Author Archives: Lenora Good

Eat, Drink, and be Merry…


ā€¦for in January we diet! Happy December! We actually made itā€”only a few more days to go and it will be 2021! Weā€™ve made it this far; we can make it to next year. Honest. Trust me.

Most of us will overindulge during the holidaysā€”weā€™ll eat too many rich foods, too many calories, but, what the heck, come January, weā€™ll diet and be miserable together.

And, since Iā€™m talking food, I want to share a link with you. Itā€™s from Emergence Magazine, a free online magazine, by the way. The article is Seasons of the Monastic Table. It begins with a quote from Joy Harjo, ā€œRemember the earth whose skin you are,ā€ and goes on to give us seasonal menus focused on plant-based ingredients and the recipes to which animal protein may be added if so desired. Monastic meals across the planet are simple, made with fresh (or fermented) ingredients, often grown and raised on the grounds. I became enthralled with the photography, then got to reading the article and recipes. If you like to cook, please, check it out. If you like to eat, well, Bon Apetit! And if food just isnā€™t your thing, check it out for the photography. It will feed your soul, if not your belly.

Since weā€™re now in December, and most of us will celebrate the Holidays according to our own Traditions, let me tell you what I would like to find under my tree this year. Yes, Virginia, I have a tree, complete with lights! It takes me hours to haul it out, decorate it, put it up every year, just so you can enjoy it. OK, it takes me a couple minutes to haul it out of storage, wipe it down, and plug it in. It doesnā€™t smell as good as a live tree, but it also doesnā€™t take up as much room in my wee apartment, nor is it as messy. And wee dog isnā€™t at all interested in marking it as his! šŸ˜‰ (but it is made from wood)

What do I want under my tree on Solstice/Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa/Whatever morning? You. Not the physical you, not right now, but youā€”safe, healthy, and alive. Friends are too valuable to fritter away.

Speaking of fritters, I like apple best, followed by cherry. Odd, now that I think on it, thatā€™s the only way I like cherries! When I was a kid, I liked cherries, until the Powers of the Day started putting cherry flavoring in medicine. Ruined a perfectly good fruit as far as Iā€™m concerned. Not to mention the medicine. Hmmm, wonder what cranberry fritters would taste like?

I really donā€™t need anything beyond friends and family and all those (virtual) hugs. Speaking of hugs, take your right hand and grasp your left shoulder, at the same time use your left hand and grasp your right shoulder. Now, squeeze. Gently but firmly. And there you have it, a virtual hug from your Auntie Lenora. Repeat as often as wanted. Please, stay safe and healthy. Make Auntie Lenora happy, otherwise sheā€™s wont to whine and cry. Not a pretty sight. Or a melodious sound. 


Netflix & Amazon: I havenā€™t been watching so much Netflix. Or Amazon. Do you have any recommendations? I need something to put on my list to watch. Please leave a comment and recommend some shows and give me a few words as to why you think Iā€™ll like it/them. Many thanks.

Peacock: Still enjoying Columbo. I know they have other shows, but havenā€™t a clue what they are šŸ˜‰

Books: Iā€™m reading two poetry books at the same time. They complement each other nicely. The first is Another America by Barbara Kingsolver. This is a bi-lingual bookā€”the left page is in Spanish; the right page is in English. I read this many years ago, and just pulled it down to read again. I read one or two, think about them, then pick up my copy of Songs Older Than Any Known Singer by John Phillip Santos, also read earlier. Those are my reads before turning off the light for the night. I have enjoyed the prose of both authors and am enjoying their poetry (again) and together. Be sure to check Rainy Day Reads for the latest book reviews.


Iā€™m pretty religious about wearing my mask when I go out, even just to walk the wee beastie. I donā€™t socialize except electronically, if I meet someone while out with dog, we maintain proper distancing. I keep shopping to a minimum and for essentials and only where everyone wears masks. So how did I catch a freaking cold? Beats me. But it is a cold, not Covid19. But it could have been the novel coronavirus. And Iā€™m being extra careful not to share.

We can see the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel, but please, just because vaccines are coming, full speed ahead, or half-speed, or even quarter-speed, but they are coming so in the meantime wear your mask, practice social distancing, wash your hands, yadda, yadda, yadda until everyone is vaccinated with BOTH shots and this thing is licked!

Remember, you are an important component in Auntie Lenoraā€™s life šŸ˜‰

Be sure to come by again for another Coffee Break Escape!

Auntie Lenora

Happy Cyber Monday!


Indeed, I did have a quiet and alone Thanksgiving. Note, I said, ā€œaloneā€ā€”not ā€œlonely.ā€ At some point in my life, I realized I was probably going to be alone more than with someone, and Iā€™d best learn to like myself. It took a while, but I succeeded, and although I dearly love company, I also have no problem being alone. Well, I do have a dog, but letā€™s face it, as cute as he is, he really isnā€™t a stimulating conversationalist.

Yes, I had beans for supper. Actually, black bean salsa, except Iā€™ve modified the recipe so much, Iā€™m not sure what to call it anymore. Someday, I hope to find the recipe again, in the meantime, there are several recipes online for black bean salsas with corn. Except for the canned beans (drained, any color) and the canned corn (drained, any color), I add all sorts of fresh veggiesā€”tomatoes, onion, avocado, cilantro, lime juice, olive oil, garlic, bell pepper (any color), salt, pepper, and anything else that sounds goodā€”like some chipotle powder. Itā€™s quick, easy, very forgiving, and yummmmm. I had a helping of that, and a boneless pork chop.

My neighbor brought me a plate of white and dark turkey he roasted and some homemade-from-scratch dressing. The turkey is very good (still working on it) but the dressing. Oh, em, gee! that dressing was to die for! Actually, I think I have one or two bites left. Iā€™ve been parsing it out to make it last longer šŸ˜‰

Alas, I did not make, or eat, any kimchi. sigh.

Sammy had salmon kibble with a fresh (cooked) baby carrot mixed in with it. He loves his carrots.

