Weather in the Tries: Disgusting. It’s cold. It’s damp. It’s June for crying out loud! I think we need to bring the weatherman/woman up from Tucson, and get some decent weather on order.
Proof of the Efficacy of Masks.
Auntie Lenora and the Brave Dog missed y’all. Bunches. But we are back for a while. There will undoubtedly be a few more trips across the hump (known as Snoqualmie Pass) in the summer months.
I had planned on a two week stay, but the day before I was leaving, one of my friend’s care givers sent a text. She had been to see him Monday and Tuesday, and on Wednesday, she let us know she was down with fever, shakes, aches, pains—Covid. Yes, she’d been vaxxed to the max, and had always worn her mask when caring for my friend. The major concern was not one of us getting it, but his wife was due home Wednesday night, and Covid could do a number on her (she, too, is vaxxed to the max, but also a serious asthmatic).
She came home, and stayed upstairs, with the door closed, much to the Brave Dog’s chagrin. He wanted to go up, give her pupkisses, welcome her home, and inspect her floor. Someone might have dropped something good to eat. She cooked us wonderful meals, and on Friday my friend and I tested. Negative. We tested again on Saturday. Again, negative. So, we decided I could go home, and she would wear her mask when caring for him. That was a good deal/bad deal kinda situation. She’s a marvelous cook, and I could have stretched it out a few days, I’m sure.
Alas, I had some projects, with deadlines, and I wanted to come home and get them met. I succeeded and have submitted one chapbook to a contest in Seattle, and have the second book ready to go, and will submit it sometime this week. That deadline is a little farther out. Plus I have another chapbook ready to go, as soon as I find the right market.
One thing I noticed while over on the dark side, most people wore their masks. Many wore them around their chins when walking outside, but put them over nose and mouth when in stores, etc. Unlike where I live, and no one wears mask. I think I’ve just received a booster in the mask wearing department. This new variant is nothing to sneeze at. The vax helps, keeps it down to a manageable roar, but we need to do our part to not get it, too. And what happened is a prime example. SHE wore the mask; WE did not get it!
Please read the following link. Wearing a mask is not about you, it’s about those around you.

I have finished a couple of books but did not have access to a computer while gone, so I need to write the reviews and get them posted. Check in a couple days, there should be some new reviews.
Alas, no photos, no earworms, no nuthin’ But we are glad to be home, and hope you’re glad we’re back, too.
Have a grand week, and by next time, I should be back to normal. Whatever that is in this day and age.
Congrats on meeting all your deadlines. And on making it home safely