Weather in the Tries:
Looks like we may have some fairly warm days, at least by comparison to what we just went through, weather wise. From 37 to 42F in the next few days. The nights may be cooler, and snow on Friday, but longer days equate to warmer days? We can but hope. Of course, it’s still almost 90 days until Spring, so who knows what we’re in for between climate change and the whims of the weather gods.
Hey, Look at the New Pages!
Didja notice there is a new picture up above. Sunset over Rattlesnake Mountain and the Yakama River. What got cut out of the picture was the Columbia River and the second sun. Yep, we in the Tri Cities are special. We get two suns and y’all only get one! And, I have photographic proof!!! Take a look at the photo below, the second sun is almost at the edge of the photo on the right and down at the bottom right corner is a splash, literally, of the Columbia River. Bateman Island has a man-made isthmus of dirt for a roadway, and on the west side is the Yakama R. and on the east side, where I lived, is the Columbia R. Sunsets were often spectacular, as you can see.
I’ve been told by those who claim they know, that Rattlesnake Mountain is the highest mountain in the contiguous United States without a tree growing on it. I’ve heard it from enough people, I think I believe it.
When you click on the Movies & TV page, you will notice text. You must read the whole of it to find the key to the reviews. Once you have the key, you have the key to the kingdom, so to speak.
And, yes, I did get my packages mailed, and mostly they’ve been delivered. Thank you, Brown. Except for the ones I’ll deliver personally. Due to the forecast of freezing rain for this weekend of Saturday and Sunday, a few did not get delivered on time. But as one friend told me, not to worry—there are, after all, Twelve Days for Gift Giving! I’m delighted she told me that, hers is one that may not get delivered in time, but it is mailed! 😉
And many packages made it to my house—a book, We Had Our Reasons: poems by Ricardo Ruiz and other hard-working Mexicans from Eastern Washington (where Mr. Ruiz lives and where I live). The even numbered pages are in English, the odd numbered pages in Spanish. What a marvelous book! Thank you, ex-Boss;-) Another ex-Boss and her husband gave me a beautiful black and red cape shawl crocheted by a lady in Cuba. And they included a photo of the lady who made it. Do I have nice ex-Bosses or what? And I’m retired, so you know they aren’t trying to bribe me. 😉 And they are retired, so it’s no bribe to keep me from coming back to work. And another SOC, who is not an ex-boss, but claims credit for me getting into quilting, gave me a Mary Engel Dark calendar, which I love, a ceramic ornament from the Lubbesmeyer sisters, a bottle of spiced honey, and a couple doo dads that will become very helpful when I get back to quilting. All in all, I got quite the haul.
Those of you of an age who are parents, probably remember Richard Scarry’s Gold Bug books. All the busy art work and the reader had to find the gold bug. My kids and I loved those books. Today, I found an online version put out by Washington Post, and hope the link isn’t paywalled. Actually, they have 6 pages up. Today was to find all 72 Snowmen. It was fun, though after 69 it got a little difficult 😉 But I hung in there, and found them all, thereby saving Christmas. You may thank me in the comment section. For the page: From there you can go to the other ones if you want. By the way, check out the selling price of some of the old Richard Scarry books. Wish I’d kept them!
So, on the 24th, Housemate Dan cooked lamb, and roast spuds, and steamed green beans. The beans are gone, the spuds were, well, he hollowed out my half and gave me a skin (not just my favorite part of a spud, but the only part I really enjoy) with some cheese melted in it. And the lamb. Oh. My. Gawd. Talk about an orgasmic supper… On the 25th we had turkey sandwiches. Yummm!
Photos of the Week:

Entertainment of the Week:
I’m now on Season 2 of Babylon 5. I still say it’s the best Science Fiction series ever made and aired. As much as I liked the Star Trek series, I like Bab5 a whole lot more. I’m also jazzed that a new Bab5 is coming out next year (which will be here in just a few days), and they are bringing all the original cast members back for cameo appearances. Well, all the cast members who are still alive, though with today’s CGI, they may be able to bring the deceased ones “back” too. Yes? No? It would be wonderful if Walter Koenig reprised his role as the Psi cop, Alfred Bester. Would he come back more evil than before, or would he have realized the error of his ways, and come back reformed??? He’s so good at evil (whatever happened to our sweet Star Trek Chekov?) I hope he doesn’t reform.
Books Read: If I finish it, I review it:
Take the Sun with You and Other Stories —by Gregory Allen Mendell. And, yes, the review is posted at Amazon and Goodreads as well as the above link. A collection of 10 short stories that are fun. They are safe to read before turning out the light at night—no nightmares from these stories! But lots of laughs.