I received a text from a friend who has had some serious health issues the last couple three years and has spent way more time in a wheelchair than she can enjoy. Well, she spent the day at her brotherā€™s, and negotiated the whole visit sans wheelchair. She now sees the light at the end of the tunnel as sunshine, not the headlamp of an on-coming train! And her dog, who has been staying with her brother, was ecstatic his mommy came to see him. She, needless to say, was equally happy to see him. Letā€™s hear it for perseverance and physical therapy!!!

As if that wasnā€™t enough good news for my day, and believe me, it was terrifically good news, the last thing I did before turning off the light was check Amazon. Yes! My book, Marking the Hours, A Collection of Poems, was listed and is available. And the new page is posted in My Books, above. 

And then, yes, thereā€™s more, the books I ordered from the publisher arrived Saturday morning! It was cheaper for them to print and ship by air from India than to have it printed and shipped in the States

So, today is Cyber Monday. Order books. Books for you, books for gifts, books, books, books. And be sure that whatever books you read, to write and post a review. Reviews help sell books. Reviews are virtual hugs to writers. Writers are lonely people. Writers like hugs.

Indeed, 2020 has been a year of sucking bilgewater, but there are good times within that year, sometimes you must look for them, sometimes they arrive on a platinum platter! I admit, it helps to keep the eyes open and look for those wonderful bits of goodness, but they are there!


Peacock: If you donā€™t know about this channel, check it out. Itā€™s from NBC and is free. Iā€™ve been watching Columbostarting from S1, E1. I think Iā€™ve seen every episode at least 3 times, probably more like 6. Shucks, I even know half the dialog before itā€™s spoken. Oh, one more thingā€¦

Netflix: Still watching The Good Detective, but, frankly, itā€™s getting darker than I want right now. Must see if theyā€™ve uploaded the rest of season 5 of Lucifer yet. 

Books: Got about half-way through Stzrokā€™s book. Am lending it to a friend. Too depressing. Read 200 or so pages of poetry by Shirley Kaufman, Roots in the Air, New & Selected Poems. Some great poems in the book. She lived for several years in Jerusalem, and many of the poems in this book are from that time. Check Rainy Day Reads for latest reviews.


Have a great Cyber Week. Let your fingers do the shopping. Have I mentioned I have two new books of poetry out? /snark/ šŸ˜‰ If youā€™d like a signed copy of either or both, please contact me.

And please, stay safe, stay healthy, and wear your mask. Please, wear your mask. It helps stop the spread of Covid19, it also helps prevent the wearer from picking it up!

If you enjoy this blog, please subscribe, and share with your friends. Be sure to come again for another coffee break escape with

Auntie Lenora

How Will You Celebrate Thanksgiving Day This Year?


This coming Thursday, 26th November 2020, will be Thanksgiving in my country. And what a strange one it will be for many, if not most, of us.

My dearly beloved ex taught me how to truly enjoy Thanksgiving. The first year we were married, he went out and bought a 2,000-pound turkey, a bushel of spuds, and I donā€™t remember what all. It was greatā€”except for one thing. He never asked if the kids or I liked all that usual stuff. We didnā€™t and donā€™t. He cooked the turkey on the BBQ, and I cooked the veggies on the flat-topped wood stove. What we didnā€™t know was that the neighborhood was without power, or we would have invited everyone over. As it was, we had leftovers for the next millenniumā€”or close to it.

The next year, I asked what he wanted for Thanksgiving. Neither of us wanted a repeat from the year before. He had it handled, he assured me. The kids were worried, but I assured them that a. he had it handled and b. there was a fresh loaf of bread and a new jar of peanut butter if worst came to worst. About time to eat, he ushered us into the car and drove to a restaurant. We had the choice of ordering off the menu or going through the buffet which had the usual turkey and trimmings and ham and trimmings. 

To be honest, it was the best Thanksgiving Dinner I had ever had. Everyone got to eat what they wanted, there was no mess for me to clean after, there were no leftovers to eat for the next 500 years. I was, truthfully, thankful.

It was also the first in my new and enjoyable yearly tradition. I donā€™t ā€˜doā€™ Thanksgiving Dinner. If I really want a big dinner and trimmings, I go out to eat, usually with friends. For years, Iā€™ve gone out with other single people, to a restaurant where we can eat what we want, and no muss, no fuss, and no leftovers. Though some of my friends buy a small turkey roast to pop into their oven as we leave, so when they get home, they have leftovers for a few and reasonable number of days.

This year, Covid-19 is the uninvited guest. I will not be joining friends or family at their home or a restaurant. I will probably have beans for supper. (Itā€™s ok, I happen to like beans) and I will be thankful that I am still getting up in the morning and looking down at the grass, that I have beans to eat, that my children, my friends, my family are safe and so far, Covid has pretty much left us alone.

Through the years, I have come to realize, that for me, the traditional Thanksgiving Day rituals mean less and less. This year I realize just how much less and less. Not that Iā€™m not thankful for my blessings, I am. And they are legion.

Quill and Parchment, an online literary magazine, printed my poem, Thanksgiving Day. Itā€™s my take on all my Thanksgiving Days. You may read it here.

My friend, Thomas Hubbard wrote ā€œThanksgiving for the rest of usā€ā€”Thomas is Miami and Cherokee Native American with some English and Irish tossed into the mix. Check out his poem,Ā here, for a different take on what this holiday means.Ā 

And, last, but no means least, this video came in from a friend of mine, please spend a couple minutes watching it. If you’re reading this on your phone, it may not show up unless you go to the website, on your phone or computer. There is a video below. Honest. Trust me.

Prepare for Thanksgiving

Give thanks for the breath you have, the love you have; give thanks for the opportunity to show love to othersā€”your family, your friends, your country. Make a small sacrifice this year so you wonā€™t have empty chairs at the table next year.


