I have just been informed that my book, Saying Goodbye to Thomas has been posted to: https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/saying-goodbye-to-thomas-by-lenora-rain-lee-good/ for pre-orders. I ask you to seriously consider pre-ordering as it is the number of pre-orders that will determine the amount of royalties I receive. PLEASE NOTE: I will, upon receipt of all royalty checks, immediately split the amount and sent to ALS Association and End of Life Washington. I will keep NO monies from this book.
Weather in the Tries: The schedule looks much better. Not a single day or night lower than 32F and the days will all be in me mid- to -high 50s!!! Wahoo!!! The Brave Dog is jumping with glee. Now, if the rain will fall during the time he’s inside napping instead of the times he needs to go outside to visit the Grass Gods ;-). Maybe not seeing my shadow did mean Spring is near 😉
And We Were Granted a Miracle: No matter if you worship Ma Nature, Evolution, a named god, Selu Corn Mother, or none of the preceding, we still had a miracle this past week. An ill Leonard Peltier finally went home to his tribe, his family, his people, his land. As he said, “I am free.” And he is home for the first time in more than 50 years. (He was taken from his family and home when he was nine and sent to a Government Boarding School. He’s never really been home since then.)
I remember the gun battle where he allegedly shot and killed two FBI agents at point blank range, I remember reading about it, watching tv about it, all the conflicting stories. I vaguely remember that more than one witness was given a fair amount of booze, some money, and a one-way ticket to another state and told not to come back. Everything I read through the years lead me to think that yes, Peltier was there, that he fired his weapon from a distance and in self-defense, and that he did not shoot the two agents. In fact, I read a few accounts by people who were allegedly there, that the two agents were collateral damage shot by other agents. Which would help explain the rabid response of the FBI to Biden’s commutation.
At any rate, Peltier spent 5 decades in prison, and none were in Club Fed. He did not have an easy time. And yet, when he left, he had the respect of his jailers who lined the walkway as an honor to him, and Peltier shook each of their hands. I betcha there was no such honor for the J-6ers who were released. That should say something about Peltier’s character vs. that of, say, the ‘heroes’ of FFOTUS.
Photo of the Week:
Proposed cover for book, taken from the front porch of Thomas’s Cabin in the Ozarks, and my back cover photo.
from the desk of the brave dog; ooooh, can you see this puppy do happy dance. the cold weather has moved on to somewhere else. I’m not sorry at all. I hope it doesn’t come back. Maybe I’ll get longer walks again. oh, here I go again, tap tap taptaptap, hap, hap, happppppyyyyyyyyy dance.
Video of the week: Somehow, I got hooked on the Change Cleaning Services Center YouTube channel where they clean old and filthy carpets. Well, I’ve said for years that work fascinates me, I can sit and watch it by the hour 😉
Weather in the Tries: Gonna be cold nights most of the week—23F to 37F. The two nights above freezing will be cloudy and rainy. The days will start at 37F and work up to 47F (can you say rain?) and down to 39F. The first 3 days will be sunny, then the gray, and wet, move back.
What Heroism Looks Like: I am not a hero. I did not watch any of the festivities of the swearing-in of FFOTUS (First Felon of the United States). I figured there would be plenty of snippets on YouTube later. And there were and still are. From his oath not taking with his left hand by his side, not on the stack of FFOTUS Bibles to the sermon by Washington Bishop Right Reverend Mariann Edgar Budde to those of the FF Family (FFF or F3 of Fcubed, which is better?) who attended, as well as the regular attendees. (I’m fairly sure there were enough seats for the regulars as well as the FFF). Watch Hero Budde and the FFF &c conspicuous in the front pews.
For one Christian to beg another Christian to show love and mercy seems downright weird. I mean, isn’t that what they are supposed to do? Wish they’d spend more time on Matthew 5:3-10 and less on Exodus 20:2-17. I get asked every so often why I am no longer a Christian. I often respond by telling them I couldn’t stand the hate anymore. I don’t miss the guilt, either.
I don’t know which made me the sickest—that the traitorous FFOTUS and his side kick were sworn in, or that the South African Nazi GAVE THE NAZI SALUTE TWICE IN OUR CAPITOL! Did you see his expression—pure venom, hate, anger. It was NOT enthusiasm, at least not joyous enthusiasm. He should be deported before you read this! (I am forever the optimist. He won’t be.)
When I was stationed in Germany in ’67, ’68, my dearly beloved and I would go down to Basel, Switzerland every so often for a week-end away, and stay at a nice hotel. We’d go down to the bar and order our beer. Then we’d be quiet, and listen. When we needed a refill, we’d just raise our hand, or show our empty glass. Pretty soon, the good old boys would forget we were there and start talking about the good old days in Germany (right across the river/border), before the Reich fell, and how they were working to re-establish it. Little did Dearly Beloved and I believe they would succeed and in the USA, to boot! I’m glad he died years ago and didn’t live to see this sad state of affairs materialize. We thought the Eagle would get tired of rattling his sword. We were wrong.
