Author Archives: Lenora Good

Do You Remember Billie Holiday?

Weather in the Tries:
   It appears we head now to warmer temperatures. The nights are still cool at or slightly below freezing but the days are scheduled to be almost bikini time ranging from 45-50F. Winds (Sammy hates wind) some sun, clouds and maybe a bit of rain (Sammy hates rain). But I have this feeling that Spring is coming, ready or not!

Do you remember Billie Holiday?
   For the last Monday in February, I thought I’d highlight a black singer singing a song written by a Jewish school teacher. Actually, I was just going to feature the singer, but the rest of the story is too interesting, at least to me.
   So, I asked myself the question, do I remember Billie Holiday? I was thirteen when she died. And listened to rock n roll. I don’t think I listened to R&B unless one of the DJs put it on for some reason, so no, I don’t think I remember her from my actual life memories, but I’ve heard/seen her on YouTube. And I remember her song, Strange Fruit but I’m sure I remember it as an adult, not a kidlet. If I heard it as a kidlet, it wouldn’t have made much sense to me, as I didn’t understand, probably didn’t know, that lynchings were still going on. And I had zero knowledge of metaphors.
   It was while looking up some stuff on Ms. Holiday I came across the story of Abel Meeropol, the Jewish teacher, poet, and songwriter who published under the pen name of Lewis Allan, the names of his two boys who were stillborn. 
   I was a kid when Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were arrested, tried, convicted, and murdered for espionage. I remembered being quite concerned about their two boys, Robert and Michael and if their mother was killed, who would raise them, love them, kiss their oweeees, be their mommy. At that time, I had no concept of what espionage was. My grandmother tried to assure me the boys would be taken care of, but I never really quite believed her. Well, they were adopted and took the last name of their adoptive parents—Meeropol. The very same Abel Meeropol who was struck by a photo of a lynched man and wrote the poem, Strange Fruit, that Billie Holiday recorded and then sang often, as hard as it was for her. Her father (or at least the man she identified as such) was denied medical treatment because of the color of his skin and died from a treatable condition.
   As the Rosenbergs awaited their date with destiny, I remember hearing that she sang in Yiddish, songs of encouragement to her husband, Julius who she perceived at the weaker one. They were in the same prison, out of sight from each other, but close enough he could hear and respond. I was seven when they were arrested, ten when they were killed.

   Talk about degrees of closeness—Rosenbergs to Meeropols to Billie Holiday to thee and me.

   Just for grins, I searched for Robert and Michael Meeropol to see what they are up to now, very interesting. This would be, I think, what Paul Harvey would call “The rest of the news!”

   The rabbit holes one can find in a computer! And, time is different when one is traversing rabbit holes in one’s computer! It’s three in the afternoon when I start down the hole, and a few minutes later, when I come out it’s seven already yet.

Photos of the Week:

Yes? Do you need something?
I got it! I got it! All mine!
I’m guarding the suet feeder to be sure no other tree mouse gets to it.

 Remember if I finish a book, I review it (eventually) at 
   I am lax in posting a couple of books, it’s been a weird week or two. Your patience is appreciated.

   Haven’t seen anything but news.

Sammy Says:
  My human is right when she says I don’t like water falling on me, or wind. The water is cold and it hurts. I don’t have the fat other dogs have, and I don’t have a lot of fur. And the wind throws dirt in my eyes, and sends the zombie leaves  to attack me, and everybody knows that zombie leaves love to eat puppy brains and I don’t have enough brain to spare. 

Sammy Needs a Job

This is a public Service Announcement:

I will be one of the three featured readers this coming Thursday at Fixed & Free Feb 23 features Don Krieger, Catherine Strisik, Lenora Good. If you are up for a night of poetry, and even a chance to read one of yours, contact Billy at get your free ticket to join us. Should be a night of fun and frivolity. Bring money and buy books!

Weather in the Tries:
   We have high wind warnings until Tuesday. We also have fairly warm days in the mid 50s, and on Wednesday, it travels downhill in a handbasket with our lows going into the teens and our highs barely above freezing. Friday is scheduled for a sunny day and Saturday starts warming up again. And it’s going to be cloudy. Hey! This is a desert—I don’t mind the cold, but dahyamn! the clouds belong on the other side of the Cascades! Those folk over there are called Mossbacks for a reason!