Netflix:  Have started another South Korean series, The Good Detective. I think itā€™s going to be dark, but Iā€™m not all that far into it. All I know so far is an innocent man was framed, and sentenced to die, and certain people want him to do so. Enter, the Good Detective. In the meantime, Iā€™ll watch it, and be thankful for the eye candy šŸ˜‰

Amazon Prime: Binged season one of Tales from the Loop, a somewhat dystopian SciFi 8-part series.   The story takes place in the fictional town of Mercer OH, a town built above ā€˜the loopā€™ a scientific research area. Strange things happen above the loop, and these are 8 stories. Time travel, parallel universes, sentient robotsā€”all there. The robots are kind of fun. There wasnā€™t a lot of relief humor, but I was told the end of the series tied things up. It did. Sorta. I still have lots of questions, itā€™s not a Happy Ever After kind of story, but very well acted, costumed, and directed (Jodie Foster even directed at least one episode. As it turns out, my favorite of the 8.)

I imagine there will be lots of things on the telly to watch this coming weekendā€”movies, games, maybe even parades? Some might be encore performances.


Iā€™ve slowed down on reading books though Iā€™m working through two novels and some poetry. Oh, and Peter Stzrokā€™s book is still on my bed. And, I have been working on a couple of my completed novels, going through and picking up nits, etc. Who knows, they, too, may be picked up by a publisher some day.

Marking the Hours, my collection of poems, should be available on Amazon or from the publisher today or tomorrow. 


Have a Great Thanksgiving. Eat that for which you are truly grateful (hmmm, maybe Iā€™ll make some kimchee!) and enjoy, learn to Zoom if you havenā€™t already, and eat with your friends and family at your computers with each other šŸ˜‰ Iā€™ll have the beans, and maybe kimchee, and you can have the turkey and tomato aspic. Oh, you can have the mashed potatoes, gravy, and green been casserole, too. Enjoy. Bon Appetit!

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If you have a comment, please leave one. I read and reply to all of them.

A Double Dose of Goodness!!


Wednesday last, 11 November, wasnā€™t just hump day, it was Mountain Day. I was lifted to the highest peak and am still cruisinā€™ on down!

First off, I put together a collection of poetry and thought it was pretty good. I sent it to a professional editor, Sharmagne Leland-St. John (editor Quill and Parchment, an online poetry magazine), who went through it, marked it up, and sent it back. She agreed it was good, and she made it better. Way better. (If youā€™re going to pay for advice, you maybe oughta use it;-) At her suggestion, I then sent it to her publisher in India. They took it, and on Wednesday, I signed the contract, and approved the final proofs. I mean, how cool is that? Purely happenstance, but the cover is a shot of dandelions in puff mode. Because Iā€™ve always been somewhat of a contrarian, dandelions are my favorite flower, and the puffs most of all (can you tell Iā€™m not a gardener?). Besides, I can actually grow dandelions!

From the Information/Sell Sheet: ā€œMarking the Hours, A Collection of Poems contains historical poetry of the Oregon Country, poetry of space flight, fantasy, and the title poem, Marking the Hours, is an essay in poetic form of the last hours of her uncleā€™s life. This is a book of loss, of hope, of grief, of love, of the beauty of being human.ā€ 

Not sure when Marking the Hours will be available, but when it is, Iā€™ll be sure to let all of you know. And post it in My Books.

And then, yes! thereā€™s more! I told you it was a double double dose of goodness, didnā€™t I?

Jim Bumgarner, one of three Tarweed poets (Jim Thielman and I are Tarweed Poetsā€”there are two others, but they did not contribute poetry to the book) called to tell me that our book is now live on Amazon. By the way, Jim B. took the photo and designed the cover. Isnā€™t it stunning? Wait till you read the poems inside!

From the Information Sheet: ā€œReflections: Life, the River, and Beyond. Jim Bumgarner gave us Reflections and Observations made through his life. Lenora Rain-Lee Good wrote River Songs about living on the Columbia River. Jim Thielman gave us poems from Beyond the Bridge. All the Tarweed Poets live close to water, if not the Columbia River, the Yakima, the Snake, or the Walla Walla. Water is life, and it plays a large part in our poetry.ā€ Be sure to check out the My Books page above.


I finished Frida. Netflix is marvelous, it knew where I stopped, and had it all waiting to resume. It is said to be the true story of Frida Kahlo (Salma Hayek) and her husband Diego Rivera (Alfred Molina). From what Iā€™ve read of them, it probably is. They had quite the volatile marriage, but also passionate and caring love. I do wish they had spent more time on her and her paintings than on them and their drinking and sexploits. (This is not family entertainment.) The acting, photography, well, everything in the movie was high-shelf good.  


Iā€™ve actually read books, yes plural, this past week. Iā€™m still working on Peter Stzrokā€™s book. But I really needed a break from politics, and moved on to something more upliftingā€”murder, mayhem, and one of the most beautiful novels Iā€™ve read since Wizard of the Pigeons by Megan Linkholmā€”Memories in the Drift by Melissa Payne.  Reviews are posted at: Rainy Day Reads.


PLEASE, WEAR YOUR FREAKING MASK! Keep those around you safe and keep YOU safe. I donā€™t have so many friends I can afford to lose any, especially when it could be prevented by wearing a mask. You are, each and every one, important to me. Yes, because the vaccine is coming, the vaccine is coming, the end is in sight ā€” but itā€™s still a long, long way down the road. If youā€™re on a hill, you might be able to see the light, but donā€™t bank on it. Yet.

Want to know the best mask to wear? Easy Peasey ā€” the K95, the blue surgical masks doctors wear (you know those guys arenā€™t going to cut their oxygen intake one wee whit!), a mask with at least 2 layers of different and closely woven cloth, preferably three. It needs to fit snuggly over your mouth AND YOUR NOSE.  If your nose isnā€™t covered, youā€™re not dressed. A mask will help keep you healthy, your neighbor healthy, and as an added bonus this winter, it will also keep your nose warm.

If masks give you ā€˜panic attacksā€™ I suggest two thingsā€”talk to your dr. about getting some anti-anxiety medications, and learn some meditation. Believe me, the claustrophobic anxiety of wearing a mask is nothing compared to the claustrophobic anxiety of wearing a coffin!

Here is the CNN story, Choosing the best mask to protect you and others.

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If you have a comment, please leave one. I read and reply to all of them.

Some Good News, Some Sad News

PSA: THANK YOU for voting. I donā€™t care for whom you voted, only that you did. Remember, if you didnā€™t vote, you are not entitled to voice an opinion on anything that happens until the next election at which time you will vote.Ā Wonā€™t you?


