Well, this is embarrassing and somewhat frustrating. I lost the post I spent the last few days working on. I am for sure positive I saved it, alas, I don’t have a clue where, and I’ve searched everywhere I can think of to find it.
I know! I’ll blame Sammy. He frequently steals my coffee cup and hides it, perhaps he’s now stealing my documents!
Oh well, it probably wasn’t that exciting anyhow.
I received my summons for Jury Duty. I was excused the first week. Today marks the second week. The answering machine on their end keeps saying “An application error. Goodbye.” and hangs up. Tried to see if I was listed on the web page, and I’m not, but I’m not sure if those are the numbers of the called or not, so I’ll get up tomorrow (I’m writing this Sunday night) morning and get dressed for jury duty and drive over to verify.
At any rate, I’ll be home by 6pm, when I will log into a zoom room, and begin my class of 8 weeks (Mon & Wed) to become a Death Doula. Or Death Midwife, if you prefer. From what all I can find, I will be the only one in the Tri Cities. I will probably work with the two hospices we have, as well as work on my own. I’m not sure how all that will work out, but I don’t think I want to charge. I figure people and their families who are dying have enough to worry about without one more bill. And I’m comfortable without the extra work of bills/invoices/books/numbers. Especially numbers!
The classes I will be taking are from A Sacred Passing–https://asacredpassing.org. I really like their philosophy, but going back to school at my age? Starting a new life at my age? Well, I guess it’s to happen, eh? If I put it off another year, I’ll be a whole year older and still have to work with the kids in the class 😉
Took these photos the other day. They are of the main area, the one fountain is granite, and the other, behind it, is a pipe with some kind of holes in the cap. I took the pix in color, but they look much more dramatic in b/w, yes?
Sammy Brave Dog says it’s no fair having Housemate Dan and Mommy talk to each other. When they don’t talk, sometimes he can get a whole extra dinner! Which is why now we coordinate meals for the Big Chihuahua so he doesn’t get bigger in the wrong dimension!
Have a good week, and remember, wherever you go, there you are! ~Jon Kabat-Zinn
The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions. —Ralph Waldo Emerson
Weather in the Tries: Sorry, I’m still out of town, and the weather only goes 10 days out. However, I do believe it would not be far amiss should I state that we most definitively will have weather! At least I hope we will and the world won’t end before I get home.
A Shout Out and Happy Birthday to my Ex-Boss: How many of you can state that you actually hired you boss? Yep, I hired him to be my boss. Okay, I didn’t really hire him, I didn’t go to HR to hire him, but my boss needed another boss betwixt her and me and asked me who I’d like to work for. Other than saying “Huh?” at such a request, I didn’t have to think about it, and promptly named a gentleman we both knew and had worked with on our prior job. And that silly man said “Yes” when she called. She even told him I would be working for him and he still said “Yes”—there’s just no accounting for some people;-) Today is his birthday, and because he is such a wonderful and nice person, and still a good friend, I shall forego calling and singing him Happy Birthday. I think. I shall try not to do that. After all, he is a good friend, and he might get even. Oh. Wait. He would have to wait almost another year to get even, as my birthday is just a few days before his. Can he remember a vengeance that long? Bwahahahahaha
The Root: Did you subscribe? Will you read it at least once a day during February? I hope so. (Those are rhetorical questions; you need not reply 😉
Photos of the Week:
Sea Gulls on the snow covered roof of the Marina. The brown speckled ones are teen agers.A very cold Osprey on a tree at Allen’s Point, Bateman Island, across from my old apartmentA very cold Great Blue Heron looking for lunch. These three pictures were taken last February at the old apartment on the Columbia River
Entertainment: Books Read: If I finish it, I review it: https://lenoragood.blogspot.com I have something like 650 books on that blog, and a search engine, surely you can find something to read in there. I finished Meru by S., B. Divya. It is a page burner. Read my review here.
Movies/TV: You’re pretty much on your own for this one two. I have a few reviews up on this site, and several on the old site which you can access from Movies & TV above.
Sammy Brave Dog: Housemate Dan keeps telling me when my human will return, but I don’t understand things like days and weeks. I just know my bed is lonesome without her. H. Dan gives me treats, but I miss my human. A little bit. But if she doesn’t come home soon, I may forget her, and H. Dan will become my human. There! That oughta teach her!!
It gonna be hot, today and tomorrow 96, 99. Then up to triple digits until next Monday. Where I will be is gonna be in the 80s. Nights down as low as 55, mostly in 60s. You just have NO IDEA how happy I am knowing that Climate Change is a hoax. That keeps me mighty cool.
How My Brain (or at least what’s left of it) Works:
Okay, I really don’t know how it works, I’m just grateful it still does. Well, it sorta works. I forget words now and then, but since I bought a Bling-y phone cover, I haven’t lost my phone.
I also bought a new headset with mic a while back. It’s really kinda neat. For sure it’s more comfortable than the one I’d been using. It also cost more. Noticeably more. And it comes in colors (mine is lilac and cost a dollar less than Housemate’s default black one). It’s a gamer’s headset. The only game I play on my computer is solitaire. The sound effects are of cards being shuffled, dealt, etc. Certainly nothing requiring such a headset. It is fun hearing commercials in stereo though as the music comes in one ear and goes out the other. It’s also wireless. When I’m in a zoom gathering, I can get up to get more coffee and not miss anything (unless I nuke it, then the headset goes off until the nuker goes off). And it has an on/off button.
