And We Were Granted A Miracle!

!!!!Public Service Announcement!!!!

I have just been informed that my book, Saying Goodbye to Thomas has been posted to: for pre-orders. I ask you to seriously consider pre-ordering as it is the number of pre-orders that will determine the amount of royalties I receive. PLEASE NOTE: I will, upon receipt of all royalty checks, immediately split the amount and sent to ALS Association and End of Life Washington. I will keep NO monies from this book. 

Weather in the Tries:
The schedule looks much better. Not a single day or night lower than 32F and the days will all be in me mid- to -high 50s!!! Wahoo!!! The Brave Dog is jumping with glee. Now, if the rain will fall during the time he’s inside napping instead of the times he needs to go outside to visit the Grass Gods ;-). Maybe not seeing my shadow did mean Spring is near 😉

And We Were Granted a Miracle:
No matter if you worship Ma Nature, Evolution, a named god, Selu Corn Mother, or none of the preceding, we still had a miracle this past week. An ill Leonard Peltier finally went home to his tribe, his family, his people, his land. As he said, “I am free.” And he is home for the first time in more than 50 years. (He was taken from his family and home when he was nine and sent to a Government Boarding School. He’s never really been home since then.)

I remember the gun battle where he allegedly shot and killed two FBI agents at point blank range, I remember reading about it, watching tv about it, all the conflicting stories. I vaguely remember that more than one witness was given a fair amount of booze, some money, and a one-way ticket to another state and told not to come back. Everything I read through the years lead me to think that yes, Peltier was there, that he fired his weapon from a distance and in self-defense, and that he did not shoot the two agents. In fact, I read a few accounts by people who were allegedly there, that the two agents were collateral damage shot by other agents. Which would help explain the rabid response of the FBI to Biden’s commutation.

At any rate, Peltier spent 5 decades in prison, and none were in Club Fed. He did not have an easy time. And yet, when he left, he had the respect of his jailers who lined the walkway as an honor to him, and Peltier shook each of their hands. I betcha there was no such honor for the J-6ers who were released. That should say something about Peltier’s character vs. that of, say, the ‘heroes’ of FFOTUS. 

Photo of the Week:

Proposed cover for book, taken from the front porch of Thomas’s Cabin in the Ozarks, and my back cover photo.

from the desk of the brave dog;
ooooh, can you see this puppy do happy dance. the cold weather has moved on to somewhere else. I’m not sorry at all. I hope it doesn’t come back. Maybe I’ll get longer walks again. oh, here I go again, tap tap taptaptap, hap, hap, happppppyyyyyyyyy dance.

Video of the week:
Somehow, I got hooked on the Change Cleaning Services Center YouTube channel where they clean old and filthy carpets. Well, I’ve said for years that work fascinates me, I can sit and watch it by the hour 😉 

Earworm of the Week: 

Why this opening is so powerfully iconic. And now I can’t get it out of either of my ears;-)

Quotes of the Week:

“It took the Nazi’s 1 month, 3 weeks, 2 days, 8 hours, 40 minutes
to dismantle a Constitutional Republic.”
~ J. B. Pritzker, Governor of Illinois

“…Fascism is the politicization of toxic masculinity.”
~Joe Wright, filmmaker of series “Mussolini: Son of the Century”

“Re-examine all you have been told. 
Dismiss what insults your soul.” 
~Walt Whitman

Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ “We are all related” ~ Lakota Saying

Love n Hugs to you all, 
be well!

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