First the Sad newsā€”Alex Trebek died yesterday (8 Nov 20). My very first Sister of Choice (SOC) Val, and I used to watch Jeopardy! together and win and lose fortunes every time. Of course, we were in the safety of her living room or mine. And the money was never collected ā€“ or paid. Not only did we learn a lot of interesting facts; we had fun, and it was all due to Alex Trebek. Several years ago, I took a 5-day seminar taught by a woman who had worked as a writer on Jeopardy! and she had only wonderful things to say about him. He was friendly, professional, smart, nice, caring ā€” pick your positive descriptor, and Iā€™m sure it would fit. The world was a brighter place, a kinder place, a more fun place because Alex Trebek was here for eighty years. He will be missed. As Uncle George (Takei) said on his Twitter account, ā€œThe heavens have all the answers now.ā€

Now for the Good news. Really ā€” I put together a collection of poetry and had it edited by a professional editor, who made some very good suggestions both in content and order of presentation. She then suggested a publisher, who had done her last book, so I sent the updated ms off to the publisher. They acknowledged receipt immediately, and I settled in to wait for their decision, guessing sometime after the new year.

While at the computer Saturday morning, at 8.20, I received an email from the publisher, with my proof copies attached!!! While sitting and trying to catch my breath, just seconds later, I was staring, pretty much unseeing, at the tv in my office, just as NBC called Pennsylvania, and the election, for Biden.

Now, as most of you know, that is very good news to me. I realize some of you probably feel like I felt four years ago, but I think weā€™ll find Biden will be a peacemaker, if we all pitch in and help. I survived the previous four years, and Iā€™m more than willing to try to help you survive the coming four if youā€™d like. Thatā€™s what friends do.

Wait. Wait. Thereā€™s more! Iā€™m in a poetry group in the Tri-Cities, The Tarweed Poets, and three of us are putting out a book of our poetry. We hope to have it available before Thanksgiving. Youā€™ll be among the very first to know when you can order it, and how.

Was looking for some weather specific photos, and came across these from a few months ago, when it was somewhat warmer. I do enjoy watching the Great Blues and Great Egrets over on the island. This handsome guy is a Great Blue Heron.

Wanna buy a watch?
No? Well, please excuse me while I scratch an itch.


Sigh, no movies/tv shows beyond news this week. But, I did read a book šŸ˜‰


See Rainy Day Reads for reviews and mayhaps a bit of snark. Who? Me? Snark?

Iā€™m still reading Peter Strokā€™s book, Compromised. I had to put it down for a bit, as it was getting to be too much politics. I did, however buy a copy of The Man She Married: A gripping psychological thriller with a heart-pounding twist, by Alison James. I bought it on Friday and finished it on Friday. By the time you read this, my review will be posted.

A friend put me wise to a new (to me) site, Freebooksy. You can sign up for a newsletter every morning containing a list of free books for several forms of eReaders. You choose your e-reading format when you join. You choose the genres which interest you the most. If youā€™re a bookworm, check them out. You can also sign up for heavily discounted books.

And remember, if you like a book, please write and post a review. It doesnā€™t have to be a college-level critical review, just something as to why you liked it. Reviews are virtual hugs for the authors. They mean a lot!  


We are now having over 100,000+Ā Ā Covid19-positive casesĀ per day. It should be a no-brainer; masks help stop the spread. Combined with social distancing, hand-washing, and common sense, we can slow the spread down quickly, and keep it down. This virus is a painful killer, of small children to old farts and fartesses and everyone in between. Young, old, healthy, not so healthy. Please, be a patriot and wear your mask.

Go forth and have a great week. Do good, get into good trouble if you need to, read a new book, better yet, write the book you really want to read. Remember, Santa will be here too soon (as well as the bills), and I hope to have two options for your want list soon. You do want one or both of the books, donā€™t you?

If you enjoy this blog, please share with friends.Ā 

Auntie Lenora

The Haunted Lady

a flash fiction of about 940 words

by Lenora Rain-Lee Good

It was a beautiful, crisp October morning, the houses in the village were decorated with ghosts and witches and hand carved Jack O-Lanterns. All but The Manse, reputed by many to be truly haunted, which stood currently vacant of tenants and looked dark and lonely on top of the hill. I had just opened my door to walk to work when the phone rang, ā€œJan, Marcus here, can you come down to my office tomorrow at three oā€™clock? Mrs. Gooch died, and she wanted you present when I read the will.ā€

“Me? Sure, I’ll be there.” Mrs. Gooch died? Sheā€™d been around forever, and it never dawned on me sheā€™d die. She was too much an institution in the village. She was, well, she was just too damn ornery to die. But die she did. For the life of me, I couldn’t understand why she wanted me at the reading of her will. We weren’t really friends. I just worked for her off and on as she needed help.

The phone call raised memories of how we met. I smiled at the comparison of those memories to specters and Halloween. I was a kid, with my first paper route. Mrs. Gooch was known to dislike people, especially children. “Too noisy,” she said. “No manners.” The boy who had the route before me said she was a real witch and he rode his bike by her place as fast as he could and just threw the paper ā€“ if she wanted it, she could find it. My mom told me to deliver the papers to the front doors of my customers. Mom was right. I got big tips at the end of the year, especially from Mrs. Gooch.

One summer day, she saw me pushing my lawn mower over to one of the neighbors. “Jan,” she called out, “would you be interested in mowing my lawn? I’m very particular about how I want it done.” She was, too. She wanted it mowed first in this direction, then in that direction. And she tipped well at the end of the season.

We always smiled and waved at each other, and she wanted to know all about my classes when I came home on breaks. She seemed genuinely interested, but not overly friendly. While I was away at Veterinary school, she decided she’d had enough of the stairs of The Manse, and bought a new, modern, one-storey ranch. She used The Manse, as she called the old Victorian Painted Lady, as a rental. She had a handyman-chauffeur who did nothing but drive her around. I spent quite a bit of my spare time fixing and painting the old place. Vet school was expensive, and her generous pay and tips certainly helped. It didn’t matter, as no one wanted to stay in it. ā€œHaunted,ā€ they said. ā€œStrange noises. Things go thump in the night.ā€ Hogwash! I thought, but kept my comments to myself, after all, there are only so many animals for a Veterinarian to see in our village.