There are four notes that go up for on and down for off. And that’s what made me remember my Auntie Marie’s old Chinese Myna Bird, Mac. Everyone in the family would talk to Mac, and we would give him the same four notes, A, B, C, D going from low to high, and he would repeat it. Until my cousin’s husband gave him the same notes. Mac would look at Husband and say the same notes backwards, D, C, B, A. We never did figure that one out. Until that old bird died, he never slipped up and repeated it “correctly” nor did anyone else get the same reverse treatment.
I tried one time and gave him D, C, B, A. He looked at me, then admonished me that it was A, B, C, D. You have not lived until you’ve been admonished by a Chinese Myna Bird.
For his sleep at night, Auntie Marie would put a paper lunch sack in his cage and Mac would go into the bag, tuck his head under a wing, and sleep. All night. Unless he woke. Auntie Marie woke one night and heard Cousin sewing out in the other room where Mac lived, but she was doing it in the dark. Auntie Marie got up to tell Cousin to turn on the light, she needed more than the sewing machine light. She went out into the room, and no one was at the machine. Mac had awakened, and was apparently bored, so thought he’d “sew” himself a new outfit.
‘They” say smell is one of the best triggers to bring up memories, but in this case, it’s four notes on my gamer’s headset.
Restaurant Hack:
One of my favorite sandwiches that I only eat in restaurants, never make my own, is a good Reuben, on grilled rye bread. Alas, we seem only able to convince local restaurants to use the marbled rye bread instead of a good black rye. If they can make a good Reuben with the marbled stuff, you know it’s good. But then, Cook ruins it by placing the hot sandwich on the plate so the bottom slice of bread steams and gets soggy. I always ask for fries as my side, and I ask the waitperson to please ask Cook to put the sandwich on top of the fries. Of course, then I have to explain the why of it—when the sandwich goes on the fries, it has air under it as well as heat, and doesn’t get soggy. So, there you go. If you order a grilled sandwich in a restaurant, ask for it to be placed on top of your fries. If you can afford the restaurant and really wanted a side salad, order it, you can afford it. You don’t have to eat the fries. The fries are there for your sandwich. Try it, you’ll like it. Unless, of course, you like soggy bread on your grilled sandwiches.
The reason I only eat Reubens in restaurants and not at home is they are treats. If I make them at home, they are no longer a treat. I also don’t cook lobster at home for the same reason. Going to a restaurant is a treat and I never order anything I can make at home. I also find myself not ordering salads all that much anymore either. That’s because Housemate makes killer salads, why would I pay for lesser eats?
“Never miss a good chance to shut up.” —Judge Roy Bean
“Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance.” —Unknown
“Always drink upstream from the herd.”—Will Rogers
I will probably be a wee bit late next week. I’m going to be on the road coming home Monday, so I’ll do the best I can, but it might even be Tuesday before Monday’s gets posted. Patience, Grasshopper!
Sammy is thrilled. I’m leaving him with Housemate. Housemate spoils him rotten. Does he get water in his kibble dish like a normal dog? No. He gets organic chicken stock! And special treats made just for him. I won’t worry, though, unless he starts eating salads. If he and I have to fight over Housemate’s salads, there’s gonna be a come to the table meeting!
Please note: I am not telling you for whom to cast your vote, only begging you to vote. Vote, please. Vote as early as possible, and if you already have voted, celebrate — with ice cream, a movie, tequila, whatever floats your boat. And Thank You.
Remember last week’s quilt photo? And I said I might not get it to Bronte before he was lecturing at MIT? Well, heeeere’s cute Bronte and handsome dad Michelangelo, with the quilt. Mom was busy taking the picture 😉
Writer’s Block: One Solution—
I know all you, my gentle readers, don’t write, but several of you do. Not sure many of my readers are still working for a living, but if you are, you may be asked to write for your boss at one time or another. Maybe something in here will help. Or at the very least, give you a chuckle or two.
Do you ever suffer from Writer’s Block? I can think of few things more frustrating, unless it’s looking for the exact word you need and can’t quickly find it! You know it’s there, right on the tip of your tongue, but…. (I lost the word ‘cholesterol’ one time, talking to my doctor. She had ordered some blood work, and I wanted to know if I had to fast for the (long blank stare and I tried to think past a brain fart) test. I looked at her. She looked at me. I went all around it, and finally asked if I had to fast so she could find out if I was eating too much cheese. She smiled and said not to worry, that yes, I’d temporarily lost the word, but I got there, and I was really okay. And to fast.)
I’m fortunate in that I’ve never faced a blank page and wondered what to put on it, but I have faced a major Writer’s Block and thought I’d share my solution. I imagine every writer faces Writer’s Block at one time or another, of one type or another, and every writer has her own way to go over, around, under, or through the block. Here’s mine.
A few years ago, I was just finishing a first draft of a novel and knew I was within a couple of chapters of the end, but I just couldn’t get that ending to come. I fussed. I fretted. I paced. I took a long shower. I tried everything I could think of. I went out to lunch with a gentleman I knew. He is a nice person, but not my type for a long term relationship, so we never really dated, but are still casual friends. But, and that’s a big one here, he did give me one piece of great advice. When he asked with his usual snarkiness how my novel was coming, I told him my problem, that I just wasn’t getting the ending. That I was sure I was within a chapter or two of the ending, but just couldn’t get there. In a very smart asterisk manner, he told me to send my character an email and let her email me back with the solution.
Yeah. Right. Or (short pause) might there possibly be something there?