And the oligarchs (I like my spelling better, oligarks, but spell check had a hissy fit. I just added it to my dictionary, so you may see it again/snicker/) staring at Jeff Bezo’s girlfriend’s boobs, especially Zuck. But did you notice where Jeff was staring? Doesn’t it make you proud to be an American with those wonderful, loving, caring, billionaires, I mean people, leading us? and giving us the honor and privilege to happily pay their share of taxes?
No, we should NOT compromise with them. Why not ask a Judge to compromise with a murderer at sentencing? Can’t be done! Or a student to ask the teacher to compromise over studies (not that they have any anymore) and test scores? Or an employee to ask her boss to compromise on pay? We will not give up our rights, birthrights or other rights.
Another hero, who should have been our president long ago. It’s only a 7 minute video. Check it out. We do have heroes. We just need to find them, and LISTEN to them. Listen up. Pay attention. They’re here.
Do Not Obey in Advance.
Do Not Compromise with them.
Do not let them get away with swearing to defend our Constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic, and then piss on it within minutes. FFOTUS, when your yellow stream hit the sheepskin upon which our Constitution was written, did the ink run? did the skin shrivel and dissolve into dust? did it go out in a blaze of glory?
Photo of the Week: took this a few days ago, the pond still hasn’t thawed in our inlet. where the sun hits it at the other end, it thaws a bit, then freezes again. on day one, there was one rock. on day two a few. now there are even more. from some of the evidence, I think most are being thrown in by small rock throwers. better they throw at the ice than living beings 😉
from the desk of the mighty dog; you humans are really weird. why don’t you let the pack decide who is top dog/ then if you don’t like him, run him out. banish him to the forest or the desert or the swamp. if he doesn’t go like he should, well, the pack has other ways to defend itself.
Earworm of the Week: Official music video for ‘Wolf Totem’ by the HU. Read the words of the translation, that’s why I put in this link. A good protest song!
Quotes of the Week:
“Remember: The Lord works in mysterious ways— but karma works in hilarious ways.” ~ God @godpod.bsky.social
Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ “We are all related” ~ Lakota Saying
“Re-examine all you have been told. Dismiss what insults your soul.” ~Walt Whitman
Addendum: I started writing this post on Tuesday of this week, and I am old and lazy and don’t want to rewrite the beginning, but today, Thursday, there is an update on the Good Bishop Budde. FFOTUS demanded an apology (poor, whiny FFOTUS got his widdle feelers hurt). In an interview with Time this week, she made it crystal clear she isn’t backing down. “My faith compels me to stand up for truth, justice, and love—even when it means defying powerful figures who seek to distort it,” she declared. “I am not going to apologize.” [emphasis mine] copied from Letters from God.
I figure, even though it’s early, many of us could use some bright and cheery in our lives right now, so here are the rest of the photos. Just for you.
We spent a couple hours at the pool in the complex where Maryann and Dave live. Since I still had a scab on my toe where the railroad spikes were pulled out, I watched from the shady sidelines;-)
After the gals were finished, Maryann took us to the restaurant, also at the same complex. The food was yummy and the views spectacular. Oh, there is also a golf course, but the grass here is not part of it.
Maryann’s daughter and beloved son in law
Goodest Friends, Maryann, Linda, and moi.
The drive from Tucson to Henderson NV was pleasant. I’m going to have to get a city map of Phoenix and environs because I honestly don’t know where I was in driving through it on the Interstate. For years, there was a funky place to eat between Phoenix and Henderson, called Rose’s, or Rosie’s. It burned down a few years ago and they rebuilt it, I thought Kay and I would go up for one of their burgers, but I didn’t see it. Come to find out, it burned down again, and they didn’t rebuild. sigh. There hamburgers were some of the best ever!!!!
This shot is from the patio of the house where Kay lives. I tried to get more planes in a shot but could never manage to get them all showing. Pretty fun watching them come in and line up for the runway which is surprisingly close.
The patio faces east, so this one must be sunrise. Why was I up that early??? I dunno.
GeriLyn, Kay’s daughter in law and Tod took us out to a delightful Italian restaurant my last night there. GeriLynn works in the same complex the restaurant is in, and knows the people there. We were treated quite well, and the food was scrumptious. We were served very special desserts. The manager is also an artist and gave us each a different picture and cake. I thought the icing on the plate was part of the plate i.e. part of the china, and when I moved my plate for this photo, it smudged! Here I thought they’d bought special dessert plates. Nope, make ’em to order 😉
And here we all sit, preparing to dive in to our respective plates. Starting with Tod and going clockwise: GeriLyn, an old wanna be hippie, and Goodest Friend and Travel Buddy ever, Kay. We’ve been friends for something like 57 years!
As I pulled out of their drive, I stopped and shot a neighbor’s yard. Lots of interesting decorations. I think they can do more because they aren’t too concerned rain will spoil the decorations, and they don’t have the winds we get this time of year.