Sammy Needs a Job;
   This is a good news bad news story. A bit of background to explain how it all happened. Housemate Dan and I share the larger bedroom as a joint office. So we each wear ear pieces/headphones when we are watching something on our computers so we don’t disturb the other person. I have a pair of Beats ear pods. I really like them, and I take out my hearing aids so I can use them. The aids have a special place on my desk—a place that is seldom messy. 
  The other day I received a ring light for Zoom/Skype meetings and moved my computer and extra monitor a bit to get it set up. I noticed one of my aides had fallen off its usual place. I did a cursory looksee, didn’t find it and decided to wait until morning. Big mistrake. Somehow, the one aide was knocked off and onto the floor and, being a dog who is always looking for snacks, Sammy grabbed it and proceeded to chew.
   Yummm, this tastes like my human. Crunch. Crunch. I’m so glad she threw it away.
   Yes indeed, he crunched it. Thank goodness he didn’t swallow the battery or break the casing! As you can see in the photo below, he did badly dent it. I took the pieces to the nice man at Costco and made an appointment for 31 Mar to get re-tested and order new aides.
   Remember, I said this story is a good/bad news one. Well, you now have the bad. The good is the replacement aides are considerably better than the chewed one, and cost almost half of what I paid for the last ones! A friend has suggested I see if I can get into the VA system for aids, but I don’t hold much hope. They declined me for medical because I have too good of insurance, but I did write Sen. Patty Murray about it and we’ll see what her response is. So much for the promises to our Vets! /snark/   The upshot is, Sammy needs a job to pay me for eating my right ear aide. Admittedly, his resume is a bit thin, but I list it here in case you know anyone looking for some help. He is excellent at keeping the Humpfolumpuses off furniture, and Hippopotamuses out of parking slots. And since he started patrolling the apartment complex we have had no alligator or giraffe sightings. He is also very good at disposing of snacks and cuddling for naps. Any help you can offer is appreciated

   As it is still Black History Month, but you maybe aren’t reading like you’d like to, may I suggest some music and or poetry by Avotcja (pronounced Avatcha). She’s a fascinating person, check her out. YouTube has a few hours of her and others on this page. Chances are it’s been a while since you’ve listened to Johnny Mathis too, well, fix it!

Photos of the Week:

I’m just thrilled he didn’t eat the battery! Or break the battery casing!
Suet feeder? What suet feeder? I don’t see no stinkin’ suet feeder here.
–famous quote by Kirkland Tree Mouse
Bewick’s Wren. Tiny, cute, and rather rare.

Books Read:  If I finish it, I review it:
  Slim pickin’s—haven’t finished a single book or movie or even an episode of Bab5. Colds affect me that way.

Sammy Says:
   I don’t know why my human is so upset because I chewed her ear toy. It tasted really neat. Just like her. If she didn’t want me to chew it, why did she toss it down for me? Now she wants me to get a job to help pay for her new one. Oh, well. I’ll snuggle up to her, batt my eyes at her, and she’ll forget. Won’t she? She doesn’t understand, I work for treats, and she doesn’t like my treats. But if treats will help her get a new ear toy…Humans are so hard to understand.

Auntie Lenora’s Excellent Birthday Skydiving Adventure

Didja notice? Friday the 13th comes on Monday this month?

Weather in the Tries:
Looks like the lowest low we’ll get is Thursday with a 27 the others will be hovering around 30 and our highs are going up to 51! with most days high 40s. There is a possibility  of rain and a T-storm on Friday, but that’s so far down the line, anything could happen. Let it suffice to say, we shall continue to have weather, in whatever glory it chooses to show us.

Auntie Lenora’s Excellent Birthday Skydiving Adventure:
   While visiting my EBOC (elder brother of choice) in Kirkland, I celebrated my 80th birthday. Yes, indeed, it’s now official, Auntie Lenora is an Old Lady. I had planned on going for my first skydive from one of those planes that aren’t all that good (why else would anyone jump from one?), but I was visiting, and it was colder than a well-digger’s bottom, as well as raining, and I’m a Devout Coward, so I didn’t. Isn’t it nice that Auntie Lenora’s birthday comes in winter? She’ll probably never jump out of a plane on her birthday, but it’s fun to dream. And plan. And now and then plot. And you just had to read about it, didn’t you?   BUT I did do something every bit as exciting. I bought a Yamaha! No, silly, not a motorcycle, an electric keyboard (If I was gonna buy a motorcycle, I’d get a Hawg! /snicker/snort/). Something that’s been on my list of things since I was a kid was to learn to play the piano, but could never afford one, and when this deal came up, I grabbed it. I know I will never be invited to play Carnegie Hall, but by golly I may be able to compete with Lt. Columbo at playing chopsticks!
   I understand the hardest part of playing the piano, at least for those of us who are, uh, mature individuals, is divorcing the left-hand movement from the right-hand movement. I expect my instructor will be able to help with that. And daily practicing. Housemate Dan bought the tenor sax. Alas, he’s already a musician, and I am not. And he’s already eyeing my keyboard.