That old house was well over a hundred years old. I’m sure it had its share of creaks and groans, but ghosts? I think the tenants were city folk who had never lived in an old house and had no idea of the sounds made when it heated and cooled. I looked up at the old house, imposing at the top of the hill, and couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to live there. I hoped whoever got the house would keep it, and not tear it down for apartments or condos. Then, again, Mrs. Gooch was enough of a grouch she might come back and haunt it. I smiled at the thought as I walked toward Marcus’ office the next day.

By the time I arrived at the law office of Marcus Whitworth, two others waitedā€”Sally, Mrs. Gooch’s housekeeper and Bill, her chauffeur. They wore expectant smiles and faux tears and were positively giddy with anticipation at their expected new riches. After all, Mrs. Gooch had no known family, only her two servants of several years. They openly questioned my presence, sure that I wanted to rob them of their anticipated inheritance. Marcus cleared his throat, glanced at each of us, and then proceeded with the business at hand. ā€œMrs. Anabella Theodora Metz Gooch specifically asked the three of you to be present when her will was read. Since you are all here, weā€™ll get started. Sally, Mrs. Gooch said you are to receive $1,000.00. There would have been more, she said, but she knew you regularly dipped into the change bowl. And Bill, you get $1,000.00. She said that if you hadnā€™t used the house gas card for your vehicle, there would have been more. My secretary has your checks ready; you may sign for them on the way out. Jan, you inherit the rest of her estate. The home in which she lived at the time of her death, all her belongings, her investments, The Manse ā€“ well, weā€™ll go over it later, in detail. She said you were the only person in the village who treated her as if you liked her, even though she wasnā€™t likable. You, my friend, are very, very rich.ā€

Sally and Bill stood, glowered at me, and huffed out of the office; I sat, too stunned to move.

ā€œOh, one more thing.” A twinkle appeared in Marcus’s eye. “In the attic of The Manse, is an old record player set to a timer. Mrs. Gooch suggests you remove them before you move inā€”or rent it out. Here’s the key to the padlock on the attic door.ā€

Happy Belated Halloween, yā€™all!


Did you notice this is my Halloween issue? Ya know, it written before Halloween, but not posted before. Still, in this time of Covid19, we can stretch a holiday a bit. Canā€™t we? So, being surfeited on news (i.e., politics and covid, covid, covid, covid), I turned over to Hallmark Movies and Mysteries the other night, needing a nice cozy murder. Uh, no. What I got were Christmas love stories. They couldnā€™t wait until Black Friday, let alone Halloween, even. Oh, well. Predictable, and no politics, no covid, no serious angst beyond will the star-crossed lovers realize their mistrake and turn to each other in the last two minutes???  (Spoiler: Yes! Yes, they will.)


See Rainy Day Reads for reviews and mayhaps a bit of snark. Who? Me? Snark?

Have started Compromised by Peter Stzrok. The Introduction was fascinating, as is the first part of the book. Heā€™s a very good writer, at least at the beginning. And so far, Iā€™m learning things I didnā€™t already know, or having things I suspicioned verified.

Quill and Parchment isnā€™t a book, but a beautiful online magazine. They have published three of my poems this November. Please feel free to check out mine and read all the others at No politics, no covid, just nice poetry.


Masks save lives. Thatā€™s proven fact. Remember, the lives you save may be your very own ghosts, goblins, zombies, or vampyres ā€” wear your fracking mask!!! Get a cloth one, it wonā€™t cut down on your oxygen level one whit! Neither will the KN95s. It may actually make breathing in the super cold and or polluted air easier. Wear the same ones that surgeons wearā€”they certainly arenā€™t going to wear something to cut down their oxygen. Besides, theyā€™re cute and sexy. The masks. And, well, some surgeons šŸ˜‰

If you missed the Disney video last week, here it is for an encore performance:

Show your love, wear a mask! (Thanks, Bill for the video! šŸ˜‰


If you enjoy this blog, please feel free to share.

Auntie Lenora

Writer’s Block: One Solution–

Please note: I am not telling you for whom to cast your vote, only begging you to vote. Vote, please. Vote as early as possible, and if you already have voted, celebrate ā€” with ice cream, a movie, tequila, whatever floats your boat. And Thank You.



Remember last weekā€™s quilt photo? And I said I might not get it to Bronte before he was lecturing at MIT? Well, heeeereā€™s cute Bronte and handsome dad Michelangelo, with the quilt. Mom was busy taking the picture šŸ˜‰

Writer’s Block: One Solutionā€”

I know all you, my gentle readers, donā€™t write, but several of you do. Not sure many of my readers are still working for a living, but if you are, you may be asked to write for your boss at one time or another. Maybe something in here will help. Or at the very least, give you a chuckle or two.

Do you ever suffer from Writer’s Block? I can think of few things more frustrating, unless it’s looking for the exact word you need and can’t quickly find it! You know itā€™s there, right on the tip of your tongue, butā€¦. (I lost the word ā€˜cholesterolā€™ one time, talking to my doctor. She had ordered some blood work, and I wanted to know if I had to fast for the (long blank stare and I tried to think past a brain fart) test. I looked at her. She looked at me. I went all around it, and finally asked if I had to fast so she could find out if I was eating too much cheese. She smiled and said not to worry, that yes, Iā€™d temporarily lost the word, but I got there, and I was really okay. And to fast.)

I’m fortunate in that I’ve never faced a blank page and wondered what to put on it, but I have faced a major Writer’s Block and thought I’d share my solution. I imagine every writer faces Writer’s Block at one time or another, of one type or another, and every writer has her own way to go over, around, under, or through the block. Here’s mine.