So, that night, before I turned off the computer and went to bed, I wrote the protagonist a note and sent it to her in care of my email address, turned off the lights and went to bed for a sound sleep. A truly remarkably sound sleep. The next morning, I got up and in going through my emails came to the one I’d sent my character. Now, she obviously didn’t respond. (Not sure I would have wanted that, actually) but suddenly, I saw the ending of the novel, and finished it that day. Or at least the draft.
The next time I saw my friend, I thanked him for his suggestion, and told him it worked. He was somewhat taken aback, and admitted he was being a smart asterisk with his response to me. “I know,” I said, and smiled sweetly, “but it worked, and I thank you.” We no longer see each other unless it’s a chance meeting at the grocery store, so who knows what words of wisdom I’m missing? But that solution to my Writer’s Block worked and I’ve not forgotten. It worked for me. It might work for you.
If you’ve ever experienced Writer’s Block, and found a way to unblock it, I’d love to read about how you did it. Maybe it will help some of the other writerly readers of this blog.
As it turns out, my friend and fellow blogger (Dixie Helps Writers) also wrote about Writer’s Block for her blog that came out a couple days ago. Some more good ideas. As always, you have to take the info that works for you and ignore the rest. What works for her, what works for me, what works for you, are not all the same.
Happy writing!
The book I was trying to finish:
Jibutu: Daughter of the Desert, is available from Amazon, your favorite bookseller, or for a signed copy, contact the author. To read about the book, go to the My Books page above.
Alas, I’ve spent my spare time either watching the news, or writing. And planning another wee quilt. Well, not totally true, I also attended a virtual poetry reading in NYC on Friday. Not as much fun as being there in person, but nonetheless, Zoom and similar software, does bring the world to our computer room. And I get to do things like a NYC poetry reading I wouldn’t otherwise get to do. There were two poets, Yona Harvey and Taylor Johnson, both young, both good, but the highlight of the show was each had someone signing her poems as she read them! I thought that was a marvelous idea, and something to think about if/when the time comes for live readings at my end of the road.
There’s a wide world of goodness out there, we just have to find and tap into it.
See Rainy Day Reads for reviews and mayhaps a bit of snark. Who? Me? Snark? Bwahahahaha!
There are new reviews posted — novel, medical, poetry…
When you’re out in public, even outside walking your dog or cat or pet skunk or spousal unit, wear a mask, and wear it over your nose. Please. It’s not to protect YOU, we all know you aren’t scared of a teensy weensy virus, but you may host one on the in-breath and share it unknowingly on the out-breath. Think of your neighbor, your family, that hunka-hunka coming toward you on the sidewalk. Decorate it (the mask, not the hunka-hunka, though that does have possibilities) for Halloween. Put some fun in someone’s life, not a virus. (Can you tell, Auntie Lenora has been too long in lock-down.)
Show your love, wear a mask! (Thanks, Bill for the video! 😉
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PSA: IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY DONE SO, VOTE! And no ‘protest votes’—this election is too important. Remember, if you don’t vote, you can’t complain at the outcome!
Several years ago, I joined an online dating service. You know the one—where we had to fill out an 8,429 page (give or take a paragraph) personality questionnaire. Well, I found a guy and we had either a 98% or a 99% personality match. We agreed on politics, religion, food, books, what to do in our spare time. The only problem was we were separated by a fair distance and at the beginning of our romance, neither of us were interested in moving. Maybe later. Which of course, never came.
Anyhow, that’s neither here nor there. On our second date, he asked me what my favorite season was. I had to think on that for a wee bit before I answered. “The one I’m in now.” I realized I didn’t have a favorite season. Oh, I prefer the warmth of summer, but I also like the cold of winter, the new green of spring and the marvelous yellows and reds of fall. After living so many years in the Seattle area, where we had two seasons—wet and wetter—it was nice to live in an area where we actually have four seasons—winter, spring, summer, and fall. I admit, I do tend to grumble when it rains. I live in the desert part of Washington. We get an average of 8 inches of rain a year, spread out over several months. But I’ve gotten spoiled with the constant sunshine, if not warmth.
Sometimes there is a slow change from one to the other. Why, it may even take three or four days. This year, it was literally overnight. One day was a high in the 80s, then the next day the high was twenty degrees cooler. The winds have picked up. They are chill. And the highs aren’t scheduled to go above the 60s for a while, often in the 50s until they work themselves down to the 40s, 30s, and quite probably a spate of 20s (I refuse to acknowledge anything lower!).
The geese, the ones who are strong enough, and not too fat to fly, are heading south. A fair amount of geese and ducks will hang around, especially at the pond down the road where they are fed. They especially love bread, and people bring their kids and old bread and feed the hungry critters, not realizing they are in fact starving them. Yep, they can’t digest the bread, they get no food value out of it, and will starve to death with a full stomach (or whatever they have) if they get enough bread.
Fortunately, even when it gets downright cold (think: three-dog night) the water moves in the river, and the pond (the water is pumped from the river to the pond and back again), and there is enough salad, etc. for them to get some nutrients. I wonder if, in living memory, the Columbia River has ever frozen? Or even in recorded history? I see ice in the slackwater areas, where the current is either nonexistent, or too slow to matter, but I’ve not seen it out in the river proper. When I was a kid I remember reading that Niagra Falls froze on winter! Whoa Doat! That had to be some kind of cold. The sudden silence woke people for miles.
So, what’s your favorite season? Or do you have one?