   There is a picture window in my EBOC’s room, to the lower yard. The house he lives in has upper, lower, and side yards, and are all wonderful! In the center of the window is a shepherd’s crook with a suet feeder hanging from it. I was able to get lots of bird shots through the window. I had to figure out why they spooked every time I raised my phone. It finally dawned on me, I have a flashy, blingy, phone cover, with little moving metallic parts. The parts caught the light and flashed, and the birds left. Once I took the cover off, I got some great shots. And there aren’t just birds wandering through the yard—there are squirrels, a racoon momma and 3 kits, bunnies, and other woodland critters. Including a bobcat! EBOCs care-giver, grabbed the photo below. Wow, what a shot. And she gave me permission to use it. He has some of the most wonderful care givers to help him. And to think, Kirkland is a densely populated city; fortunately, there is enough green space for the Bobcat. S/He probably helps in keeping the mouse & rat population down. Nice kitty, nice kitty.

   I hope you are all enjoying Black History month, and reading at least one book by a black author, either fact or fiction. As well as Root. No matter what genre you read, you’ll find some very good black authors there. Read poetry? May I suggest Lucille Clifton or Yusuf Komonyakaa. Science Fiction/Fantasy? How about the inimitable Octavia Butler? Literary fiction? Tony Morrison. Nonfiction? Isabel Wilkerson, Jonathon Capehart.

Photos of the Week:

Bobcat photo going up the stairs from the lower yard to an upper yard. Photo taken, and used with permission by, Mikeshia Morrison
This is a Stellar’s Jay in the bare naked plum tree. I missed the crow.
Tree Mouse says he wants some of that suet, thank you very much.

Books Read:  If I finish it, I review it:

   Am still reading Living the 1.5 Degree Lifestyle by Lloyd Alter. Took it with me, but not conducive to interruptions, and besides, I was a guest, not polite to tell the host I’d rather read than visit. However, I did finish a piece of fiction that was great fun: The Second Hand Curses by Drew Hayes. A delightful collection of re-imagined fairytales. See my review when it gets posted.

   We only watched one episode of Columbo this time, no movies. Couldn’t seem to find anything that looked interesting. So, I read to him (EBOC) from the new novel manuscript by one of his friends.  

Sammy Says:
   My human is home!! My human is home!! She gave me loves and snuggles and slept with me. Can you see me do my happy dance? She said I was her good boy while she was gone, she didn’t see any humpfolumpuses marks on the furniture, or hippopotamuses in the parking slots. Oh, I’m still her good and brave dog. She did say, though, enough already with the happy dance. It’s making her dizzy (whatever that is), but I’m sooooo happy. My human is home!!!

A Shout Out and Happy Birthday to my Ex-

The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions.
—Ralph Waldo Emerson

Weather in the Tries:
   Sorry, I’m still out of town, and the weather only goes 10 days out. However, I do believe it would not be far amiss should I state that we most definitively will have weather! At least I hope we will and the world won’t end before I get home.

A Shout Out and Happy Birthday to my Ex-Boss:
   How many of you can state that you actually hired you boss? Yep, I hired him to be my boss. Okay, I didn’t really hire him, I didn’t go to HR to hire him, but my boss needed another boss betwixt her and me and asked me who I’d like to work for. Other than saying “Huh?” at such a request, I didn’t have to think about it, and promptly named a gentleman we both knew and had worked with on our prior job.
  And that silly man said “Yes” when she called. She even told him I would be working for him and he still said “Yes”—there’s just no accounting for some people;-)
  Today is his birthday, and because he is such a wonderful and nice person, and still a good friend, I shall forego calling and singing him Happy Birthday. I think. I shall try not to do that. After all, he is a good friend, and he might get even. Oh. Wait. He would have to wait almost another year to get even, as my birthday is just a few days before his. Can he remember a vengeance that long? Bwahahahahaha

The Root: 
   Did you subscribe? Will you read it at least once a day during February? I hope so. (Those are rhetorical questions; you need not reply 😉

Photos of the Week:

Sea Gulls on the snow covered roof of the Marina. The brown speckled ones are teen agers.
A very cold Osprey on a tree at Allen’s Point, Bateman Island, across from my old apartment
A very cold Great Blue Heron looking for lunch. These three pictures were taken last February at the old apartment on the Columbia River

Books Read:
 If I finish it, I review it:
   I have something like 650 books on that blog, and a search engine, surely you can find something to read in there.
   I finished Meru by S., B. Divya. It is a page burner. Read my review here.