A few years ago, I was just finishing a first draft of a novel and knew I was within a couple of chapters of the end, but I just couldn’t get that ending to come. I fussed. I fretted. I paced. I took a long shower. I tried everything I could think of. I went out to lunch with a gentleman I knew. He is a nice person, but not my type for a long term relationship, so we never really dated, but are still casual friends. But, and thatā€™s a big one here, he did give me one piece of great advice. When he asked with his usual snarkiness how my novel was coming, I told him my problem, that I just wasn’t getting the ending. That I was sure I was within a chapter or two of the ending, but just couldnā€™t get there. In a very smart asterisk manner, he told me to send my character an email and let her email me back with the solution.

Yeah. Right. Or (short pause) might there possibly be something there?

So, that night, before I turned off the computer and went to bed, I wrote the protagonist a note and sent it to her in care of my email address, turned off the lights and went to bed for a sound sleep. A truly remarkably sound sleep. The next morning, I got up and in going through my emails came to the one I’d sent my character. Now, she obviously didn’t respond. (Not sure I would have wanted that, actually) but suddenly, I saw the ending of the novel, and finished it that day. Or at least the draft.

The next time I saw my friend, I thanked him for his suggestion, and told him it worked. He was somewhat taken aback, and admitted he was being a smart asterisk with his response to me. “I know,” I said, and smiled sweetly, “but it worked, and I thank you.” We no longer see each other unless itā€™s a chance meeting at the grocery store, so who knows what words of wisdom I’m missing? But that solution to my Writer’s Block worked and I’ve not forgotten. It worked for me. It might work for you.

If you’ve ever experienced Writer’s Block, and found a way to unblock it, I’d love to read about how you did it. Maybe it will help some of the other writerly readers of this blog.

As it turns out, my friend and fellow blogger (Dixie Helps Writers) also wrote about Writerā€™s Block for her blog that came out a couple days ago. Some more good ideas. As always, you have to take the info that works for you and ignore the rest. What works for her, what works for me, what works for you, are not all the same.

Happy writing!

The book I was trying to finish:

Jibutu: Daughter of the Desert, is available from Amazon, your favorite bookseller, or for a signed copy, contact the author. To read about the book, go to the My Books page above.


Alas, Iā€™ve spent my spare time either watching the news, or writing. And planning another wee quilt. Well, not totally true, I also attended a virtual poetry reading in NYC on Friday. Not as much fun as being there in person, but nonetheless, Zoom and similar software, does bring the world to our computer room. And I get to do things like a NYC poetry reading I wouldnā€™t otherwise get to do. There were two poets, Yona Harvey and Taylor Johnson, both young, both good, but the highlight of the show was each had someone signing her poems as she read them! I thought that was a marvelous idea, and something to think about if/when the time comes for live readings at my end of the road.

Thereā€™s a wide world of goodness out there, we just have to find and tap into it.


See Rainy Day Reads for reviews and mayhaps a bit of snark. Who? Me? Snark? Bwahahahaha!

There are new reviews posted ā€” novel, medical, poetryā€¦


When youā€™re out in public, even outside walking your dog or cat or pet skunk or spousal unit, wear a mask, and wear it over your nose. Please. Itā€™s not to protect YOU, we all know you arenā€™t scared of a teensy weensy virus, but you may host one on the in-breath and share it unknowingly on the out-breath. Think of your neighbor, your family, that hunka-hunka coming toward you on the sidewalk. Decorate it (the mask, not the hunka-hunka, though that does have possibilities) for Halloween. Put some fun in someoneā€™s life, not a virus. (Can you tell, Auntie Lenora has been too long in lock-down.)

Show your love, wear a mask! (Thanks, Bill for the video! šŸ˜‰


If you enjoy this blog, please feel free to share.

Auntie Lenora

Fall has Fell

PSA: IF YOU HAVENā€™T ALREADY DONE SO, VOTE! And no ā€˜protest votesā€™ā€”this election is too important. Remember, if you donā€™t vote, you canā€™t complain at the outcome!


Several years ago, I joined an online dating service. You know the oneā€”where we had to fill out an 8,429 page (give or take a paragraph) personality questionnaire. Well, I found a guy and we had either a 98% or a 99% personality match. We agreed on politics, religion, food, books, what to do in our spare time. The only problem was we were separated by a fair distance and at the beginning of our romance, neither of us were interested in moving. Maybe later. Which of course, never came. 

Anyhow, thatā€™s neither here nor there. On our second date, he asked me what my favorite season was. I had to think on that for a wee bit before I answered. ā€œThe one Iā€™m in now.ā€ I realized I didnā€™t have a favorite season. Oh, I prefer the warmth of summer, but I also like the cold of winter, the new green of spring and the marvelous yellows and reds of fall. After living so many years in the Seattle area, where we had two seasonsā€”wet and wetterā€”it was nice to live in an area where we actually have four seasonsā€”winter, spring, summer, and fall. I admit, I do tend to grumble when it rains. I live in the desert part of Washington. We get an average of 8 inches of rain a year, spread out over several months. But Iā€™ve gotten spoiled with the constant sunshine, if not warmth.

Sometimes there is a slow change from one to the other. Why, it may even take three or four days. This year, it was literally overnight. One day was a high in the 80s, then the next day the high was twenty degrees cooler. The winds have picked up. They are chill. And the highs arenā€™t scheduled to go above the 60s for a while, often in the 50s until they work themselves down to the 40s, 30s, and quite probably a spate of 20s (I refuse to acknowledge anything lower!).

The geese, the ones who are strong enough, and not too fat to fly, are heading south. A fair amount of geese and ducks will hang around, especially at the pond down the road where they are fed. They especially love bread, and people bring their kids and old bread and feed the hungry critters, not realizing they are in fact starving them. Yep, they canā€™t digest the bread, they get no food value out of it, and will starve to death with a full stomach (or whatever they have) if they get enough bread.

Fortunately, even when it gets downright cold (think: three-dog night) the water moves in the river, and the pond (the water is pumped from the river to the pond and back again), and there is enough salad, etc. for them to get some nutrients. I wonder if, in living memory, the Columbia River has ever frozen? Or even in recorded history? I see ice in the slackwater areas, where the current is either nonexistent, or too slow to matter, but Iā€™ve not seen it out in the river proper. When I was a kid I remember reading that Niagra Falls froze on winter! Whoa Doat! That had to be some kind of cold. The sudden silence woke people for miles. 