I promised a photo of the finished quilt—here it is. It’s a baby quilt, and at the pace I’m getting things done, he’ll be teaching advanced physics at MIT before he gets it. No, not really, I hope to have it mailed before you see this. The picture part is a panel, I didn’t piece it. It’s what is called a ‘whole cloth’ quilt. I added the borders (batik, for those interested) and did the quilting. Hard to see in the picture, but they are sun’s rays from the upper left of the picture, then I quilted in the ditch around the borders. In the ditch means the seam where two fabrics are joined. The quilt is mailed. Or at least scheduled for pickup before this post will be posted.
His middle name is Bronte. (His parents are quite literary 😉 So this is a Brontesaurus quilt. (should I apologize for that?) Oh, yeah, that’s me, with my naturally windblown hair, holding it.
Have caught a few more episodes of Banacek. It has held up well and was great fun to watch while working on the quilt.
See Rainy Day Reads for reviews and mayhaps a bit of snark. Who? Me? Snark? Bwahahahaha!
I finished Rage by Bob Woodward. The review is posted. Am now reading Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. LeGuin.
Auntie Lenora is very worried about the lack of belief in science in her country as a whole, and in the Other Washington in particular. Herd Mentality (I think that’s supposed to be Herd Immunity, but what do I know?) is not a good way, according to the science types I know, and the ones I still have respect for, such as Dr. Fauci, to get through this pandemic. We know, They know, some things really work—simple things, like washing your hands (if you have Alexa, ask her to sing a 20 second song while you do so. Helps the time pass more quickly), wearing a mask, and social distancing. The importance of mask wearing is to not spread it if you have it and are asymptomatic. Contrary to what himself says, it’s not a fun thing to go through, unless you have fourteen doctors and a helicopter at your disposal. It very well may kill you, especially if you have any one of several pre-existing conditions—old age, diabetes, hypertension, auto immune disorder, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Show your love, wear a freaking mask!
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You ever utter those words? Write those words? They make me want to jump all over the person who says or writes them, with hob-nail boots! If you really want to thank them, do so. Don’t tell me you want to thank them, just thank them.
“I thank my mother for raising me, my boss for hiring me, my teachers for trying…”
Can you tell that phrase really knocks Auntie Lenora off her nice soft office chair and into a flash mini rage? Of course, if you want to commit murder and mayhem, well, maybe you shouldn’t do that. Leave it to her, she’s probably a better shot than you. (Expert with the M-16. I was asked to be on the Air National Guard Rifle Team, but they wouldn’t buy my practice ammo. Even way back then, it was pricey!)
We all have words and phrases that affect us adversely for any number of reasons or rationales. Another phrase that sets my teeth on edge is, “Me and…” It was ok for the country song, when she sang about “me and Bobby McGee” because in the song she wasn’t too well educated. But it’s not all right for everyday usage. You wouldn’t say, “Me stood on the bridge today.” Would you? I guess if you would, well, what can I possibly say?
I find that phrase mildly acceptable in dialog in a story, provided someone informs the speaker of the correct usage. If you’re of an age, you remember the old tv show, Leave it to Beaver from 1957-1963. When Wally, the Beav, or any of their young friends used a word incorrectly, Mom was quick to remind them of the correct usage. When my kids were young, they were watching reruns, and Wally used a word incorrectly, without thinking, I corrected him. I was echoed by Mom on the tv. Boy Howdy! Were my kids impressed! I was as smart as a tv mom 😉 !
Then, there’s ‘gifting’—I’m going to gift my friend with yaddah, yaddah, yaddah. And my friend says, “I was gifted with…but I can’t use it, so I got permission and I’m gifting it to…” It may be right proper correct grammar, but it sounds funny. Any Grammar Nazi’s want to weigh in on that one? Or, for that matter, any of the ones I’ve mentioned.
Speaking of Grammar Nazi’s, it’s not that I am one. I’m not. And I’ve gotten more or less to the point where there, their, and they’re used improperly don’t do much more than make me wince. I just figure the person is either uneducated, lazy, or dyslexic. (I’m dyslexic, so I try to pay extra special attention to those kinds of words.)
I do, however, have friends who are Grammar Nazis. And you know what? I’m thrilled we’re friends because they will often read my stories and correct my mistrakes. I love those folks. I truly do, they do their best to make my writing if not great, at least acceptable. Hugs to you.
Is alright one word or two? I have a friend who insists it one or the other, and I can never remember. I just tense up when I write it and wonder which it is. How I love Wordhippo.com and Dictionary.com. Years ago, I had a terrible time with lay and lie. My dearly beloved affianced used to pounce every time I used the wrong word. I got to where I would say, “I’m going to go get horizontal on the bed.” Problem solved. Then we broke up, and the problem was not only solved, it disappeared completely. 😉
What are your pet peeves? I know you’ve got them. What words or phrases set your teeth on edge? Use the Comment section and let us know. Please.
Hot Spring at Yellowstone National Park
Holy Moley, guacamole! I haven’t watched a single thing on tv that wasn’t news, or news related this week. BUT, I have just about finished a quilt. Be sure to tune in next week for a picture of the finished product.
I did finish a two-part workshop on writing ekphrastic poems. An ekphrastic poem is one that uses a piece of art as inspiration. I’ve been writing them for years, and it’s one of my favorite forms. In the meantime, I’ve managed to have two published in the last few days.
See Rainy Day Reads for reviews and mayhaps a bit of snark. Who? Me? Snark? Bwahahahaha!
I have almost finished Rage by Bob Woodward. I should have the review posted in the next couple of days.