   You’re pretty much on your own for this one two. I have a few reviews up on this site, and several on the old site which you can access from Movies & TV above.

Sammy Brave Dog:
   Housemate Dan keeps telling me when my human will return, but I don’t understand things like days and weeks. I just know my bed is lonesome without her. H. Dan gives me treats, but I miss my human. A little bit. But if she doesn’t come home soon, I may forget her, and H. Dan will become my human. There! That oughta teach her!!

Long Lost Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Weather in the Tries:  Ooh, it looks like we’re in for a cold snap most of the week. Night lows down to 17, daytime highs in the low 30s. The cold will start Sunday, the day I’m leaving.  Y’all bundle up, hear??

Long Lost Martin Luther King, Jr. Speech:
   I subscribe to Jerry Coyne’s blog, Why Evolution is True. He puts out a prodigious number of posts—several a day. I love the first one of the day, The Hili Dialog best. Hili is a cat he met in Poland whose staff are Jerry’s Parents of Choice or his choice of Adopted Parents. Once in a while I read the others, or at least skim them. Last Monday, he had a long-lost speech by Martin Luther King, Jr. in it. Well worth the listen and read (the words scroll on the screen as he speaks). Recorded in 1962 and forgotten, until people were digging through New York State Museum’s audio recordings and came across this one on a reel-to-reel tape with a piece of masking tape used for a label. It said, “Martin Luther King, Jr., Emancipation Proclamation Speech 1962.”
   The speech is just shy of 26 minutes. There is a silence of a few seconds around the 15-minute mark, just keep reading, the speech resumes quickly. I can’t think of a better way to celebrate Black History Month in February, than listening to one of our great orators talk about black history. I’m putting the URL here, in case the above link doesn’t work for some reason. 
   To read the full story go to NPR. 
   Speaking of Black History Month, remember, you are, at a minimum, 4% Black African. According to the bigots, if you have a bucket of white paint and you add any amount of black, brown, red, yellow, or any other color, the paint is no longer pure white. It’s colored. There is not a human being alive today who is pure white, from Nick Fuentis to Ron DeSantis and everyone else. Even Donny J. Trump. 

The Root:
   For the month of February, consider subscribing to, and readingThe Root | Black News and Black Views with a Whole Lotta Attitude. Get a different perspective on the stories of the day. If you’re a movie buff or aficionado, you might be interested in this story, as well as some of the sub stories, Oscars 2023: Family of Emmett Till, Whoopi Goldberg React to Till Snub.
   I’m not asking you to agree with everything you read, but I am asking you to read it, at least one story, every day. The subscription is free, and the language is delightful. Remember this quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson, “The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions.” Stretch your mind.

Miscellaneous news &c:
   By the time you read this, I will be on the Dark Side of the Mountains to visit my Elder Brother of Choice (EBOC). I’ll be there around 10 days, so this post may be a wee bit skinny, as will the next one. I will try to post the next one from over there, unless I can get it written and scheduled before I leave, which will be optimum as far as I’m concerned.

Photos of the Week:

Snow storm from last year, Allen’s Point, Bateman Island, across from my apartment
Also from last year February. I think these are Wilson’s Warblers. If I’m thinking wrongly, don’t hesitate to let me know.

Books Read:
  If I finish it, I review it:   Have started the book for the Book Group and am abut 50% through it—Living the 1.5 Degree Lifestyle, Why Individual Climate Action Matters More than Ever —by Lloyd Alter. When I looked through the book, I noticed he had end notes, and you know how Auntie Lenora hates end notes. When I got to the first superscript number in the text, I went to the back, and oh, blessings upon Mr. Alter—or his publisher—they all seem to be bibliography or citation notes. Happy day! Auntie Lenora only needs one bookmark.

   Still wading through Babylon 5. The protagonists are, for the most part, members of Earth Force, the military arm of Planet Earth. Bab5 is based, albeit loosely, on the Navy. But they forgot one major thing, which would not have changed the story or outcome had they used it—the military Code of Conduct and the Rights of POWs. “Article V – When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give name, rank, service number, and date of birth.” There’s a little bit more, but that’s the part Sheridan, the Coptain, seems to have forgotten. Or maybe he didn’t consider himself a POW? 