From Henderson to Castaic CA was a pretty short drive. One of the reasons I stopped there was to meet a couple of my Zoomroom poetry buddies. This photo was taken by Good Friend Elizabeth. She is at the left, holding her phone, then is Good Friend Will, and bringing up the rear is me. They life in the LA region somewhere, and fought the traffic to come meet me in person. I consider myself to be super honored. I must have been mid word when she snapped this. I really wasn’t grimacing! And my tee shirt is from a poetry group in LA, Beyond Baroque, and says: Metaphors Be With You!! I saw another tee I liked that says: I use (pix of darth vader’s mask) the / Fo R Ce / Periodically. Love it.
From Castaic it was a pretty easy shot up I-5 to Vallejo where I spent a couple of nights at my brother’s. Getting to know him a bit more was wonderful. Mostly, he sleeps all day and is up all night. That’s been his schedule for years. Anyhow, we went out for dinner at a place he’d not been too. I forgot what he had, I had a yummy salad.
Then he drove me by the Dragon House. These dragon heads are in front, I think I saw two on one side, and maybe one on the other. They are quite spectacular!
When I left a couple days later, I met another Zoomroom buddy who lives fairly close, for breakfast at a place she likes, then we went to a small, indie Book Store, The Alibi. Great little store. If you’re ever in it, stop by and buy a book. Multiple book purchases are appreciated. Alas no photos of Good Poet Friend Anita, or the store, or the restaurant. I hadn’t had coffee yet. Then it was up the road about thirty minutes to stay a few days with my cousins.
Cousin Jimmy is rightfully called Farmer Jimmy in my mind. They have a very busy back yard with pomegranate tree, bay tree, kumquat tree, and I don’t know what all. He told me, I forgot. He also grows tomatoes, herbs, and flowers. Some of his tomatoes And yes the black ones are truly black, and very tasty.
I brought one of the pomegranates home, it was delish! And, in watching him de-seed one, I finally learned how to do it without making a mess!
I asked what this was, and he couldn’t remember, until he saw another one that still had flowers. I can’t remember, either. My phone says it’s a Red Spider Lily. My phone is not 100% accurate. But it tries.
This is their pool. When I first looked out, very early in the morning, it looked like deep water and ice. It’s a wrinkly blue plastic tarp.
Cousin Betty is married to Jimmy and Cousin Barb is his sister. We three females all quilt, so Betty had some chores to do and sent Barb and me out to buy fabric. Oh, what a horrible thing to do to a quilter, especially when with another quilter. She who dies with the most fabric WINS!! Not sure what we win, but we’re all trying to get there. We went to a resale store that sells fabric and bought fabrics galore, and I found this jacket. I love it, though the gold next to my skin isn’t so great. But with a black turtle neck it should be fine. If not, it will go into a quilt or two. I’m looking for a pattern maker who can make a pattern without cutting it apart. The cut, etc is fun. A perfect Poetry Reading jacket over black slacks and a black turtleneck.
Oh, it was $7.99! It just begged to go in my cart.
And there you have it. The truly last photos of my trip. I hope they help lighten any down you are experiencing.
I will post something on Monday. Unless I’m stuck in a rehabilitation/concentration camp by then.
Weather in the Tries: Highs this week will all be in the 60s, mostly higher 60s. The los will be in the 40s. We’ll have sunbreaks Monday and Wednesday, and winds on Tuesday. Can’t we have wind and sun at the same time? Who knows, and he’s not telling.
Bookcases &c: My old and well used bookcase finally said it was tired of holding 3,002 pounds of so of books on it, and the little pins you put in your choice of holes broke the wood enough to fall out. If I raised or lowered the shelves (2 of them misbehaved) my books wouldn’t fit. So, I put the white book case I’ve never been truly happy with on the patio, and will get someone to help me move it up to the dumpster tomorrow (Monday) with a ‘Free to a Good Home’ sign on it. Moved my old and well used bookcase into the living room area now devoted to sewing/quilting, and got a lot of fabric &c stored on it so it has neatened up that area somewhat. And then I went to my favorite ‘has everything I’ve always wanted and didn’t know it’ store and ordered a new bookcase.
My old bookcase that is now mostly a fabric case, was 6 shelves (including the top) 6’ x3’. I ordered this bookcase, which is 72.8” wide, 79.5” heigh, and 11.8” deep. It is surprisingly easy to put together, and take apart, and put back together. The iron standards are each 3 pieces, a bottom, a middle, a top. They have holes in them. Did I pay any attention to hole placement? Of course not, I just put the pieces in however the farkers would fit with H on the top, I in the center and J at the bottom. Guess what, the holes are different on one side from the other. This morning (that would be Sunday) is deconstructed three of the four, and reconstructed them, and am now putting the shelves in. They are using engineered wood rather than compressed sawdust & glue. Each shelf is 23” long, give or take a tenth or two. I will have to get Housemate Dan to help me with the higher shelf. One is supposed to put them on the floor, but I can’t get down and back up. I laid one of the shelves (paying attention to the holes) on my chair and got the screws in the top shelf, and managed to get the second standard attached to the other end of the shelf, then stood it up and am now putting the rest of the shelves in. Photo next week when it’s together and populated with its books. I think all my books or poetry will go on the center ‘library cart’ style shelves, nonfiction on the left side and fiction on the right side.