So, whatā€™s your favorite season? Or do you have one?

I promised a photo of the finished quiltā€”here it is. Itā€™s a baby quilt, and at the pace Iā€™m getting things done, heā€™ll be teaching advanced physics at MIT before he gets it. No, not really, I hope to have it mailed before you see this. The picture part is a panel, I didnā€™t piece it. Itā€™s what is called a ā€˜whole clothā€™ quilt. I added the borders (batik, for those interested) and did the quilting. Hard to see in the picture, but they are sunā€™s rays from the upper left of the picture, then I quilted in the ditch around the borders. In the ditch means the seam where two fabrics are joined. The quilt is mailed. Or at least scheduled for pickup before this post will be posted. 

His middle name is Bronte. (His parents are quite literary šŸ˜‰ So this is a Brontesaurus quilt. (should I apologize for that?) Oh, yeah, thatā€™s me, with my naturally windblown hair, holding it.


Have caught a few more episodes of Banacek. It has held up well and was great fun to watch while working on the quilt.


See Rainy Day Reads for reviews and mayhaps a bit of snark. Who? Me? Snark? Bwahahahaha!

I finished Rage by Bob Woodward. The review is posted. Am now reading Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. LeGuin.


Auntie Lenora is very worried about the lack of belief in science in her country as a whole, and in the Other Washington in particular. Herd Mentality (I think thatā€™s supposed to be Herd Immunity, but what do I know?) is not a good way, according to the science types I know, and the ones I still have respect for, such as Dr. Fauci, to get through this pandemic. We know, They know, some things really workā€”simple things, like washing your hands (if you have Alexa, ask her to sing a 20 second song while you do so. Helps the time pass more quickly), wearing a mask, and social distancing. The importance of mask wearing is to not spread it if you have it and are asymptomatic. Contrary to what himself says, itā€™s not a fun thing to go through, unless you have fourteen doctors and a helicopter at your disposal. It very well may kill you, especially if you have any one of several pre-existing conditionsā€”old age, diabetes, hypertension, auto immune disorder, yadda, yadda, yadda. 

Show your love, wear a freaking mask!


If you enjoy this blog, please feel free to share.

Auntie Lenora

I Want to Thank…

You ever utter those words? Write those words? They make me want to jump all over the person who says or writes them, with hob-nail boots! If you really want to thank them, do so. Donā€™t tell me you want to thank them, just thank them.

ā€œI thank my mother for raising me, my boss for hiring me, my teachers for tryingā€¦ā€ 

Can you tell that phrase really knocks Auntie Lenora off her nice soft office chair and into a flash mini rage? Of course, if you want to commit murder and mayhem, well, maybe you shouldnā€™t do that. Leave it to her, sheā€™s probably a better shot than you. (Expert with the M-16. I was asked to be on the Air National Guard Rifle Team, but they wouldnā€™t buy my practice ammo. Even way back then, it was pricey!)

We all have words and phrases that affect us adversely for any number of reasons or rationales. Another phrase that sets my teeth on edge is, ā€œMe andā€¦ā€ It was ok for the country song, when she sang about ā€œme and Bobby McGeeā€ because in the song she wasnā€™t too well educated. But itā€™s not all right for everyday usage. You wouldnā€™t say, ā€œMe stood on the bridge today.ā€ Would you? I guess if you would, well, what can I possibly say?

I find that phrase mildly acceptable in dialog in a story, provided someone informs the speaker of the correct usage. If youā€™re of an age, you remember the old tv show, Leave it to Beaver from 1957-1963. When Wally, the Beav, or any of their young friends used a word incorrectly, Mom was quick to remind them of the correct usage. When my kids were young, they were watching reruns, and Wally used a word incorrectly, without thinking, I corrected him. I was echoed by Mom on the tv. Boy Howdy! Were my kids impressed! I was as smart as a tv mom šŸ˜‰ !

Then, thereā€™s ā€˜giftingā€™ā€”Iā€™m going to gift my friend with yaddah, yaddah, yaddah. And my friend says, ā€œI was gifted withā€¦but I canā€™t use it, so I got permission and Iā€™m gifting it toā€¦ā€ It may be right proper correct grammar, but it sounds funny. Any Grammar Naziā€™s want to weigh in on that one? Or, for that matter, any of the ones Iā€™ve mentioned.

Speaking of Grammar Naziā€™s, itā€™s not that I am one. Iā€™m not. And Iā€™ve gotten more or less to the point where there, their, and theyā€™re used improperly donā€™t do much more than make me wince. I just figure the person is either uneducated, lazy, or dyslexic. (Iā€™m dyslexic, so I try to pay extra special attention to those kinds of words.) 

I do, however, have friends who are Grammar Nazis. And you know what? Iā€™m thrilled weā€™re friends because they will often read my stories and correct my mistrakes. I love those folks. I truly do, they do their best to make my writing if not great, at least acceptable. Hugs to you.

Is alright one word or two? I have a friend who insists it one or the other, and I can never remember. I just tense up when I write it and wonder which it is. How I love and Years ago, I had a terrible time with lay and lie. My dearly beloved affianced used to pounce every time I used the wrong word. I got to where I would say, ā€œIā€™m going to go get horizontal on the bed.ā€ Problem solved. Then we broke up, and the problem was not only solved, it disappeared completely. šŸ˜‰

What are your pet peeves? I know youā€™ve got them. What words or phrases set your teeth on edge? Use the Comment section and let us know. Please.

Hot Spring at Yellowstone National Park


Holy Moley, guacamole! I havenā€™t watched a single thing on tv that wasnā€™t news, or news related this week. BUT, I have just about finished a quilt. Be sure to tune in next week for a picture of the finished product. 

I did finish a two-part workshop on writing ekphrastic poems. An ekphrastic poem is one that uses a piece of art as inspiration. Iā€™ve been writing them for years, and itā€™s one of my favorite forms. In the meantime, Iā€™ve managed to have two published in the last few days.