Sammy Brave Dog:
   Wow! My human is going to be gone for a long time, at least a couple of hours. And she’s leaving me at home with Housemate Dan. He gives me treats. And I can sleep in my human’s bed and don’t have to share. Oh. Wait. How will I stay warm without my human to snuggle? But she’ll be back. She always promises. And she always gives me my chores to do whenever she leaves the house. I have to keep the Humpfolumpuses off the furniture and the Hippopotamuses out of the parking slots. And in the summer, I have to keep the Giraffes and the Alligators in the main pond, not in ours. They hibernate in the winter, so I leave them alone. I do a very good job, too. Just ask anyone here how many times they’ve come home to find a hippopotamus sleeping in their parking slot, or a giraffe or an alligator splashing all the water out of their pond? They’ll always say it never happened. That’s because I’m so brave and such a good dog.

Are You A Fan of Football, Professional or Otherwise?

Weather in the Tries:
   This coming weekend it’s gonna dip back down into the teens for lows and below freezing for high. But, oh this coming week, while most of the lows will be under freezing a couple of degrees we’re scheduled for 50 on Friday. Can you see Auntie Lenora doing her happy dance with Sammy Brave Dog? Close your eyes and look! 😉

Are You A Fan of Football, Professional or Otherwise?
   I’m talking about American Football, not European Football that we call soccer. I used to enjoy watching football, I was very excited when the Seahawks started in Seattle, I’ve seen Joe Namath play when I lived in the South. True, we had nosebleed seats, but I still got to see him. I was never quite as rabid about football as those in the South seemed to be, except when the Crimson Tide played. I did have other interests.
   The first time I attended a college game in Alabama, it was cold, and we had cheap standing on the back side of the field ‘seats’, so I dressed in a warm sweater, jeans, wool socks, and tenny runners along with a warm hat and windbreaker jacket. Except for dearly beloved ex, who was dressed similarly, everyone else who stood on the grass wore dress clothes. The women wore high heels, fur coats, fancy clothe to wear to a restaurant that had white cloth on all their tables. Boy Howdy, were we underdressed—and did they let us know it! But we surely enjoyed that game. 
   If you think I’m joking about the South and football, I assure you I am not. My brother-in-law was born without eyeballs. Two things he could not imagine were photos/TV and colors. I had a postcard of Bear Bryant walking on water and took it when I visited. I gave him the postcard and asked if he knew what it was. He gently touched all over it. Put the card down, and definitively announced to all in the room that it was, “The Bear, walking on water.” I still don’t know how he did it. No one knew I was bringing it, and no one told him. 
   And what is New Year’s day without Football, and what red-blooded American would miss the Super Bowl? Of course, most people watch it for the new commercials and half-time entertainment, right? Yeah, sure. Let’s be honest about that. 
   I don’t remember the year I stopped watching football, sometime after 2002, when it began to be known that concussions contribute to or cause chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), and that football players are very susceptible to it.  It just wasn’t fun to watch grown men concuss one another knowing they may go into an early, and sometimes violent, dementia because of CTE. 
   Boxing, wrestling, ice hockey, mixed martial arts, rugby, and soccer are also on the list of risk factors, including the military, prior domestic violence, and repeated head banging. According to our good friend Mr. Google, more than 320 football players who were autopsied after death (I certainly hope it was after death) were diagnosed with CTE. (bolding mine)
   There is no way, at this time, to definitively diagnose CTE before death, though doctors can make an educated diagnosis based on history and symptoms. I no longer enjoy boxing, but then, since Muhammad Ali retired from boxing, why bother? 
   The doctor I had in Albuquerque, and I were discussing ALS one time, and she said there is a correlation between professional soccer players and ALS. The mean age of ALS onset in the general population is 65.2 years, but for former soccer players it’s 20 years sooner. According to what she read, the medical professionals think it is caused by repeated head butting of the ball, not concussions.
   So, I am no longer a fan of anything in any sport upon which the head is beat. And, yes, that includes the Pee Wee games. If I may paraphrase Waylon & Willie, Mammas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow up to Be…Football or Soccer players, Boxers or Wrestlers. 
 Photos of the Week:  

Freezing fog. You can see where most of the birds are flocculating–on the ice. They get in the water for short doses, then back to the ice. Maybe they think they’re penguins?

