“A mind, once stretched by an idea…”

Weather in the Tries:
Oh, baby, it ain’t gonna be cooler for long! Monday and Tuesday in the high 80s, Wed 91, Thursday and on–triple digit. Unless the weather person didn’t read the tea leaves correctly, or some activist opened the cage all the butterflies of Peking were wintering in, or the weather computers and storm models got hacked, or… well, you get the picture. I hope. In the meantime, the Brave Dog and I are enjoying nights cool enough to sleep well.

“A mind, once stretched by an idea can never return to its original dimensions.” Ralph Waldo Emerson:
Boy Howdy! Am I ever giving my mind a good stretching—up/down and across this way and then that way. You’d think, after the nine years five months and 23 days I spent in uniform, I’d have learned the age-old military commandment: Never Volunteer! But I didn’t. And the training I’m getting for my volunteer ‘job’ is pretty thorough and pretty mind stretching, for me at least.

I’m learning to become proficient and use a very involved and dynamic database. Of course, someone with all the fat fingers I have can’t be trusted to play around in the live data base, so they have set up a parallel (?) one we can use to learn on. Of course, it’s made to use Chrome or Google, and I use Safari. There are, I gather, some differences. In their favor is the individual classes, online, are quite good, and once I’ve done it, I’m pretty good to re-do it. Even that little bit of muscle memory helps. And all the folks I’ve met so far are very helpful and supportive. Aaah, who says you can’t teach an old lady new tricks? It just takes longer 😉 And oddly, I’m even remembering some of the stuff I learned at The Boeing Company so many years ago from some of the computer geeks 😉

All that to say, this will be short today, as I’ve got homework to do (before the dog eats it). 

Photo of the Week:
Went out for dinner on Friday night, we ate outside, and yes, we could smell smoke, and you can see it here, but it was still better than being inside where it was loud. How loud you ask? Imagine a metal building with nothing in it to absorb sound except a few adults. Now, add to the mix 300 unsupervised two-year-olds running around yelling and screaming in their high-pitched voices that sound like huge mosquitoes buzzing. It was louder than that. And the air quality was in the moderate range. Still, a gorgeous setting sun.

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