Tower of Horses is the 3d one down at: Autumnā€™s Kiss is at The art for both poems is with the poem so you can see the inspiration. If you enjoy poetry, check out both sites, and read the various poems. Because I like poetry, I find it interesting to see all the different stories people tell about the same piece of art. 


See Rainy Day Reads for reviews and mayhaps a bit of snark. Who? Me? Snark? Bwahahahaha!

I have almost finished Rage by Bob Woodward. I should have the review posted in the next couple of days.


Wearing a mask is a proven method to help slow down the spread of Covid19. Please, wear your mask. And wear it properlyā€”keep it over your nose! (Some people donā€™t realize if the elastic isnā€™t tight enough to keep it over their nose, they can tie a knot at the end of the loop. Feel free to educate them.) And Socially Distance! Your Uncle and your Grampy appreciate your thoughtfulness. However, I promise when you stop by for a fresh cuppa and homemade biscotti, weā€™ll be properly socially distanced so you may remove your mask at that time. Honest. Trust me.


If you enjoy this blog, please feel free to share.

Auntie Lenora

Fan Mail! I got Fan Mail!

Well, sort of. Auntie Lenora chooses to take it as such.

Yes, I received an email from Earl of Coffee a couple days ago, wondering if Iā€™d like to exchange articles for our posts. Now, Earl of Coffee reviews coffee and coffee makers. I, of course, am all over the map in topics of discussion. I review movies, tv shows, and books. And, of course, whatever is going on in my life at the moment.

Now, I loves my coffee, but Iā€™m not what could be called a ā€˜coffee connoisseurā€™ by a long shot. If itā€™s dark, and loaded with caffeine, mildly bitter, itā€™s good. True, there are some coffees I like better than others, but taste is so subjectiveā€”as one wag so aptly wroteā€”one Auntieā€™s cuppa joe is another Uncleā€™s cuppa poison.

One of the best coffees Iā€™ve ever had was in a Middle Eastern restaurant. It was made with green coffee beans (unroasted) and I think, cardamom. Iā€™ve never been able to find it anywhere else, and the restaurant, if itā€™s still open, is a four-hour drive away. A bit far for a cuppa. See, I told you, Iā€™m not a coffee snob.

I canā€™t help but wonder, did the Earl of Coffee really read my blog? Does he realize that I lean slightly left of center? Sometimes far left of center, though I do try to curb it, unless I just canā€™t help myself. (see last weekā€™s post)

In perusing the Earlā€™s site, I came upon an article touting the 5 Best Pots for Cowboy Coffee, and immediately on reading the title, memories flooded in. Yes, Daddy was a cowboy at one time in his life, many years before I was even a gleam in his imagination, and Boy Howdy, did he have an imagination. By the time we finally met, he had moved from jeans and boots into shoes and white-collar shirts.Ā 

While I was in school his secretary and I became friends, she was a delightful little lady (under five feet tallā€”way under as I recall) and we decided to spend a weekend together for shopping and girl time. I smelled coffee, woke, got up, and wandered into the kitchen. There she stood, facing the stove, holding a pot in her hands and muttering, ā€œone, two, three.ā€ With each count she raised the pot as high as she could reach, and gently lowered it to the stove. On ā€˜threeā€™ she put it down, picked up a ladle and ā€˜pouredā€™ herself a cup of coffee.

Never known for my political correctness, I somehow managed it as I asked what she was doing? She replied she was making cowboy coffee as taught by my dad. That she had put in the shells of two eggs, brought it to a boil, and raised and lowered the pot three times to settle the grounds. How I kept a straight face, Iā€™ll never know, but I did. She went on to say that sheā€™d been making coffee like this since Daddy told her how and it was the best coffee sheā€™d ever made, and everyone loved it. True, it was a mighty fine cuppa.

When I told Daddy, he laughed, and he told me I was never, ever, to tell her he was pulling her leg, that when he was a cowboy, they used a coffee pot, grounds, and water. No eggshells, no raising the pot to settle the grounds. I never told. Why is it I donā€™t think the Earl will be too interested in my snark or my left leaning rants? However, I shall give him the opportunity to make his own decision.

A real-life Pushme-Pullme? ā€œCoffee!ā€ ā€œSwim!ā€  ā€œTea!ā€ ā€œLunch!ā€ Arrrgggghh, I retired to get out of making those decisions. I hope they figured it out.

Donā€™t you be a Pushme-Pullme. If you are in the market for new coffee equipmentā€”makers, grinders, etc., please be sure to check the Earl of Coffeeā€™s website, especially the Q&A section. You might find questions (and answers) you didnā€™t know you should be asking. Go the Earlā€™s website and get the facts you need. Then decide.


Alas, I havenā€™t been watching the fun stuff this past week, well, I have been watching the news. At times that qualifies as fun stuff. After being off cable news for a year, I thought I could watch it now, with some restraint. I was wrong. Kind of like drinking from a fire hose because I am sooooo thirsty. However, if youā€™re still into reading news online, I just received this link to Alexandra Petriā€™s column in WaPo. I imagine itā€™s paywalled, but if you have a subscription, itā€™s worth the read, for the snark alone! ā€œIā€™ve had enough news now, thank youā€


See Rainy Day Reads for reviews and mayhaps a bit of snark. Who? Me? Snark? Bwahahahaha!

The God of Irony lives!

Our President has Covid-19. As most of you know, I donā€™t particularly care for him and his sycophants, still I do wish him, and them, a complete recovery. I canā€™t help but wonder, since himself is now in a MILITARY HOSPITAL if itā€™s dawned on him yet that those marvelous people who are taking such good care of him (Do No Harm!) are the ā€œsuckersā€ and ā€œlosersā€ he so disdains. Wonder if any have changed their name tags to read ā€œSuckerā€ or ā€œLoserā€?

Wearing a mask is a proven method to help slow down the spread of Covid19. Please, wear your mask. And wear it properlyā€”keep it over your nose! And Socially Distance! Your Auntie and your Granny appreciate your thoughtfulness. However, I promise when you stop by for a fresh cuppa and homemade biscotti, weā€™ll be properly socially distanced so you may remove your mask at that time. Honest. Trust me.


If you enjoy this blog, please feel free to share.

Auntie Lenora