Books Read:
  If I finish it, I review it:
    I’m now 80% of the way through Meru. Hope to have it finished in a couple three days;-)


   Am finally on Season Five of Babylon 5.
   Also watched Kiki’s Delivery Service, third of the Studio Ghibli movies. Review posted above, in Movies & TV.
   Also, I found something that said The Old Guard 2 will be released in July this year. I think it was July. I wrote it down and lost it. Sigh. Growing old is such hard work.

Sammy Brave Dog:
   Is liking the slightly warmer weather, especially the sunshine. He’s gone on a couple of what his human calls, “real walks” around the complex. His human is delighted to get a bit more walking in. She just wishes he’d walk for the pleasure of walking instead of reading and leaving messages at every third blade of grass. Sammy and his human both wish you a fantastically mahvelous week!

Kiki’s Delivery Service

DVD, Studio Ghibli (Japan)
July 29, 1989
English Subtitles

Rating: 5 out of 5.

No English dubbing on this one, and the menu showed subtitles as undetermined. They were in excellent English. Yes, I do prefer the original language and subtitles. 
   I had seen this one before, and it’s great fun. A young witch leaves her home at age 13 to go somewhere else for a year to study her specialty. Kiki and her cat, Jiji who she can understand, leave her family and friends. She wants to go to a seaside town, to see the ocean. After being blown off course, they arrive at a city on a hillside overlooking the sea. 
   She is having a hard time in the city, having never been in one. She nearly causes accidents, and finally ends up outside a bakery on the hillside. A woman with a baby in a pram leaves the bakery and the owner’s wife come out trying to stop her, she’d left the baby’s pacifier. Kiki takes it, flies to the woman, returns the pacifier, thereby quieting the baby, and starting her new job.
   She goes to work for the bakery, delivering baked goods, and works for anyone else who comes to her with something to be delivered, until she realizes she can no longer understand Jiji, who would rather be with the white cat a couple houses away. And then she can no longer fly her broom, which breaks. She becomes depressed. A friend is hanging onto a rope attached to a blimp that broke away from its moorings. She must fly. She must save her friend. 
   Oh, come on, this is a kid’s show, you know it’s gonna have a happy ever after ending. That’s why I bought the collection. You know if you have young people in your household, it’s safe for them to watch anything from Studio Ghibli, and better if you join them.

Kiki’s Delivery Service trailer


Weather in the Tries:
   Favorite Daughter has done her bit to convince the weather gods to send no more snow this winter—she bought a snow blower. And her Favorite Mother has done her bit to see to it we get no more ice—she bought a set of YakTrax. Of course, they aren’t here, yet. Looks like our lows for the next week are in the upper 30s except for a couple that will dip to freezing, but barely. And our highs are on schedule to be mid-to-upper 40s all week. A couple days with sun breaks, one with rain, and one day with sunshine!  We really do need the weatherman to come up from Tucson for a month or two and start giving us our sunshine back. This is the desert, y’know what I mean, Jelly Bean?? Sunshine, not clouds, not rain. Typical Seattle weather. But typical Seattle weather belongs on the Dark Side of the Cascades, not the Light Side where I live!!

   There is a new book out, Spare. It took a few nanoseconds for the somewhat familiar face on the cover to register. I first thought it was about the little black dress. Well, I certainly no longer need a spare LBD in my closet. In the first place, I’m not so little anymore, in the second place, I don’t need any LBDs for my wardrobe as I’m retired. Now, a spare pair of dungarees… Then I thought maybe it was about tires. Now I do have a spare tire, it’s worn where I used to have a waist and is known as a love handle. I’d rather not have that spare, but… Then I recognized the face. And then the reviews started coming in.
   OMG, are we to be subject to another Narcissistic Victim whine and cry? It’s not his fault he came second instead of first, it’s not his fault he was born to privilege and feels guilt from everyone not born to his privilege, oh, oh, oh, woe is the Spare. 
   Harry, darlin’ if you want sympathy, it’s in the dictionary between stuff and syphilis. Before you bare your soul to the printed page, whining and crying about your heartaches and how you diss your family and they finally got to the point they’ve decided to be grown-ups and ignore you, don’t whine, cry, sob, etc. Go see a licensed therapist, preferably one in your home country who has an idea, no matter how far-fetched, of your family and personal woes. Watch the classic movie, Gone With the Wind one more time, and pay special attention to Rhett Butler’s signature line. Memorize it. In fact, here it is:
   “Frankly, my Spare, I don’t give a damn!” I do care that you hurt, but I’m not a psychiatrist; I can’t help you, the American public can’t help you, other than pour alms into your outstretched hands. I doubt the people of Britain can help you, either, beyond the adding of more alms in pay for your confession of being mere boy human, who perceives great wrongs by friends and family. You do hurt, but until you accept where you fit into the cause of the pain, you will always hurt. There is no magic pill, no panacea, only you can heal your wound.
   Or, if you prefer memes, here’s an oldy but goody: “Talking about our problems is our greatest addiction. Break the habit. Talk about your joys.” You do have joys, do you not? I’m quite positive that answer is a ‘yes’—expound upon those joys, Harry. Help Rhett change his saying to something like, ‘Frankly, my Spare, I’d love to hear more. Would you like a cuppa?’
   I just realized that Harry wrote the book with a ghost writer and the book is filled with inaccuracies and untruths. Apparently, the ghost writer was George Santos writing under one of his thousand and one pseudonyms.