I have one section finished. I’ll have to have Housemate Dan help me with the second section. I’ll hold the top shelf, if he’ll screw it in, then I can put the rest of the shelves in on my own, then build the tilted ones, and connect the hip bone to the leg bone and the leg bone to the ankle bone, or whatever. Once the three sections are connected, I’ll know how far I need to move my desk so they will fit the space. I think it’s 5” but will know for sure soon.
I can’t get a copy of the picture but this may help if you’re really curious: IRONCK Bookcases and Bookshelves Triple Wide 6 Tiers Industrial Record Player Shelf, Large Etagere Bookshelf Open Record Player Shelves with Metal Frame for Living Room Home Office https://a.co/d/hUmZhFw The record shelves are what will hold my poetry books. I don’t have any vinyl anymore, not a place to put a player.
Well, I wanted to use the picture from the Amazon page, but couldn’t get it transferred, so if you want to see it, you’ll just have to click the link above. Or wait until next week when it’s done and populated with books;-)
My new website is up. We’re still dusting, and polishing, but it’s there. Check it out: https://foragooddeath.com. As stated, it’s still being tweaked, let me know if you have any ideas for improvement. Thanks
Sammy is surveying the work from his bed in the other room 😉
Video of the Week: Ever wonder how a stone is cut? YouTube is full of all sorts of stuff. This guy has a 1000carat piece of clear quarts and is faceting and polishing it. The computer truly is a thing of wonder—as long as you don’t watch news all day;-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xr-UNlOWS3Y When he finishes it, it’s gorgeous.
from the desk of the big chihuahua; we have sunshine and warmth even if the breeze is a little cold. my human complains, i think it’s because she’s bigger than i am and more wind hits her. im happy with it. more new smells as new people move in and out and bring and take more dogs n cats. i don’t care. the sun is shining and summer is coming.
Weather in the Tries: It looks like our snow is about to go away. It’s still scheduled for today (Sunday) but tomorrow (Monday) has rain on the schedule and 39F. The rest of the week is high 30s and low 40s during the day, o’cast, but so far, no precip on the agenda. The nights will be freezing and higher. Monday morning: the snow is melting, the snow is melting;-)
Fridays with Thurber: Years ago, when I first started watching MSNBC, one of my favorite commentators was Keith Olbermann. He could even make me enjoy sports news. But what I enjoyed most was the sharing of his visits with his father. On Fridays he would read his father a short story by James Thurber, and on Fridays, he would also read a short story by Thurber as the last item on his broadcast.
Then, Mr. Olbermann left MSNBC and moved on to bigger and better, and the newest better is his podcast, Countdown, where he still reads a Thurber short story on Fridays. The podcast for Jan 19, is his most favorite of all the Thurber stories, and I think it is now mine—The Macbeth Murder Mysteries. Please give the podcast a listen to. And if you like the podcast, be sure to Like and Subscribe.
More on Ice Dragons: Well, the Ice Dragons imitated Icarus. I finally couldn’t up with put the constant below freezing draft on me, so covered the cardboard with a plastic bubble envelope, then lots of tape all around all four sides. The drafts stopped. Alas, the escape of the warmer, moister air from inside the apartment also stopped. The morning after adding the new envelopes and tape, I noticed the Ice Dragons had, like Icarus from so many years ago, fallen or slid, to the bottom of the window. By nighttime, they had faded away. Yes, I know. Icarus fell into the sea, but my Ice Dragons did the best they could.
I wrote a poem, Ice Dragons, Dancing, sent it, and last week’s photo off to Quill & Parchment online magazine, and I am so proud to tell you they will both be published in the February 2024 issue. When it’s published, I’ll let y’all know, and send a link.
Photo of the Week:
Ice Dragons imitating Icarus, fallen to bottom of window. By morning the next day, they had fallen to their eternity.
The new, improved, replacement window: Due to a series of ‘perfect storm’ type delays, the guys came out with the new window on Thursday. It was snowing. They removed the old window, brought the new window down, and the perfect storm continued—it was too small. The guy who came out and measured missed by 3 inches. They removed the new window (it’s still snowing), wrapped the old window in plastic and put it back. They hope to have the new (and improved!) window in one or two weeks. I know this company does good work, because they made the windows for my house addition a long time ago, and they replaced all my windows in my condo. We don’t get much snow in the Tries, and I think it’s affecting everyone;-) The old window is still broken, and the plastic isn’t quite as good as a double paned window. But it does close the hole.
everyone is entitled to my own opinion by Jeff Tiedrich:
I have been introduced to a new Substack, everyone is entitled to my own opinion. This is one of two I actually pay to read, the other is Sherman Alexie’s.