Wearing a mask is a proven method to help slow down the spread of Covid19. Please, wear your mask. And wear it properly—keep it over your nose! (Some people don’t realize if the elastic isn’t tight enough to keep it over their nose, they can tie a knot at the end of the loop. Feel free to educate them.) And Socially Distance! Your Uncle and your Grampy appreciate your thoughtfulness. However, I promise when you stop by for a fresh cuppa and homemade biscotti, we’ll be properly socially distanced so you may remove your mask at that time. Honest. Trust me.
If you enjoy this blog, please feel free to share.
Well, sort of. Auntie Lenora chooses to take it as such.
Yes, I received an email from Earl of Coffee a couple days ago, wondering if I’d like to exchange articles for our posts. Now, Earl of Coffee reviews coffee and coffee makers. I, of course, am all over the map in topics of discussion. I review movies, tv shows, and books. And, of course, whatever is going on in my life at the moment.
Now, I loves my coffee, but I’m not what could be called a ‘coffee connoisseur’ by a long shot. If it’s dark, and loaded with caffeine, mildly bitter, it’s good. True, there are some coffees I like better than others, but taste is so subjective—as one wag so aptly wrote—one Auntie’s cuppa joe is another Uncle’s cuppa poison.
One of the best coffees I’ve ever had was in a Middle Eastern restaurant. It was made with green coffee beans (unroasted) and I think, cardamom. I’ve never been able to find it anywhere else, and the restaurant, if it’s still open, is a four-hour drive away. A bit far for a cuppa. See, I told you, I’m not a coffee snob.
I can’t help but wonder, did the Earl of Coffee really read my blog? Does he realize that I lean slightly left of center? Sometimes far left of center, though I do try to curb it, unless I just can’t help myself. (see last week’s post)
In perusing the Earl’s site, I came upon an article touting the 5 Best Pots for Cowboy Coffee, and immediately on reading the title, memories flooded in. Yes, Daddy was a cowboy at one time in his life, many years before I was even a gleam in his imagination, and Boy Howdy, did he have an imagination. By the time we finally met, he had moved from jeans and boots into shoes and white-collar shirts.
While I was in school his secretary and I became friends, she was a delightful little lady (under five feet tall—way under as I recall) and we decided to spend a weekend together for shopping and girl time. I smelled coffee, woke, got up, and wandered into the kitchen. There she stood, facing the stove, holding a pot in her hands and muttering, “one, two, three.” With each count she raised the pot as high as she could reach, and gently lowered it to the stove. On ‘three’ she put it down, picked up a ladle and ‘poured’ herself a cup of coffee.
Never known for my political correctness, I somehow managed it as I asked what she was doing? She replied she was making cowboy coffee as taught by my dad. That she had put in the shells of two eggs, brought it to a boil, and raised and lowered the pot three times to settle the grounds. How I kept a straight face, I’ll never know, but I did. She went on to say that she’d been making coffee like this since Daddy told her how and it was the best coffee she’d ever made, and everyone loved it. True, it was a mighty fine cuppa.
When I told Daddy, he laughed, and he told me I was never, ever, to tell her he was pulling her leg, that when he was a cowboy, they used a coffee pot, grounds, and water. No eggshells, no raising the pot to settle the grounds. I never told. Why is it I don’t think the Earl will be too interested in my snark or my left leaning rants? However, I shall give him the opportunity to make his own decision.
A real-life Pushme-Pullme? “Coffee!” “Swim!” “Tea!” “Lunch!” Arrrgggghh, I retired to get out of making those decisions. I hope they figured it out.
Don’t you be a Pushme-Pullme. If you are in the market for new coffee equipment—makers, grinders, etc., please be sure to check the Earl of Coffee’s website, especially the Q&A section. You might find questions (and answers) you didn’t know you should be asking. Go the Earl’s website and get the facts you need. Then decide.
Alas, I haven’t been watching the fun stuff this past week, well, I have been watching the news. At times that qualifies as fun stuff. After being off cable news for a year, I thought I could watch it now, with some restraint. I was wrong. Kind of like drinking from a fire hose because I am sooooo thirsty. However, if you’re still into reading news online, I just received this link to Alexandra Petri’s column in WaPo. I imagine it’s paywalled, but if you have a subscription, it’s worth the read, for the snark alone! “I’ve had enough news now, thank you”
See Rainy Day Reads for reviews and mayhaps a bit of snark. Who? Me? Snark? Bwahahahaha!
The God of Irony lives!
Our President has Covid-19. As most of you know, I don’t particularly care for him and his sycophants, still I do wish him, and them, a complete recovery. I can’t help but wonder, since himself is now in a MILITARY HOSPITAL if it’s dawned on him yet that those marvelous people who are taking such good care of him (Do No Harm!) are the “suckers” and “losers” he so disdains. Wonder if any have changed their name tags to read “Sucker” or “Loser”?
Wearing a mask is a proven method to help slow down the spread of Covid19. Please, wear your mask. And wear it properly—keep it over your nose! And Socially Distance! Your Auntie and your Granny appreciate your thoughtfulness. However, I promise when you stop by for a fresh cuppa and homemade biscotti, we’ll be properly socially distanced so you may remove your mask at that time. Honest. Trust me.
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I recently read an article in the Washington Post by Karin Brulliard, that dog-walking may be hazardous for seniors. The study didn’t suggest any reasons but did note the numbers of seniors who are injured, often with broken bones, has risen remarkably. According to the article, and a new study by University of Pennsylvania researchers (co-authored by Dr. Jaimo Ahn) the numbers of broken bones increased “…from 1,671 in 2004 to 4,396 in 2017…” The article went on to state that the reason is unclear, though they do mention that the number of us old farts and fartesses has increased, and we tend to be more active than our predecessors.