Kitchen Hack:
   Out of cream or milk for coffee, hot or cold cereal? Have I got a hack for you! Use ice cream. Any flavor works, and if you’re fixing breakfast for the kidlets, they will love you forever, but don’t use the ice cream forever, just once in a while as a special treat. 

Photos of the Week:

The Boys Club has returned, of course I don’t know it’s the same group of drakes that hung around all summer, but… I was taking the second photo as they decided to go check out the hens at the other pond. Before I could get them in flight, they’d all flown off. You can see them starting to take off in this photo Especially the first one on the left and the top one on the right. They all took off basically as one. And they are noisy when they fly, sound like a helicopter warming up as they flap their little wings— whomp, whomp, whomp.
Know what this is? It’s the Rotisserie Chicken bin at Costco. THE CUPBOARD WAS BARE! Had to wait 10, maybe 15 minutes, before they emptied one of the rotisserie ovens. If you’ve never seen how they do it, it’s pretty nifty. Guy number one takes a stack of the black trays and deals them out on the big table, three rows until the table is filled. As soon as he’s got a few down, Guy number 2 starts bringing the spits over with three chickens each. As soon as Guy number one is finished with the black trays, he’s back at the beginning putting the tops on, and then putting them in the bin. In all my years of going to Costco, I have never seen the chicken bin empty. The gal next to me, also waiting, says it happens to her more often than not. The chicken is worth the wait. 

Books Read:  If I finish it, I review it:
   Still reading Meru by S.B. Divya. It’s a long book at 475 pages, and I’m about 50% through. It’s quite a read. The more I read, the more I like it! I’ve already pre-ordered the sequel, due out in 2024!

Movies & TV:
   Am now in Season 4 of Babylon 5. I remember watching it 20 years ago and loved it. But I had forgotten so much. I’m watching it all over again for the first time. I miss Kosh. One episode had a news cast with one of ‘These Days in History’ parts, and in 2018 the first part of the foundation for a Moon colony had been laid. OMG! We were such optimists way back when this was written.

Sammy Brave Dog Says:
   He’s mighty grateful the days are some warmer and as long as it isn’t raining (which belongs on the Dark Side) he hopes to start taking his human on some walks. At least around the complex. Maybe even some exploring of the other streets. After all,he says, I am a desert dog from Chihuahua!

And along came Jones…

Weather in the Tries:
   Looks like we’re getting into some Seattle weather, gray, cloudy, and good chance of rain most days. Highs mostly in the low-to-mid forties, and lows in the low-to-mid 30s. As we used to say when I lived over on the Dark Side, if you can see across the street, carry your raincoat, if you can’t see across the street, wear your raincoat. 

And then along came Jones…
   Okay, I don’t know if his name is Jones or not, or even if he’s a he or a she. But that song is all I could think of when I started to open the door to take the Brave Dog for a walk on Saturday and Jones slowly swiveled his head to watch me. I dropped the leash to take photos through the door. Then decided to take the Brave Dog outside. Alas, he was a.) more afraid of Jones than Jones was of him, and b.) enough ice remained on the pond that Grandfather Sky’s tears didn’t leave pocks, but the Brave Dog could feel them. Uh. No. No way was he going out in that. So, he went back in, and I went back out and followed Jones until he couldn’t be seen through the branches.
   This is the first Great Blue (in courting colors, by the way) I’ve seen in our finger of the pond. S/He is usually over in the larger pond. And too far away to get a decent photo. I got one photo last summer. Do you know how to tell a male from a female Great Blue Heron? I don’t, so looked it up. I must see them together; the male is the larger. But hard for me to tell when they are not with a mate for comparison. So I still don’t know if Jones is a he or a she.