This column, a pastor was arrested for saving homeless people from freezing. what the [fark] have we becomesays I can share it, so it’s hot linked. The language is adult, but so are you. Most of the time. There are some excellent comments, should you be interested. Every so often, someone will ask me why I left Christianity and became an Atheist/Secular Humanist/Buddhist. This article does a fair job of explaining why I now consider myself a Recovering Christian.
And now a word on Fani: OMG, the OP and his cult members/followers are going after Fani Willis because she may have had an affair, may still be having an affair, with a member of her team whom she has known and been friends with for several years. Yeah? Really? This latest tangle of yarn by a CONVICTED RAPIST and his followers/members??? Ms Willis is an adult. Her friend is an adult. IF they had or have an affair it’s no one’s business besides themselves. I’ve said for years there are only two conditions for sex—consenting adults! Something the OP should learn. Except he’s too old to learn anything he doesn’t think of himself.
From the Paws of the Frozen Chihuahua: hello again. so glad you stopped by. please, will you cover me. i’m not really frozen, unless one of my humans make me go outside. then my mostly fat-free body starts to shiver and shake. my main human says i remind her of jerry lee lewis, then she laughs. i don’t know who he is, but heres his shakin’ song.
Quote of the Week: “My momma always said, ‘You and Elvis are pretty good, but y’all ain’t no Chuck Berry.” ~ Jerry Lee Lewis
Public Service Announcement: Don’t forget my 15 minutes of fame is fast approaching, on 6 Feb at about 8pm PST.
Weather in the Tries: It appears we head now to warmer temperatures. The nights are still cool at or slightly below freezing but the days are scheduled to be almost bikini time ranging from 45-50F. Winds (Sammy hates wind) some sun, clouds and maybe a bit of rain (Sammy hates rain). But I have this feeling that Spring is coming, ready or not!
Do you remember Billie Holiday? For the last Monday in February, I thought I’d highlight a black singer singing a song written by a Jewish school teacher. Actually, I was just going to feature the singer, but the rest of the story is too interesting, at least to me. So, I asked myself the question, do I remember Billie Holiday? I was thirteen when she died. And listened to rock n roll. I don’t think I listened to R&B unless one of the DJs put it on for some reason, so no, I don’t think I remember her from my actual life memories, but I’ve heard/seen her on YouTube. And I remember her song, Strange Fruitbut I’m sure I remember it as an adult, not a kidlet. If I heard it as a kidlet, it wouldn’t have made much sense to me, as I didn’t understand, probably didn’t know, that lynchings were still going on. And I had zero knowledge of metaphors. It was while looking up some stuff on Ms. Holiday I came across the story of Abel Meeropol, the Jewish teacher, poet, and songwriter who published under the pen name of Lewis Allan, the names of his two boys who were stillborn. I was a kid when Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were arrested, tried, convicted, and murdered for espionage. I remembered being quite concerned about their two boys, Robert and Michael and if their mother was killed, who would raise them, love them, kiss their oweeees, be their mommy. At that time, I had no concept of what espionage was. My grandmother tried to assure me the boys would be taken care of, but I never really quite believed her. Well, they were adopted and took the last name of their adoptive parents—Meeropol. The very same Abel Meeropol who was struck by a photo of a lynched man and wrote the poem, Strange Fruit, that Billie Holiday recorded and then sang often, as hard as it was for her. Her father (or at least the man she identified as such) was denied medical treatment because of the color of his skin and died from a treatable condition. As the Rosenbergs awaited their date with destiny, I remember hearing that she sang in Yiddish, songs of encouragement to her husband, Julius who she perceived at the weaker one. They were in the same prison, out of sight from each other, but close enough he could hear and respond. I was seven when they were arrested, ten when they were killed.
Talk about degrees of closeness—Rosenbergs to Meeropols to Billie Holiday to thee and me.
Just for grins, I searched for Robert and Michael Meeropol to see what they are up to now, very interesting. This would be, I think, what Paul Harvey would call “The rest of the news!”
The rabbit holes one can find in a computer! And, time is different when one is traversing rabbit holes in one’s computer! It’s three in the afternoon when I start down the hole, and a few minutes later, when I come out it’s seven already yet.
Photos of the Week:
Yes? Do you need something?I got it! I got it! All mine!I’m guarding the suet feeder to be sure no other tree mouse gets to it.
Entertainment: Books: Remember if I finish a book, I review it (eventually) at https://lenoragood.blogspot.com I am lax in posting a couple of books, it’s been a weird week or two. Your patience is appreciated.
Movies/Tv: Haven’t seen anything but news.
Sammy Says: My human is right when she says I don’t like water falling on me, or wind. The water is cold and it hurts. I don’t have the fat other dogs have, and I don’t have a lot of fur. And the wind throws dirt in my eyes, and sends the zombie leaves to attack me, and everybody knows that zombie leaves love to eat puppy brains and I don’t have enough brain to spare.
