home. He saw ‘his’ boxes, smelled the right smells and was okay with the move. I guess. (Who knows what an animal thinks?) Went for our first walk and he was fine. There are lots of dogs in here, so he got to read lots of messages and leave his own. Looks like it was a welcome wagon for dogs. He loves it here. At the other place there were lots of dogs and feral and wild animals, and he was pretty twitchy, but here, he’s fine. Oddly, he hasn’t met any of the dogs.
Oh, there is an old and unused tennis court here. The powers that be, are considering turning it into parking. I suggested to the manager they turn half into parking and use the other half as an enclosed doggie play yard. She liked the idea and said she’d pass it on. There are 7 buildings in our complex and our owner just bought the mirror complex next door with another 7 buildings. That complex is called Heron Lake, we live in Clearwater Bay.
Okay, here you go, Photos of the Week:

Books: Remember, if I finish a book, I review it at Rainy Day Reads
I have finally started Crowbones by Anne Bishop. It’s the latest in her The Other series. I saved it as a reward for a getting everything packed, moved, and at least a start at emptying boxes. I took it with me Saturday to start while I waited to get my Booster Boosted. Again, I have no reaction to the booster other than it is a teensy bit sore if I sleep on it. Now, if y’all will excuse me, I need to finish Crowbones before I can get back to emptying boxes. I have read several of Ms. Bishop’s books. Reviews are here.
Earworm of the Week: Speaking of boxes (not our new home) here’s an oldie, Little Boxes. For some reason I was sure, absitively posolutely sure that Peggy Lee wrote and performed this. Nope! It was Malvina Reynolds. So much for my infallible memory 😉
How’s this 7:06 video for a “Feel Good” one? Retired Mountain Rescue Search Dog Skye is awarded the PDSA Order of Merit. That is a big deal.
Quotes of the Week: are from metropolis moving
“If your world doesn’t allow you to dream, move to one where you can.” -Billy Idol
All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move.” -Benjamin Franklin
“The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be the beginning.” -Ivy Baker Priest (This one sounds a tad like it came from the Reluctant Messiah of Illusions by Richard Bach.)
Sammy wants you to know he’s happy here and sends pupkisses to you all and thanks you for your friendship. And good wishes. He’s not sure how he would have made it without those good wishes. Me, too. I’m getting too old to move every time the windows need washing!