Photos of the Week: Hokey Pokey
In case you’ve forgotten, you put your right foot in, you take your right foot out, you put your right foot in, and you shake it all about.

Books Read:  If I finish it, I review it: 
   Haven’t finished any this week but bought a (so far) wonderful hard science fiction, Meru (book 1 of 2) by S.B. Divya. It’s a long one, and it’s my bedtime read. Loving it. At least so far 😉

Movies & TV:
Almost through with Season 3 of Babylon 5. Best Winter gift I’ve bought myself since I bought my Sleep By Number bed a dozen or so years ago!


 He really enjoyed the warmer days we had and thinks they should all be warmer. AND that Grandfather Sky should confine his crying to the hours between ten at night and five in the morning. Somehow, I find myself agreeing with that. Maybe we should move to Camelot? (And if you promise not to tell anyone, I’ll tell you a secret—the link goes to Richard Burton singing Camelot in 1978. I was sniveling and sobbing by the end of it. I’m so darn pathetic!)


Happy 2023!!

Weather in the Tries: 
   We had a few days of relatively warm weather, including a Chinook wind that came in and within 24 hours got rid of all the non-piled snow and ice. Well, there was and is still some ice on the pond but not much. Alas, this next week will be a tad cooler, with all the lows below freezing, but all the highs should be above freezing. A couple of days may even make it into the low 40s.

Happy 2023!!
Today is the first day of 2023, and I must admit I don’t think I’ll shed any tears for the year’s passing. 
   Speaking of passing, I have a ritual of sorts that I perform sometime over the Winter Holidays. I began this several years ago, without really thinking of it, it just happened. I go through the list of my friends who have died, and remember them, and think about the happy times we had. After all, as George Eliot said, “Our dead are never dead to us, until we have forgotten them.” 
   How so I maintain my list? When I lose a friend, I delete his email, but not her name from my Contacts list. So far, I have 44 names on the list. I usually go through the whole list when I’m addressing my Winter Cards, which this year turned out to be a Winter Letter via email. If you didn’t get one, and would like it, please let me know. As I go to each name, I stop, think about the person, and either mail them a card/eCard or just remember the fun times we had. I often come across a name or two throughout the year, and consider it like an interruption from a long lost friend—which, in a way, it is—delightful. 
   I’ve thought of deleting the names, but that’s so, well, final. I prefer to keep them around, even if just in my thoughts. As I come to their names, I sometimes even talk to them, let them know how much I miss them, and that I look forward to meeting them again, sharing laughter and a cuppa. 
   Do you have a way of keeping your dead “alive” to you? If you do, and would like to share, please do so in the comments.

Photos of the Week:

Remember this scene from last week? Well, the snow and ice hung around a few days and then…
…a warm Chinook blew in, and within 24 hours this is what it looked like. Still some ice, but only on the pond.

Books Read:  If I finish it, I review it: 
   Am reading a marvelous book of poetry, “The Geography of Absence” by Gayle Lauradunn. Thoroughly enjoying the book. As Rachell would say, “Watch this space” for announcement the book is finished and the review is posted.

Movies & TV:
   Am into Season 3 of Babylon 5. I keep thinking I should parse the episodes out and make it last longer, but I get too involved so watch the four episodes on the disc.
   Also watched the second of my Studio Ghibli movies, Castle in the Sky (or Laputa). See Movies & TV above.
   I am trying to remember to post reviews before I post the blog. In order to make the movies searchable by title or subject, I need to movies/TV as a blog. Which gets a tad confusing, at least to me. The easiest way to get the blog is to click on the title of the blog in email and it will go straight there. Same with the movie, click the title on the email and voila!

   We went to bed our usual time on New Year’s Eve and snuggled down to sleep. About midnight a neighbor set off a couple of what sounded/felt like cherry bomb firecrackers between our two buildings. Sammy and I both woke with a start, and after the second one, he decided he had better head to his private bunker, under the bed. About 12.30 he got back in bed and we went back to sleep. I don’t mind fireworks if I know they’re set off, but they are a bit of not nice to be awakened by. And here I am, grumbling about a couple fireworks, when the Ukrainians are getting not cherry bomb firecrackers, but the real things. Reminds me of the final stanza of one of Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s poems, 11 (untitled), “Yes / but then right in the middle of it / comes the smiling // mortician”.
   Sammy and I both wish you a peaceful and prosperous 2023 blessed by whatever God or Spirit you worship or don’t worship, we still wish you the peaceful and prosperous new year.