Weather in the Tries: Looks like we’re getting into some Seattle weather, gray, cloudy, and good chance of rain most days. Highs mostly in the low-to-mid forties, and lows in the low-to-mid 30s. As we used to say when I lived over on the Dark Side, if you can see across the street, carry your raincoat, if you can’t see across the street, wear your raincoat.
And then along came Jones… Okay, I don’t know if his name is Jones or not, or even if he’s a he or a she. But that song is all I could think of when I started to open the door to take the Brave Dog for a walk on Saturday and Jones slowly swiveled his head to watch me. I dropped the leash to take photos through the door. Then decided to take the Brave Dog outside. Alas, he was a.) more afraid of Jones than Jones was of him, and b.) enough ice remained on the pond that Grandfather Sky’s tears didn’t leave pocks, but the Brave Dog could feel them. Uh. No. No way was he going out in that. So, he went back in, and I went back out and followed Jones until he couldn’t be seen through the branches. This is the first Great Blue (in courting colors, by the way) I’ve seen in our finger of the pond. S/He is usually over in the larger pond. And too far away to get a decent photo. I got one photo last summer. Do you know how to tell a male from a female Great Blue Heron? I don’t, so looked it up. I must see them together; the male is the larger. But hard for me to tell when they are not with a mate for comparison. So I still don’t know if Jones is a he or a she.
Photos of the Week: Hokey Pokey In case you’ve forgotten, you put your right foot in, you take your right foot out, you put your right foot in, and you shake it all about.
Entertainment: Books Read: If I finish it, I review it: https://lenoragood.blogspot.com Haven’t finished any this week but bought a (so far) wonderful hard science fiction, Meru (book 1 of 2) by S.B. Divya. It’s a long one, and it’s my bedtime read. Loving it. At least so far 😉
Movies & TV: Almost through with Season 3 of Babylon 5. Best Winter gift I’ve bought myself since I bought my Sleep By Number bed a dozen or so years ago!
He really enjoyed the warmer days we had and thinks they should all be warmer. AND that Grandfather Sky should confine his crying to the hours between ten at night and five in the morning. Somehow, I find myself agreeing with that. Maybe we should move to Camelot? (And if you promise not to tell anyone, I’ll tell you a secret—the link goes to Richard Burton singing Camelot in 1978. I was sniveling and sobbing by the end of it. I’m so darn pathetic!)
Continuation of the Rant, but hopefully a bit quieter.
If the Supremes want to know why they are losing, or have lost, our respect, they have nothing more to do than look in a mirror! At least the six who want a Theocracy.
One of the prime tenets of our country as proposed and envisioned by the Founding Fathers, was the strongly worded first clause in the Bill of Rights, known as the Establishment Clause (Separation of Church and State). Obviously, 2/3 of the Supremes think it’s time to change that part. We are now supporting not just public schools, but church schools with our tax dollars. It is now permissible to pray on the field before and after a game. Obviously, these good Christians have never read Matthew 6:6 NIV, “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” [italics mine] You can say all the prayers you desire to say quietly, in your mind, or go into your room.
If my tax dollar is going to go for all that religion, then I want all churches/religious property taxed like all businesses are taxed in their town, county, etc., with NO exceptions. I don’t care what religion you belong to, that’s your business, but I don’t want to pay for it unless it’s going to contribute to the fiscal welfare of the country. That’s my business. I ‘m a Vet and I pay taxes.
The First Amendment Encyclopedia, Presented by the John Seigenthaler Chair of Excellence in First Amendment Studies has an excellent article about the First Amendment. Remember this is NOT a Christian nation, but a nation founded by a disparate bunch of Christians, and even they couldn’t agree on any one church. And if you get your knickers in a knot over that remember, if you allow one religion in, you must allow all religions in—Hindu, Buddhist, Shinto, Satanist, all the Native American ones which have a better right than all the others, Jew, Muslim, Rastafarian, Pastafarian, ad infinitum, ad nauseum.
Most definitely is this a slippery slope, and what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. If you’re going to put the ten commandments up on public land, then you must also put the equivalent of all other religions that request the same consideration. The same for Solstice celebrations, especially the winter one. And why anyone wants to worship a God of War, is beyond me. Especially when his alleged son allegedly said, (Matthew 5:17 NIV), “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” [italics mine]
These idiots aren’t Pro-Life (they are Forced-Birth), if they were Pro-Life, they would vote in some of the strictest gun laws ever. They would happily give up their automatic weapons. They would care for the baby not just in utero but also once born, instead of tossing it back on the woman who was forced to have it. Nicholas Kristof has a good column titled, “How Can this Be ‘Pro-Life’?” Theresa M. Hanafin, Globe Staff columnist writing Fast Forward has some words to say in her column on 14 Jun 22, and Alexendra Petri of the Washington Post (and the primary reason I pay for my subscription to same) writes with her usual wit, snark, and intelligence, “We must protect life from conception until the moment of birth! Once you have been born, you are a nuisance, and, possibly, a woman.” And Ja’han Jones writes that, “We need to call abortion bans what they are: Slavery” All this time you thought it was just me being snarky!