People over 65 who fracture hips have a “20 to 30 percent chance of dying within a year” which is higher than having a mild heart attack or mild cancer.
The photo accompanying the article shows a gentleman out walking his dog after an overnight snowfall, with icy sidewalks. I don’t think the higher number can solely be blamed on winter. Though the slickery ice and slush certainly don’t help, and probably contribute highly to the study; however, I think it might be related to something else.
I’ve noticed women often wrap the leash about their hand or wrist versus holding it in their hand. If they do not have superb control, especially voice control, over the dog, and the dog sees a squirrel, or another dog, and bolts, the walker goes down. I had a neighbor who might have been five feet tall, and perchance weighed ninety pounds soaking wet and wearing a wet wool coat, and probably in her seventies at the time, who walked her daughter’s big dog. I don’t remember the breed, but a good eighty pounds, and a sweet dog. Also, he was a dog who didn’t always listen to or process commands. I walked my small dog one day, and Big Dog charged, pulling Granny. I told her to drop the leash, and she couldn’t. It was wrapped around her wrist so she wouldn’t let go of it. Her panic at the situation didn’t help. The dog picked up on that and was sure my wee dog was going to attack.
It all worked out in this case, but I’ve since noticed other people, usually women though not all, who do the same thing. They stick their hand through the loop, and then wrap the leash to get a tight hold on it. Now, if they fall, they would report to the doctor they were “just walking the dog” and he pulled me. I’m willing to bet a fresh batch of biscotti that the doc never asks, “How were you holding the leash? Exactly what happened?”
So, why would someone wrap a leash around their hand or wrist? I can think of a few reasons. Two that jump out at me are if they have neuropathy in their hands, their hands may be numb or too painful to hold something, and wrapping lets them know they know they have a good hold on the leash. Or they may have arthritis in their hands and need to wrap the leash, so they don’t drop it because it’s too painful, or impossible, to wrap fingers around it.
Do I ever wrap the leash around my hand? I try not to. Sometimes I need to short leash my dog, and I hold it, folded, in my hand. I’m considerably bigger and heavier than Sammy Brave Dog, by about 10 times. Should I ever take my sister’s eighty-pound Rottweiler for a walk, I would be certain not to wrap that leash. Quick release is important. I might not let go of the leash, adding my weight to act as a break if he was going after a child, but that would be an option and a pretty fast thought on my part. Then, again, if that child was doing something to make the dog want to go after it, I might drop it (Not!). My little Sammy has caught me when I wasn’t paying attention and was mid-step into a zag, when he jerked to zig. Usually, he’s the one to stop and smell the grass, but every so often, I want to stop and take a photo—he is not as patient with me as I am with him. I’ve been pulled off balance more than once by him, and at my age, well, this old fartess ain’t lookin’ for any more broken bones! I now pay better attention, and don’t wrap the leash.
This is not a dog. This is a coyote. A wild coyote. I named her Mercy for Mercedes Thompson Hauptmann, a human-coyote shapeshifter by our very own local author, Patricia Briggs. I am not stupid enough to put a collar and leash on a coyote, whether real or fiction. I will, however, photograph one if given the opportunity. This photo was taken from a car, out the window, while we were leaving Yellowstone National Park. She patiently sat on the side of the road until we finished with the cameras and drove on, then we saw her in the mirrors as she went up the hill to what we assume were her pups. Note, she had been to the river to drink and eat. You can see the blood on her muzzle if you look close enough.
Can you believe I haven’t watched a single show on either Netflix? However, I did get my Roku streaming stick and because Spectrum finally made me an offer I couldn’t refuse, I now get 10 channels of my choice, so I have been watching news, etc. that I couldn’t get before. I admit, Friday’s was pretty sad to watch, what with the passing of our beloved RBG. It was too soon. I wasn’t ready.
Amazon Prime:
The Scalphunters, 1968 movie starring Burt Lancaster, Shelley Winters, Telly Savalas, and Ossie Davis. I wasn’t sure I wanted to watch this since I know what scalp hunters were, but that is a pretty good cast, so I decided to give it a go. The music was fun, the credits were fun, and it started out fun and I laughed out loud several times through it. Lancaster plays a fur trapper, friendly with (perhaps related to?) the Kiowa. Davis is a slave of the Kiowa. The Kiowa steal Lancaster’s furs and supplies (including booze) and give him Davis. Lancaster doesn’t want him. Lancaster and Davis follow the Kowa to wait until they are drunk and retrieve the packhorse and furs. In the meantime, Savalas and his group of scalp hunters show up, kill the Indians and steal the packhorse and away we go for round two. Shelly Winters, long one of my faves, is marvelous. The ending was good. and, yes, it’s a Western, so of course there are fistfights. And just because it’s a fun fact to know, I’ll pass it along—not all who were scalped died. It depended a lot on how the scalp was taken. If an axe was used, death from a crushed skull was probable, if the scalp was lifted and a “clean” knife used, the person actually stood a good chance of surviving, if he got help and no infection. I had a cousin who was scalped in one of the Indian wars in the Ohio Valley. He survived and lived several more years to die an old man in bed.I\ I assume it was his bed, but I don’t know.