You have the freedom to worship any god you so choose. You have the freedom to raise your children in that manner. And when they reach majority, they will have the freedom to change if they so desire. Your place of worship has the freedom to pay taxes, and if they are going to use my tax dollars to spread their mythology, then they should pay taxes like all other businesses. They’ve gotten a free ride long enough. You also have the freedom to NOT have an abortion unless you want one.
And on a somewhat happier note, at least for me and the women in uniform, Limited Abortions Will Continue On DOD Bases Despite Roe v. Wade Reversal. Could be iffy in some states such as Texas where they have joint jurisdiction, but they can always send the patient to another state on Temporary Duty (TDY) for a few days of training.
I have known women who had abortions, and not one of them entered into the procedure without a great deal of soul searching. All were performed after discussing with their doctor, and all were deemed necessary. And, because they were legal, the women survived, and later became happy mothers of healthy children. I’ve also known some who had back-alley abortions and though they survived, with complications, they were not able to have children later, healthy or otherwise. And I love that so many of the men are rushing to get vasectomies! Bet the Supremes didn’t think there were enough real men out there to do that. (And I bet none of them would even consider it.)
And for the (sick) joke of the week, this is a quote from Mike Pence, as told to Breitbart, “Having been given this second chance for life, we must not rest and must not relent until the sanctity of life is restored to the center of American law in every state in the land.” I say it’s sick humor because these are the same people who, when the baby they forced the female to carry is born, they no longer want anything to do it, ‘Not my problem, little lady, I didn’t have the kid’ and the highest number of government sanctioned killings go on in their states. Where is the sanctity of life there? Huh? Huh???
“Right-wingers like Pence do not believe that abortion should be a state’s issue, but a universal rights issue — for the fetus. A national abortion ban would invert the legal architecture of abortion rights so that a fetus, rather than the person carrying it, is seen as the protected individual in the eyes of federal law.” [I read this on Tuesday last, copied it, got sidetracked and deleted the article from whence it came. I apologize profusely to the author and if you can let me know who s/he is, I’ll give credit where it’s due.]
What a bunch of hypocrites! They want the baby born, and then don’t want any responsibility to see that it has proper food, medical care, dental care, education, clothing, love. I think they want them to grow up so they can use them as target practice or put them to death in their prisons. These people are NOT pro-life, they are forced-birth haters of women. Damn! They’re really trying to send me off on another rant. But I shall persevere. They shan’t win. For now.
Phew! I think I got it all out of my system. At least until the next time the Supremes kick me in the nether regions. I considered not publishing this, but then I re-read it, made a couple changes, and here it is. The last rant for a while. I hope.
Photos of the Week:
Because you were so king to let me rant for 3 weeks straight, I promise I won’t do it again until the next time. Honest. Trust me. Also, instead of still shots, I’m giving you videos. I hope. If I can figure all this out.
Pond scum, a little dabble do ya, pond scum, you look so dabbleair!
I dearly love Isabel Allende’s books—fiction, nonfiction, recipes. So when I saw a new one by her had come out, or at least new to my eyeballs, I grabbed it, Island Beneath the Sea. I am 37% through with the book, and I need to take a break. It’s very well written, but I’m finding it somewhat depressing. Have any of you read it? What did you think? Do I want to pick it up and finish it, or let it sit? I have the strangest feeling there is not going to be a Happy Ever After when I finish it.
Earworms: Since most of you are probably somewhat familiar with the Christian songs/hymns, I thought I’d stretch your idea of Holy Music just a tad. I hope you enjoy these. They are all relatively short.
“Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.” —Napoleon Bonaparte
“Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.” — Lucius Annaeus Seneca
“The more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never worshipped anything but himself.” —Richard Burton
Sammy is loving the warmer weather. Says it’s not quite like where he came from, we do have a bunch more humidity, but at least it’s warm. And we now have the back patio more or less fenced off, and he loves it when one of us are out there and he can come sleep in the sun. It’s quite delightful to have the window open at night for a bit of the cool to come in.;-) Have a marvelous week wherever you live. Remember, the sun is always shining. Sometimes you need a really, really, REALLY tall extension ladder to get above the clouds…
Happy National Firecracker Day. Frankly, since the Supreme Court has once again made slavery legal in those States that want it, I’m not in a celebratory mood. Fortunately, Washington, Oregon, and California, as well as about half the other States, are not going along with it.
Weather in the Tries: (It’s ok to drool. Better yet, come visit)
What is Freedom? Part 2
Continuation of the Rant, but somewhat toned down. Maybe.
I’m still mad as hell. Why does a minority of conservative Christians think they get to force everyone to their way of thinking? Why do they think they have the only true way to live? What makes them so sure theirs is the One True god? When they die, I hope they are judged by their god according to the tenets they are trying to cram down the majority’s throat.
Who cares if Jack and Joe want to get married? I don’t. How will their marriage affect yours? It won’t, unless you are currently married to either Jack or Joe, then you might have a dog in that fight. And if Jack and Joe decide they want to adopt or hire a surrogate, good on them. I’ve known a few gay couples who raised great kids who were not gay. And the kids were far happier with two dads or two moms than many I’ve known in a traditional marriage. Especially a marriage where the man of the house thought he was the head of the house in all things and the woman of the house his indentured servant, to be freed on either her or his death. Yes, I’ve known a few like that, especially in the evangelical churches to which I at one time belonged.
Gayness is a pathology, not a psychology. It is not a choice. It’s hardwired before birth. And if it’s so wrong then why does that evangelical god create them that way? He’s really mucked up, isn’t he, if roughly 10% of his created humans are LGBTQ? Oh. Wait. Humans weren’t created, they evolved. Everyone knows that, don’t they?
As you by now know, I don’t do numbers. But there is an excellent article on the literal cost of overturning Roe v. Wadethat I think you might like to read. Seriously. As the author, Kate Bahn says, “Bodily autonomy interacts with self-determination across society, including the economy.” It’s not a long article. Read it. Think about it.
If you’re of childbearing age, and you think you’re smart enough to know your own body (and if you’re a friend of mine, you are), I think you might want to get yourself a good education and immigrate to some country in Europe, or perchance Canada. Someplace where there is a stable government, with a long shelf-life, and where religion is relegated to that part of society to which it belongs—the church, temple, synagogue, mosque, etc. Take your education someplace where it, and you, will be appreciated.
If you’re in a same sex relationship, consider moving you and your spouse, and children you may have, and do the same thing. You owe this country nothing. They certainly don’t want you here. And with your education and brains, go where you’re wanted and respected. If you work for a large multinational company and you can transfer within your company, by all means consider it.
You don’t know how it hurts me to write what I just wrote. I’m a veteran, I served my country for 9 years 5 months 23 days, and was proud of both my service and my country. Well, most of the time my country. Remember what I said last week about ignorance being a treatable condition? Well, I’m undergoing treatment. It truly is Amerikkka. Please consider my time in service a gift to you and for you. I truly don’t know if I think it’s even worth fighting for at this point. Maybe I’m just old and tired. If I didn’t live on the enlightened west coast, I think I’d try for some other country. Perchance the Netherlands. Maybe even Scotland and go for one of the outer Hebrides.
If you aren’t free to love the person you love, openly and without fear, you aren’t free. If man-made laws forbid you to love someone for any reason, you aren’t free. If marriage means giving yourself completely to the one you love, but only for a certain minority, it’s a poor marriage. Years ago, I was a rape crisis counselor, and in the training we took, we learned some interesting facts. Somehow, I don’t think they’ve changed much, and they certainly put a different light on these new laws. The most cases of incest came from evangelical families where the man was the head of the house. Are you surprised? Think Roman Catholic Church. Think Southern Baptist Church. Nobody can love his little girl like Daddy can.
Photos of the Week:
Mama Two Duck and her babies. They are at least double in size.They scrabble up the bank fairly quickly, and Mama was right behind.
Books: Remember, if I finish a book, I review and post it to http://lenoragood.blogspot.com and I have four new ones added.
I bought this book for my Kindle Fire, and ‘saved’ it for a special occasion. That came on the day I spent 10 hours in the hospital while a friend had open heart surgery. I not only enjoyed the book, but, believe me, I needed it! (The surgery was a success, thanks for asking.)
If you’re of an age, and believe me, I am, and faced with the intricacies of Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and the rest of today’s technologies, this is the book to read. No, it isn’t a ‘how to’ book, it’s a great romp through George Takei’s learning and mastering same. He makes it sound so simple, so easy, and at the same time, doesn’t make me feel like I’m such a dunce.
It’s like having Mr. Sulu explain all the electronics on the bridge of the Enterprise in language I can actually understand. (But, in that dreamy bass voice of his, would I even hear the words, or just the music?)
For anyone with a great sense of humor, who loves all the geeky stuff, who loves cats, the internet (ok, and George Takei;-) this is the book for you! A fun read, just what the Doctor ordered! Take with lots of laughs, a few chuckles, and a humongous smile!
My only complaint was the pictures were small, and I couldn’t get them to expand. That’s not Mr. Takei’s fault, that’s Mr. Kindle’s fault.
“Normal is not something to aspire to, it’s something to get away from.” – Jodie Foster
“In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.” – Coco Chanel
“It’s really important to share the idea that being different might feel like a problem at the time, but ultimately diversity is a strength!” – Carson Kressley
The Brave Dog says he’s the ONLY Sammy Brave Dog in the whole wide world, and he knows he’s special, and different, because his human tells him so. And he wouldn’t have it any other way—and neither would his human!! And he’s possibly the only reason his human will remain in the States, because just about any country she’d be interested in has a quarantine requirement for pets, as well they should. It’s a choice Sammy’s human does not want to face.