I just looked at my bed and have 6 books on it I am reading, and a puppy dog who is keeping it warm for me. Not the books, the bed. He doesn’t like books. The books are: Wyrds by Weld Champneys, Willow Springs anthology, Chrysanthemum 2020 Literary Anthology, Before Our Eyes by Eleanor Wilnor, The Vagina Bible by Jen Gunter, MD, and RAGE by Bob Woodword. See, I told you I am an eclectic reader. For any books I may have finished and reviewed and mayhaps a bit of snark, see Rainy Day Reads Who? Me? Snark? Bwahahahaha!
Wearing a mask is a proven method to help slow down the spread of Covid19. Please, wear your mask. And wear it properly—keep it over your nose! Your Auntie and your Granny appreciate your thoughtfulness. However, when you come next week for a fresh cuppa and homemade biscotti, we’ll be properly socially distanced so you may remove your mask at that time. Honest. Trust me.
Happy Labor Day. Enjoy the outdoors. But please, enjoy it responsibly.
As you probably know, I follow the blog, Why Evolution Is True by Jerry Coyne. A while back he published a post “Discussion: psychological effects of the pandemic” which I found to be almost, but not totally, how it has affected me. Instead of joining in his discussion, I decided to write my own. And hope that you, Gentle Reader, will consider posting in the comment section how it has, or has not, affected you.
Like Jerry, I too, am more peevish. Peevish about little things I would normally just laugh off. Like people who don’t wear masks. I have a recently discovered underlying health issue, on top of being an old fartess which is enough in my mind, and when I walk Sammy Brave Dog, I am the only one outside wearing a mask, as well as other items of clothing. No one else wears one, which wouldn’t be so bad, but they also don’t socially distance. Perhaps they have no idea how far 6′ is? and of course, they often wish to stop and chat, as do I. One person has informed me she has health issues and can’t wear a mask, and since by knowing what her issue is, I can’t cure her, I haven’t asked. But I am curious what health issues preclude the wearing of a mask. I would think the wearing of a mask would help keep them safer, not make them sicker. But, what do I know?
But the thing that gets my Peeve the most is the lack of human touch. I miss shaking hands, giving/receiving hugs from friends I haven’t seen in a while, or people who really need the touch. (Like me). Had an appointment with a longtime friend and advisor yesterday. For years we started our meetings with a handshake and ended with a hug. Yesterday we maintained our distance and didn’t even bump elbows. We both lamented the loss, but agreed it is the safe way to be. For now. I have read several articles in the past that stated humans need/require a minimum number of touches daily (I think the average number was 15) to maintain good mental health. Unless we’re in a committed relationship, or taking undo chances, we ain’t getting ‘em. It will be interesting to see how we come out of this, eh?
And the inability to comfort, with hugs, the bereaved who have lost loved ones during the pandemic. So many people have had to have private funerals with few, if any, mourners. Funerals are a way for all of us to say good-bye, and grieve our loss at the finality of death. At a time when closeness is called for, no, it is screamed for, it is denied for the greater good. I am not arguing against it, I understand it, and agree/approve it. But that doesn’t lessen the hurt.
Reading. Now reading is something I’ve done for years, I’d rather read than eat (or read AND eat—now that is Heaven!), and I’ve always been an eclectic reader. My reading habit is now different. I have become the Queen of Put-it-down-before-it’s-finished. In the past, if I started a book, I’d usually finish it. Not now. Too many books, too few years left. If the book is a downer, I don’t finish. If it’s an adrenaline gusher, I don’t finish. If it’s something that requires concentration (nonfiction), I probably won’t start it. I love poetry, and that has been my salvation. I have discovered many new-to-me poets for which I shall remain grateful until my final day. And I’m writing more. Fiction, not so much, but poetry, yes joh yes. And my weekly blog. (I am in awe of how often Jerry Coyne posts! I consider myself fortunate to post one a week.)
Are you taking any online courses you wouldn’t normally take? What? Why? I took some webinars on podcasting. Learned a lot. And then, I started working on podcasts, only to discover I not only have allergies but I also have a low-grade asthma, both of which adversely affect my voice—or lack thereof. No podcasts, just the now and then Spoken Word on my website. Hopefully those will bring you a smile, if not an outright chuckle.
So, yes, I understand, relate, and empathize with people who have been adversely affected. As a writer, a reader, and a quilter, all of which are fairly solitary hobbies, the pandemic hasn’t affected me that much, but it has affected me. I am no longer able to meet “the group” for happy hour once a month to eat, drink, and make merry, or book group discussion once a month, or go walking with a stop in a coffee shop to sip and write and or people watch. As much of a “hermit” as I sort of am, I’m a social hermit. And being told I can’t socialize irritates the hell out of me, even though I totally understand and agree with and support it.
What I want for social distancing: (Sea gulls, probably Western Gull and Herring Gull)
Enough of my rantings. What about yours? Let it all out in the comment section below. You’ll feel better. Honest. Trust me.
Netflix: Lucifer Oh, Auntie Lenora is grumbling! Season 5 of Lucifer premiered the other night, and I settled in to watch all 16 episodes over a two-plus week period, only to discover those sneaky Devils at Netflix released it in two parts. Season 5A and (eventually, at some date to be known at some time in the future) Season 5B, 8 episodes each. Talk about feeling peevish!
A Thousand Goodnights. I’m still enjoying this family drama. It’s slow, easy, and fun. And the scenery is gorgeous. It’s rated Teen, but I can’t think of a teen I’ve ever been or known who would enjoy it as much as the adults. No action, no martial arts, no heavy metal rock n roll. Just a good family drama. Here’s a great review I can’t quibble with: Dramas with a Side of Kimchi — rather like the blog title, too.
Amazon Prime:Wycliff. Did I say something in an earlier post about the endings being chopped? Well, Season 5 has no endings, at least the first few episodes, instead they’ve gone into the long, continuing story, and it’s becoming a bit too much of a soap opera for me. I’ve decided I’m not watching any more. Besides, it was becoming more and more difficult to suspend my disbelief.
See Rainy Day Reads for book reviews. and mayhaps a bit of snark. Who? Me? Snark? Bwahahahaha!
This is not a book, but a Brag. Three of my friends and I have poems published in the current issue of Quill and Parchment—Jim Thielman, Mark Fleisher, and Jim Bumgarner. The two Jims and I are members of The Tarweed Poets, and hope to have a book of our poetry out in time for the December Holidays, the working title is Three Tarweeds Speak. Please keep the book in mind for your Winter Gifts. And rest assured, I’ll remind you when it’s available.Are you a Red, White, and Blue Patriot? Show it! Wear your mask. Show you care for your country, your family, your friends, your neighbors, your dog, your cat, even the birds in your yard. And y’all come back next week, same bird time, same bird channel. The coffee is always on, the biscotti are home made, and we’ve always got time for a coffee break and a visit. (And, we’ll be properly socially distanced, so you may remove your mask.) (And I promise, no birdseed in the biscotti.)
“… this is your friendly political pollster calling. Your opinion matters…”
How many times have you been called by a political pollster? Fifty? Five? Zero? Yeah, me, too. Well, not quite, I was called once, and answered the questions, but I doubt my answers were counted. The pollster was, obviously, calling for a particular person, one I was voting against, and my answers showed my true colors, just as his questions showed his. He even tried to get me to change my mind.
At some point, I began getting online polls from Civiqs.com. I’ve watched them grow through the years. When I’ve contacted them with questions, they’ve always answered and I like to think my emails helped them make the decision to go public with their results.
Their home page is https://civiqs.com and if you’d like to get on their list to take the surveys, go to https://civiqs.com/join-in to sign up, or take the current survey. There are usually about five clear questions, and all are multiple choice. Takes about a minute (or less) to take a survey and submit. I don’t think I’ve ever had more than one survey a week, if that.
Their graphs are easily understood, and if you go to the individual page, they’re broken down by all sorts of interesting groups and subgroups. Don’t just look at the graphs on the survey results page and think you understand them. You don’t. The colors are not party colors but are explained inside once you click on the graph of interest.
I’m rather jaded against most online polls I’ve seen. I fill many of them out, and submit my responses, but the last question is always a variation on the theme of how much money am I willing to give? None (beyond my monthly donation). I know they don’t pay attention because I get follow-ups wanting to know why, when I was personally asked Politician, did I not fill out the questionnaire? Uh, folks, I did, but you don’t care about my answers, you only care about my wallet. And now they want me to endorse their candidate. Uh, what good is my endorsement? Oh. Yeah. I have to PAY in order to endorse one. Yeah. Right. I have NEVER been asked for money by Civiqs. Never. Ever.
Tashiko Akuma Pestini when I asked her a political question in years gone by. Her response, “If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a million times, don’t ask such silly questions. Is there food in my dish yet?”
******** FOR SALE********
If anyone in the Richland/Kennewick/Pasco WA area is interested, I have an “almost new” Twin XL box spring, mattress, Hollywood frame, tailored bed skirt (ie, not frilly), mattress pad, two sheet sets, and an electric blanket for sale — all for $150.00. Quite seriously, I doubt the bed has been slept on a total of 6 months. Probably closer to 3. Anyhow, let me know if you’re interested.
Netflix: Joy of Joys, Lucifer is back, and so far, I’ve been able to hold to the one episode per night. Not sure what happened, they had plenty of time to write and tape this final series, but it seems very loosey goosey to me. They’re all over the place. Still, they did seem to finally remember how to tighten the scripts and story lines. And, joy of joys, Netflix is NOT ending the series at the end of Season Five, they are carrying it over to a Season Six. Oh, for a devilish good time…
A Thousand Goodnights is rated Teen, but seems more Family, to me. It’s a slow, beautiful drama from Taiwan, and the scenery is worth it, if nothing else. I’ve watched two of the ten episodes about two young women, sisters, who are close to each other, and coming of age. The older was adopted. There is humor in it, and I’m pretty sure romance is waiting stage right. I think it is great fun to watch movies/tv from other countries, other cultures, just to do some armchair traveling. No mask required.
Amazon Prime: Still watching Wycliff. I’m now into season four. Don’t know if it’s cutting, or the way the stories have been written, but the end seems chopped in just about all episodes. We find out who done it, but not really the why. It’s like all of a sudden the writer/director realized they were late for their anniversary dinner and had to run. ‘Bye. Or, perchance I’m missing something at the beginning? Then again, it could be a culture difference between British police procedurals and American ones?
Books: Into Gothic Novels? Just read six (condensed). See Rainy Day Reads for reviews. and a bit of snark. I know, you’re surprised that I’d write snark. Of course there had to be snark, because I haven’t read a gothic novel in so many years I can’t remember. but these were actually kind of fun in the Time of Covid19.
Show your patriotism and your love; wear your mask. Show you care for your family, your friends, your neighbors, your dog, your cat, even your pollster. And y’all come back next week, same cat time, same cat channel. The coffee is always on, the biscotti are home made, and we’ve always got time for a coffee break and a visit. (And, we’ll be properly socially distanced, so you may remove your mask.)